
3 Post – 68 Comments
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I actually don't know much about him except that he's now the Führleader of the SD and supposedly a "moderate."

The problem I have with conservatives claiming to be moderates is that even the ones who believe murdering minorities and leftists is a legitimate political platform think that they're "moderates". Must be something to do with conservatives being spineless fucks.

I saw a gAmEr complaining about all the woke things in Starfield, and he listed things like "unattractive females" and "accents".

So yeah, if feeeeeeemale in my vidya no make pp hard = WOKE POLITICS. Also if foreign people in my vidya = WOKE IDEOLOGICAL PANDERING

Could be, the time does look approximately right since it's from 26.6.

Frankly it's hilarious how people especially on the more, er… fringe side of the leftist spectrum seem to think that the CIA is behind everything. Feels like for some people spilling their coffee means that it happened because the CIA made the floor slippery. Also every time a country like eg. Ukraine decides they'd very much like to not have a brutal Russian-controlled puppet government, or there's anything even resembling a coup in South America, it's somehow the CIA's doing.

And no, I'm not saying the CIA hasn't ever done anything nefarious or won't do so in the future; they've definitely done a lot of nasty shit in their time, but they also tended to overstate their own importance and success a lot.

And it's not like I'm Jewish or a leftist; surely the brownshirt leopards won't eat my face

You didn't "show evidence" you utter fucking cabbage – you just went conclusion shopping on Google to find the first fucking piece of unsourced "trust me bro" garbage that you thought would support your opinion.

According to conservatives "politics" is apparently only something the nasty evil Others™ do, just like everything everybody else does that they don't like is "ideology".

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"No but but but when Russia oppresses LGBT+ folks they do it for the wrong reasons. We do it for the right reasons"

I'm in my 40's and trans, and ever since I was a child I knew I didn't fit my assigned gender and it just felt… wrong. Took me a long time to understand this was me being trans and not me being "broken" somehow, thanks to a conservative upbringing, but basically I've known all my life.

Ah, good idea putting the fire in the tent, that way the fire will stay warm

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Every time somebody says something like "I could have done that" (especially if they're being dismissive of somebody's achievement), it brings me great pleasure to say "but you didn't."

The first time I saw a headline about this, just saying that the Supreme Court overturned "the Chevron doctrine" my initial thought was that I have no idea wtf they did but if the votes went 6-3 I know it can't be anything good.

Much to my consternation I appear to have been right.

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You better not be gearing up to go all Deliverance on us with that story

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Amazing take. Back in the 1920's you would have looked at the rise of the NSDAP in Germany and gone "not surprised given the jews there"

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What happened to "not wasting any time on me"?

Edit: this dude is having a normal one

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Any predictions on how long it'll take for conservatives to start outlawing sterilizations for women?

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"Facilitating suffering of people" is pretty much literally the entire conservative ideology. More suffering is a feature, not a bug.

Your only mistake was naïveté to cannibalism.

Mine too, Goldie. Mine too.

Neither of them is exactly what I'd call easily likeable

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Fuck Israel, but that being said what the hell does Israel have to do with anything here?

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and internet still works... Mostly

That load-bearing "mostly" is doing a lot of work here.

I invite everybody to find out how everything "mostly" works if you disable "most of" javascript – also have fun deciding which parts to enable because you think they're trustworthy

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It's called Cronyism.

Funny way to spell "conservatism"

Not an American tradition, but a conservative tradition; in Finland we just had two literal neo-Nazis stab children in a shopping centre.

Wanting to be pretty is completely optional. Personally I'm aiming more for feral

Welcome to the dark trans side. We have cake.

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Whoops, they got their faces eaten by a leopard

You're still trusting that the 1st party javascript won't be vulnerable to supply chain attacks, though

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Are we pretending that his various and ubiquitous abusive rants didn't happen, or that they weren't him acting like an asshole?

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Project 2025. Conservatives are planning to kick off a nearly literal fascist dictatorship if Trump wins

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That said, it's wonderfully cathartic.

Right‽ This was seriously the best rant I've read in ages; not only was it spot on, it was fucking hilarious.

This has to be the best way I've seen anyone describe what the problem with the current AI woo-woo is:

And then some absolute son of a bitch created ChatGPT, and now look at us. Look at us, resplendent in our pauper's robes, stitched from corpulent greed and breathless credulity, spending half of the planet's engineering efforts to add chatbot support to every application under the sun when half of the industry hasn't worked out how to test database backups regularly. This is why I have to visit untold violence upon the next moron to propose that AI is the future of the business - not because this is impossible in principle, but because they are now indistinguishable from a hundred million willful fucking idiots.

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"Well that's easy to fix! We just have to prevent them from leaving without a male guardian's permission."

– Conservatives, probably

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Not to worry: while the EU may have backed down on the "Chat Control" legislation (again. For now), it's not the only mass surveillance law in the pipeline that's being prepared behind closed doors! The "security by design" proposal – which does the opposite of what the name implies – would get us mass scale surveillance and storing of all our electronic communication and not just images, and would require all encryption used in the EU (by us plebs, that is) to be interceptable.

Like somebody said in an earlier article about Chat Control, we need to fight these fascist proposals infinitely many times, but they only have to succeed once.

It never went away in the first place. A huge chunk of gAmErS are still incredibly toxic, basically just reich-wing edgelords who hate women and minorities.

I saw someone complain about all the "woke" things in Starfield recently. He (and I'm 100% sure this was a "he") listed things like "unattractive females" and "accents", and goddamn if that wasn't a perfect example of what's wrong with so many gamers. Naturally "pronouns" were also a problem for this chud, because even the possibility of choosing "they" as a pronoun is literal gamer genocide apparently

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"That guy" being Rittenhouse who specifically went there with a firearm with the intention to stir up shit? He was absolutely hoping he'd get to murder someone, and surprise surpise – he did exactly that

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Yep, and as I pointed out in another comment in this thread, Chat Control isn't the only piece of legislation like this that's in the works.

Considering that the extreme right just won big, I have no doubt that one of these fascist surveillance packages will go through. Yeah, at first it may be used for catching criminals, until it isn't

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And not just any priest, but a megachurch pastor. So like a priest but worse

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The response was great, and this comment was the cherry on top