Cyrus Draegur

1 Post – 341 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Atomic energy enthusiast. Architecture enjoyer. Mecha appreciator. Sci-Fi reader. Friendly neighborhood shameless degenerate. Winged caniform synthetic biped techno-lich. Mostly Harmlessโ„ข. Poly-Panro-Demi It/They/He

idea: opt-in mutual aid union of online content creators collectively bargains to form an arrangement with this board who will represent them in fair use disputes. might be the source of professional and academic clout needed to protect creators from abuse and give them some kind of leg to stand on. maybe use the EFF as a middleman to serve lawsuits built on evidence assembled, organized, and cross-referenced by this content advisory board.

it's actually astonishing that it took THIS long for his career to implode

A BOX OF HAIR WITH A STICKER OF A CARTOON BLUE DONKEY ON IT COULD EFFECTIVELY REPLACE HIMlook... We're really not asking for much. The bar is subterranean. It's clear that the Democrat party is dead set on playing limbo in hell. But I admit... It's nice to dream. I hated buttigieg in 2020. In fact I couldn't fucking stand any of the vaguely beige cardboard standees that made up the lion share of all democrat candidates that year, but the truth is that just about any of them would be acceptable now just to ensure that we're one step closer to extinguishing the GOP because frankly THE ONLY WAY WE'LL GET A GOOD PARTY IS IF THE MOST EVIL ONE DIES AND THE REMAINING ONE SPLITS. Like when our forefathers curb stomped the federalists into oblivion - whom were ALSO nationalistic conservatives and absolutely deserved their resting place in history's rubbish bin. For fucks sake, the Democrats desperately don't WANT the Republican party to die and that's all the more reason to KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT. So just vote for literally anyone other than the GOP to make the Democrats suffer and then their party will disintegrate into two subfactions and we can focus on purging the tradcon SCUM from them, too.

Wife Material is apparently Minky :3

That sucked, my dudes. u_u

Beards are based, mullets are cringe.

Yes. They were clearly ordered to not get caught.

Ace people: Guess you'll die then...

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literally had brainworms

which literally starved in his head

good grief you couldn't pay me to admit that shit

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Lol get fucked Hollywood


Stupid. This dude has the cleanest dick in the country.

"Eew this penis is too clean to go inside my body" that's what this whiny bitch sounds like.

No, they totally SHOULD leave. They are clearly too filthy for this CLEAN KING.

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not only is it tragic that these devs were so mistreated, but it sucks even more that they went through all that bullshit to produce such a WET TURD

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at least they aren't discriminatory...?

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Chrome succeeded in killing Internet Explorer, but it turned out to be a Wheatley-Replaces-GLaDOS situation...

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close the lid.

now everybody has to adjust the toilet before using it.

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i understand the sentiment and I appreciate the irony but medication is only as much a 'cure' for ADHD as 'having no legs' can be 'cured' by a wheelchair.

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, for any reason! :D

Especially racist sexist homophobic chud dipshit fascist bootlickers.

if the corpse is in a location that I can feasibly observe within swimming distance, it's a problem.

so let's say there's a swimming pool shaped like an L, but one of the legs of that L is LOOOOOOOONG and the other is a short little stub.

If I am at the end of the long leg and the corpse is around the corner in the short stub, it would require me to swim all the way to the corner to observe it, and if that distance is longer than I can swim, then I will probably be ok.

If I am in the little stub of the L, and line of sight observation of the corpse is just a few strokes to the corner, I WILL NOT BE OK.

It's also a matter of relative mass.

If the pool had a drowned mouse in it, I will be sad. I might leave the water until the corpse is removed and then return to the water after it's gone through the filtration system for a little bit (a few minutes).

If the pool had a drowned squirrel in it, I will be alarmed. I will definitely leave the water and refuse to enter until the corpse has been gone for at least a few hours of filtration.

If the pool has a drowned raccoon, cat, fox, or small dog it it, I will be upset. I'm out of the water and concerned that nobody told me first, and I'm not going back in for the rest of the day.

If the pool has a drowned medium sized dog, coyote, baby goat, infant or toddler, or animal of similar mass in it, I'll be downright angry. I'm not going to that pool for a week, or maybe even a month.

Once the corpse in question reaches the mass of an adolescent human, I'm gone from that pool for the remainder of its open season.

If an adult human or larger died or was dumped in that pool, I'm never going to that pool again.

