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Hey, speaking as a construction worker, get fucked. OSHA keeps people like me alive. Just get fucked. I cannot express this passionately enough.

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I'm just going to leave a time-stamped link to the unedited video because there are a couple apologists in here that are absolutely ridiculous.

The officers identify themselves exactly once at 2:07, a car alarm starts going off at 2:18 and noticeably startles the officer wearing the cam, at 2:23 one of the officers says "someone's coming", and at 2:26 the syllable "Dro-" is interrupted by both officers completely unloading their magazines into the door/window.

It actually doesn't even look like the door was open and maybe the victim was trying to peek out the window?

So how exactly should she have handled this situation to have avoided someone trying to randomly murder her in her own home?

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What kind of sick piece of shit has the capability to stab a 6 year old once much less 26 times?

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It's extremely popular because it is a well polished Harry Potter game; something the world has been begging for for a long time. It does invoke that sense of magic that the films do so well, so if you're just looking to get a fresh hit of the Hogwarts world it's great. There are also a lot of really interesting and well designed characters. Most of all the world, particularly the castle, is beautifully and lovingly crafted.

The game buried beneath all that polish is a pretty basic-ass RPG. It is crammed with filler fetch/find quests. The dialogue system is just another exhaust all options non-system. The combat has some really cool ideas on paper but I personally ended up mostly mashing buttons against one of like 5 generic enemies most of the time. Also the only customization in this RPG is your appearance.

It's not a bad game by any means, but i wouldn't say it's great either.

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Good. They should push to make such a devastating example of this piece of shit that no one ever tries something similar again. Let him live the rest of his days in squalor. He has earned it.

Why the fuck would anyone uninstall their ad blocker just because one site demands it? Whitelists exist for a reason.

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I hate this fucking state so much.

As a cis white male who has zero skin in this game and just happened across your post in the feed: I hope that you are able to find and maintain your happiness. It sounds like you have an idea of what you want your life to be like and I hope that you are able to realize it. Good luck, stay strong.

This reads like a Chinese Amazon listing where they just fire off dozens of loosely related words and key phrases to increase traffic.

Fuck I hate having to defend these assholes but if we're going to call them out on their bullshit it needs to be accurate. The quote is slightly taken out of context because he was inexplicably trying to dodge a question that wasn't presented to him.

He is IMO trying to say I want to go back to the period of time when women couldn't vote because back then people actually fought for those rights. That's a dumbass circular argument but I don't think he is actually saying he thinks women shouldn't vote.

Hang the things they actually mean to say around their neck, not stupid slips of the tongue.

All that said - fuck this guy and fuck Huffington post for their shitty articles.

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Now, how SHOULD have the cops handled the situation? Again, it's SO easy to say "well, they should have done this..or that..."

Here's the thing...I don't have to provide the answer to this question. I am not a "trained professional" that is paid specifically to handle these kind of situations.

What I can say without a doubt is there is zero excuse for this woman being shot. If officers are not able to go through their workday without shooting an innocent person then either they shouldn't be a cop or they shouldn't carry a weapon. Period.

A police officer's discomfort or cowardice does not supersede an innocent citizen's rights.

This is all completely ignoring the absurdity of allowing an individual who has been indicted for election interference to participate in an election in any capacity.

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That is pretty reductive. Like, it's a sim. You could describe just about any sim the same way. "You just do this thing to do that thing". How is this any different from any other game?

I'm not saying it's the best space game, but I had fun when I played it and it definitely didn't just feel like I was mining materials just to mine more materials.

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You are the problem.

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The issue isn't the statement itself. It's the implication that white people are being victimized that folks are taking umbrage with.

Why are they starting with only 30 min per day? That seems like a lot of effort for very little effect.

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There have been great lengths taken over the course of decades to make protestation on this scale prohibitively difficult for Americans. The exact numbers are apparently up for debate but between 40 and 80% of Americans can't afford to miss a single paycheck. Splinter protests across the country do fuck all for federal issues and since most people can't afford to make the trip to DC we're stuck with a non-starter until things get so bad that it doesn't matter if people are getting paid or not.

In less than 24 hours nearly 400k Americans registered to vote using the specific link that she provided. That's the number that matters. If they actually go vote that is enormous.

,I feel like this one is context dependent. Sometimes it's just acceptance of the situation.

"Wish it weren't so hot outside, but this is Texas in August. It is what it is."

I know I'm reaching but it would be wonderful if they took this as an opportunity to turn the event into a town hall for Harris. Don't participate, lose your stage.

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Enjoy. One of the best games ever made.

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So I was never diagnosed with ADHD as a child (I don't exhibit many hyperactive behaviors), but as I'm getting older I'm starting to recognize what appear, to me, to be symptoms. The frustrating parts are things like this. It makes me constantly question if I am struggling with nuerodivergance or if I just need to get my shit together.

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Is everything you post this uninformed?

Non-essential and predatory are not mutually exclusive, especially given Blizzard's history of player manipulation. They have perfected the science of making you want someone that you don't need.

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Wtf does governing mean in Texas?

"Fuck you, I got mine."

Has anyone ever come out on top in a confrontation with the porn industry?

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sHAalL NOT bE NfriNGed!!111!!

Fucking apes.

That's the fun part about the war for privacy. We have already lost and if you make a big deal about it they're just going to make your life hell!

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We need to stop entertaining this narrative. Don't give them the clicks. Just assume that he will win if we don't vote like our lives depend on it- cuz, well...

The deficit is actually down $100 billion since last year, but I guess it's totally cool to just lie about shit to make yourself seem like the fiscally responsible candidate.

Well you might actually face consequences, so that's understandable.

And if they had plugged a child with a toy gun in this circumstance your argument would be what? Go ahead. Try and say that never happens. I dare you.

Walking to the front door of her home with a legally owned firearm does not excuse these officers from attempting to murder her.

I don't get it either. I understand that it's referencing the dipshit that died in his own submarine, but I don't understand the intent. If it's supposed to be funny it's not hitting for me.

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Stand a chance to what?

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JD Vance sucks AND this is dumb.

This is not a universal truth. I am a union electrician and I make decent money but I am most certainly not set for life. It takes some significant overtime but it's not uncommon for guys to take home 6 figures.

Woof, no thank you. WOW consumed so much of my time back in those days. I can still look back on it all with fondness. The couple of times I have peeked behind the curtain since then have only made me sad.

"If we don't use all this killy stuff that we paid for that's just wasteful."

Hard to answer questions when you have a mouthful of boot.

That's bullshit. Just because it's not convenient for our political strategy doesn't mean she has to risk her safety or the safety of her fans by further involving herself.

If she speaks out against the maniacal right there is a greater than zero chance that many innocent people other than her will be hurt. It would not be the first time.

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