Woman 'tried to drown three-year-old girl' in alleged racist attack in Texas

ThePowerOfGeek@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 179 points –
Woman 'tried to drown three-year-old girl' in alleged racist attack in Texas

The attempted murderer took issue with the fact that the girl and the rest of her family were Palestinians and speaking in a different language.


Wolf allegedly tried to grab her six-year-old son and he was able to escape but suffered a cut to his finger. As the woman helped her son, Wolf allegedly grabbed the woman's three-year-old daughter and forced her underwater.

You ever get so drunk that you decide to kill some kids? No? Because that's not a thing. Hate is an American tradition, fuck everything about this lady.

Not an American tradition, but a conservative tradition; in Finland we just had two literal neo-Nazis stab children in a shopping centre.

quoted the girl's mother as saying: "We are American citizens, originally from Palestine, and I don't know where to go to feel safe with my kids.

Maybe not Texas?

Lmao yeah, but I bet Texas asks for people like that so the capitalists can exploit them.

Sure, but they shouldn’t have to bear the burden of uprooting their lives yet again just because of intolerance.

Imagine waking up in a jail cell with a massive hangover and being told you tried to murder a 3 year old girl because her mom was wearing a head scarf. She just completely fucked up her life because she spent a little too much time watching to Fox News and reading Facebook nonsense. Oh well. Hope they throw the book at her.

No one who would do something like this drunk would be surprised that they did it once they sober up.

Man, those poor kids. I can’t imagine the trauma both of them are feeling after something like that.