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This is why we need to arm ourselves - because the right wing chud lunatics are out for blood.

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not just a victory for ukraine, but a victory for humanity.

fuck these ransomers to death, in hell, for eternity, with lord Lucifer Satan Morningstar's biggest hottest rustiest re-bar strap-on and razorwire for "lube" (because not even the literal devil would want to stick organic junk in orifices as nasty as theirs).

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our brains run simulations of awful situations all the time as a diagnostic self-test system. The fact that we recoil in revulsion from destructive intrusive thoughts is a sign that we are still at least nominally sane. Those who yearn for peace prepare for war. Likewise, those who care for their loved ones prepare to face terrible events that might befall them.

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if she weren't rich, i'd feel bad for her. her status and authority, unfortunately, make her an acceptable target for nonviolent criticism, such as really ugly portraits.

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mastodon finally clicked for me and i don't miss twitter at all. sometimes i accidentally load twitter out of force of habit, but immediately recognize how much it sucks now and close it again. Likewise, reddit's dead to me too now. i'm finally starting to feel like decentralized federated social media systems might actually work out.

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the one reason I joined the instance was because its mission was to avoid defederating and be the widest firehose nozzle of lemmy content available.

even i would prefer for to defederate threads.

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Honestly I wish I had a personal blacklist on my Google account so it could never show me results from specific domains that I flag as unwanted ever again, such as FUCKING PINTEREST.

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although i'm not exactly rooting for the democrats, I fucking love Love LOVE watching the Republicans suffer.

this country is burning to the fucking ground.

The democrats are merely the smoke. The actual fire consuming it is the GOP.

The democrat party only gets to exist in its present form because the GOP exists.

If we want to destroy the democrats, we must first scourge their republican scapegoats and remove their excuses.

because if you try to air out the smoke before the fire is extinguished, YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A BAD TIME.

So, death to the donkey party AND death to the elephant party, but THE GOP MUST BE EXTINGUISHED FIRST.

and hey, sometimes a democrat politician isn't an irredeemable monster wearing flayed human skin... every once in a while... VERY occasionally... and once the GOP is destroyed and the democrat party inevitably schisms into conservative and progressive wings, the ones who suck less will be on the correct side.

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there is no amount of Palestinian death that will ever slake the bloodthirst of the I"D"F and the genocidal state they murder for.

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"never ever be biased except in these subjects we want you to be biased about, and always be controversial except about these specific concepts about which we demand you represent our opinion and no others"

These fucking chuds don't deserve oxygen.

when i was 16 my mother and sister both pitched in to buy me ... a shaver. I didn't even fucking have facial hair. they bought one that was ridiculously overpriced. I could've gotten a Playstation 2 for the ridiculous amount they paid but instead they got me this dumb fucking appliance that I don't think I even used ONCE.

still can't grow a beard for shit to this day though...

what's worse is, they took me fucking shopping for it lying to my goddamn face telling me it was for my dad. I made it as clear as humanly possible at the time that this was a pointless, stupid farce of a plan because HE WAS TRYING TO GROW A BEARD AT THE TIME. They kept looking at each other with this stupid smug expression while pointlessly trying to draw me into the discussion about what shaver would be best for him.

When they revealed that it was actually for me,


...I didn't blow up at them or anything, I didn't pitch a fit or throw a tantrum, I just...

look. I knew, even back then, it's a dick move to look a gift horse in the mouth. it's a present. i'm supposed to be grateful. the least i could do is be diplomatic about it.

But that did not change the fact that they had every opportunity to listen to me, but chose not to. They made a big performative display of acting like they actually cared, but when it came to making decisions and taking courses of action that would have resulted from actually caring, they did not. And that just felt hypocritical to me. Forever.

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fuck BOTH these date formats.

ISO-8601 OR DIE.

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oh boy more domestic terrorism, i wonder if it's a right winger aaaaaaaaagaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain

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gee if you hate it so much how'bout you fucking LEAVE, CLARENCE.

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The era of piracy has returned. ๐Ÿดโ€โ˜ ๏ธ

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The future paleontologist reconstruction makes hippos look as dangerous as they really are in real life.

Hippos are a living definition of "Looks like a cinnamon roll, ABSOLUTELY WILL ACTUALLY KILL YOU".






Straight answer up front: sometimes my entire ten hour shift has less than 10 minutes of work in it.

