2 Post – 293 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Considering all the ways they've been ridiculously incompetent in their invasion of Ukraine, I could actually see this incident being due to ineptitude.

Exactly. They will probably send all the citizens they want to get rid of knowing that they will likely die. It's a win-win for Rocket Man: he gets to eradicate any 'inferior' or 'disloyal' peons while ingratiating himself to Putin.

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She's got the crazy eyes for sure.

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Dell announced a new return-to-office initiative earlier this year. In the new plan, workers had to classify themselves as remote or hybrid.

Those who classified themselves as hybrid are subject to a tracking system that ensures they are in a physical office 39 days a quarter, which works out to close to three days per work week.

Alternatively, by classifying themselves as remote, workers agree they can no longer be promoted or hired into new roles within the company.

Holy corporate oppression, Batman! That's a shitty deal no matter which option you choose.

I'm glad they've got themselves into a sticky situation.

Also, this observation was funny (in a sad way):

One person said they'd spoken with colleagues who had chosen to go hybrid, and those colleagues reported doing work in mostly empty offices punctuated with video calls with people who were in other mostly empty offices.

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I'm surprised Alito went with the majority on this one. And a little surprised Kavanaugh did too. I'm also surprised it was an 8-1 ruling.

I'm not at all surprised Thomas was in the minority.

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The beatings will continue until morale improves!

Russia reminds me of the black knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. He has all his limbs cut off by Arthur, to the point where he's just a useless torso perched on the ground. But he's still defiantly insulting Arthur and looking for a fight.

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Despite falling short of his financial goal, Black said his journey showcased the power of determination and the importance of health and family

So he learned absolutely nothing about the plight of countless millions of people. Got it.

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Brave Ser Summers ran away, Bravely ran away, away. When a child with questions to him was led, He bravely turned his tail and fled.

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Comparing himself to Churchill defending the UK from the Nazis has got to be the shittiest analogy I've heard in a long time. You aren't Churchill in this situation, Netanyahu. You're the invader hell-bent on wiping out a population.

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A wizard never falls. He departs the stage precisely as he means to.

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Y'all Queda is mobilizing.

Yeah this is bullshit. Just middle and senior management trying to justify their jobs and all the expenses they've made on office real estate. I've worked 100% from home for 3 years now, and not only is my productivity much higher, but the team dynamic is better and the worker output overall is better too.

I get some people do better face to face with colleagues, and are happier and more productive. And to those people I say: Go for it! Go into the office and be at your best!

But companies should not force the rest of us to piss time and money away commuting for zero gain and just extra frustration and unhappiness.

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Remember when Republicans used to yell "better dead than red!" to show their hostility to the USSR and communism?

Now too many of them are preoccupied with twerking for the authoritarian roach that emerged from the USSR's corpse (and which still has a lot in common with it).

Also, the Republican party is now the red party, which is pretty funny.

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Not to mention that from a visual perspective the icon 'x' is synonymous with closing or exiting a window. It's a horrible choice on so many levels.

So they are labeling a brand new (and obviously flawed) AI as a priest, but women (who are human beings) still can't be priests?

Sorry ladies, you've now fallen further down the ladder.

  • Regular straight Catholic men - acceptable priest
  • Gay Catholic men - acceptable priest (as long as they don't get caught)
  • Male converted Anglican priests - acceptable priest (in some scenarios)
  • Catholic men with gross sexual habits - acceptable priest
  • Flawed AIs - acceptable priest
  • Corporations - soon to be priests?
  • Catholic women - ABSOLUTELY NOT!
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Aww, you hurt their delicate fee-fees! How mean! /s

Also, lol at that pathetic sycophant's reply below your comment. Dude needs to stop twerking for spez.

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I'm going to hold my excitement in check until January of next year. Because if a certain former president gets reelected then any hopes of net neutrality will end for another 4 years.

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In a way MTG is an inspiration to all. She's proof that even the dumbest, most wretched fucking idiot with no redeeming qualities can have a successful career. Unfortunately for the rest of us, her career is as a hate-mongering, shit heel politician.

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Good for her. She's facing a steep uphill battle because she's not the GOP's preferred candidate. But the party needs more smart, moderate, clear-thinking representatives like her. Hopefully with this campaign she will be an example for others.

Ah yes, the party of 'keep the government out of my business!' is all for sticking their noses into other people's business. Fucking hypocrites.

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Planet Earth is about to have a fever spike to curb its viral human infection.

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A court has previously heard that Johnston tied Wilkinson to a clothesline and set her on fire on 20 April 2021.

Holy shit, I assumed it was an impulsive murder (not that that is good). But doing that to her? What a total piece of shit.

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Calling him an "actor" is incredibly generous.

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How the hell did that thing cost $19k? It looks like something you'd get from a 1970s Ikea.

Ohh right... Nepotism and/or money laundering!

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I remember back in the mid 2000s when they latched on to the Dixie Chicks' pop country music as being 'wholesome conservative music'. And then their very vocal rage when the Dixie Chicks publicly dissed W.

That was pretty funny. Not quite on a level of 'freedom fries' funny, or 'buying expensive French wine only to pour it down the drain in protest' funny. But it wasn't too far off.

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If he's going to lie he should lie big, like his pal in North Korea. Tell everyone he won with 189% of the total votes. Nobody outside his cult is going to believe him either way.

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Dozy Don and the Despicable Diapers.

There you go world: a new band name for someone to use.

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The more he talks about this topic the less enthused I am about his candidacy. I mean, the alternative is fucking horrible. But it would be nice to have a better choice than between 'bad and terrible', at least when it comes to foreign policy.

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He's totally fine, plus now he can pick up radio signals from all over the known universe.

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Having used Chat GPT to try to find solutions to software development challenges, I don't think programmers will be at that much risk from AI for at least a decade.

Generative AI is great at many things, including assistance with basic software development tasks (like spinning up blueprints for unit tests). And it can be helpful filling in code gaps when provided with a very specific prompt... sometimes. But it is not great at figuring out the nuances of even mildly complex business logic.

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I just assume he's actually the evil spirit of a white ultra-racist guy that managed to possess the body of some poor black dude.

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Gives middle finger to biggest trading partner by far.

Surprised Pikachu face when economy goes to hell.

I cannot fathom the thought process of the Regrexiters.

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Oh Manic Mike... Tell me your don't understand technology without explicitly telling me you don't understand technology.

"I start kissing them. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful ancient texts. I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the tablet. You can do anything."

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description here

But 'true conservative patriots' are automatically exempt from such charges, right Lara?

Yup. And definitely not a big red flag of being a psychopath. No no!

Him being stuck about 50 years in the past on the perceived threat of Communism is on point when looking at the rest of his agenda.

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Authorities said while the officer was taking McDonald to jail, she said that her actions were done as a test to see if the child’s father “gave a f--k at all,” adding she waterboarded her baby to try and make Neal come back to the apartment.

So she decided to extend the toxic relationship she has with her child's father to their child. WTAF?! What an absolute piece of shit person.

I read the article hoping to see that she had lost all rights to the child. But nothing about that was mentioned. So she probably hasn't lost any parental rights.

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