I must confess, my job is a bit of an edge case because not everybody wants to do it.

I work third shift, and usually exclusively the weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday nights, 11pm to 9am).

4 ten-hour shifts.

and during these shifts... bruh most of the time I'm chilling

I'm reading ebooks, I'm watching anime or youtube, I'm chatting with friends on discord

most of my job is having a pulse while babysitting an empty building.

the part of my job that makes the money, though, is when the phone rings.

I work at a towing company, and I dispatch.
When people are calling me, it's almost exclusively because shit's fucked up.
I am in charge of sending some unfuckery their way.

Most of the calls are from companies though: Motor freight lines like Ryder, Penske, Fleetnet, UPS, FedEx, and a few other carriers that are even less customer-facing; motor clubs like Swoop,, AAA, NationSafe; or insurance companies like Allstate or GEICO.

What they want to hear is how soon and how much and knowing how to rapidly generate this information while remaining accurate is where most of the expertise lies.

Then there's the police calls.
When there has been an accident and a disabled vehicle (and its pieces) must be removed from obstructing the roadway, that's us.
When some dumb bastard drives drunk and subsequently gets rightly caught, we impound their shit.
When a stolen vehicle is found, we recover it.

Whilst my opinion regarding cops (pigs) has evolved (fuck the police) quite a bit (they're fucking bastards) in recent years (every last one of them), my guys do the NOT Standing On Someone's Neck bits of it AFTER the dust has settled and the blood is done being spilled (and the bullets have stopped flying...) so generally we're one of the responders on the make-someone's-life-LESS-horrible side of the curve. Which feels pretty nice.

There are the rare occasions where a major shitshow evolves and I'm triaging calls and coordinating multiple assets in the field though, and that's when the pay really feels worth it.

Presently I'm 5 years in and making 20/hr

Literally at this very second, it's a wednesday night/thursday morning and I've already DONE my 40 hours this week - I'm here on overtime covering the other third shift dispatcher while they're out, and each of these hours is worth $$$THIRTY BUCKS HELL YEAAAA$$$

it's not enough to afford rent nowadays of course, but eh, i inherited the house from my father...
(and want to transform it into a group home for low income persons and families if I can get it organized right)
(i'll be taking a page from history and trying to turn my house into something like a multigenerational compound except for people who aren't strictly related by blood)

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i mean shoot, mars is actually kinda worse than the moon in some ways. Like, the worst of both worlds except 'worlds' pertains to 'celestial bodies in general'. You have the same ultrafine toxic razor sharp dust that gets everywhere, sticks to everything, and destroys mechanical joints on contact, but on MARS it gets blown around by dust storms that blot out the entire sky sometimes for months or years on end, whereas on the moon it only redistributes and resettles due to electrostatic repulsion (due to solar radiation).

Mars' atmosphere is just thick enough to be a hassle for creating risk of burning up on reentry but still too thin to reliably drag-brake so you end up having to thread a much more annoying needle with respect to approach velocity, whereas on the moon it's just straight up active thrust descent every time you're landing.

In both cases, living on the surface is a sucker's game and the only viable option would be to tunnel down beneath into the regolith where a sufficient rock barrier will block enough of the solar and cosmic radiation to not drastically shorten your lifespan.

Furthermore the energy cost to get a payload from earth to mars is LITERALLY ASTRONOMICAL whereas escaping the moon's relatively weak gravity well to reach almost anywhere else in the solar system (including mars) is dwarfed by the oomph it takes to climb out of the earth's gravity well in the first place alone.

I'd go so far as to say that a mars colony would never be viable until and unless we have a viable lunar colony

but make no mistake, a lunar colony is mandatory if we ever want to explore the rest of the solar system or not have all our eggs in one basket as a species. the moon is practically MADE OF the infrastructure we'll need across the entire solar system,some assembly required. The amount of Aluminum and Silver waiting for us in that silicate regolith will be instrumental, especially because smelting and building up there will be drastically cheaper than manufacturing shit down here and then having to carry it ALL THE WAY UP ALL OVER AGAIN.

and like, that isn't even factoring sending any of what's produced back to earth, because even that might be a waste of effort when everything we could ever BUILD outside our gravity well is worth more being up there just by virtue of the fact that we didn't have to pay through the nose to SEND IT.

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you CAN say that, if your partner is cool enough with it :p

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