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Joined 4 months ago

So let's assume that radio waves can control your mind and that tinfoil can stop the radio waves... what good is covering just the top of your head? Couldn't the radio waves strike the mind from a lower angle? This defense is basically useless.

14 more...

Flood twitter with JD Vance couch fucking AI content and see how fast Musk makes them disappear.

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In May, DeSantis signed a bill that removes most references to climate change from state law and streamlines fossil fuel development projects—"Don't Say Climate Change," the bill's critics have called it, including a meteorologist who spoke up against it on air. On the day he signed the legislation, Key West was a record-setting 115°F.

"If we stop people from using the words 'climate change' that means we won't have any more flooding or hurricanes. I'm the smartest." - Meatball Ron

7 more...

They're probably booing him because trump doesn't like him, not because of any specific policies. Most of the simpletons in the audience work off emotion, not logic.

This is what happens when you pander to extremists, donnie. You now have the choice of pissing off the nutjobs by trying to appeal to the moderates, or you can double down on the nutjobs. You lose either way.

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I too would like to sue the advertisers for boycotting my Breaking Bad erotic fan fiction page. That includes you Musk. I expect Twitter to start sending the checks next month. Or I guess I'll see you in court.

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JD Vance claimed he we was "just kidding" after texts saying he hated the police resurfaced after it was revealed he was arrested for breaking into an IKEA and abusing two dozen couches in one night.

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Boomers simply can't handle criticism, especially when it comes from people they openly disdain like minorities, LGBTQ or young people. They can't handle it. But yeah, being called weird seems to tap into some deep insecurity they have. Nooo, I'm the norm! I'm supposed to be the default experience. You can't call us weird!

Expect the corporate media to go hard against him using the "sochalist" attacks because he's already proven he can't be bought and that scares the shit out of the billionaire ruling class.

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He's still going to be representing the team in the next competition. You guys need to make sure your government knows it's not ok to send child groomer rapists onto the world stage to represent you. And his teammates seem to be ok with playing aside him again.

“If I can speak for him, after the match we lost, we were disappointed,” Immers said of his teammate Van de Velde. “But we said to each other: ‘Look what we did together. Look how hard we fought with all the attention.’ We stayed together. We cried together off the field and said, ‘OK, let’s just enjoy this moment.’ And we did that. So I’m happy we did it that way.”

Van de Velde and Immers will play together next in the European championships in the Netherlands right after the Olympics, and then the Dutch championships.

Sorry, but this is kind of fucked up. No offense to you personally, but my opinion of the Dutch just took a nosedive.

45 more...

Like CNN is ever going to mention trumps age or any doubts about his mental capacity. They were bought out years ago.

If you ever hear a right winger whine about CNN smack them in the face for being so ungrateful. They carry trump water all day, every day.

3 more...

Scaramucci also tweeted, "When polls drop (and they will), Trump is going to go full on racist."

Trump has always been a racist. We've always known it. I guess he can always escalate, but don't pretend this is a new thing. Racism is at the core of his identity.

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Imagine waking up in a jail cell with a massive hangover and being told you tried to murder a 3 year old girl because her mom was wearing a head scarf. She just completely fucked up her life because she spent a little too much time watching to Fox News and reading Facebook nonsense. Oh well. Hope they throw the book at her.

Keep forcing them to publicly commit to their christofascist positions. Abortion, IVF, no fault divorce, interracial marriage... do these bills over and over right up to election day.

On the one hand there is the prospect of electing a clown they can control and use to get another tax break and other business friendly policies, like unlimited pollution, and on the other hand there's a chance he will lead his christofascist cult members on a jihad to destroy democracy, and maybe civilization itself, which would put a pretty big dent in their profit margins. What to do, what to do....

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Are you auditioning for the Olympic Mental Gymnastics team or something? He lied. The end.

Huh, so the right wingers who rage and scream about pedophilia and use that demonize anyone who disagrees with them on any issue, with zero facts, are the actual pedophiles? Color me shocked. If you run across a right winger who is freaking out about pedophiles to the point that they've regressed into all caps and are calling you evil while foaming at the mouth.... you're dealing with classic projection.

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Alito used to be Scalia's bitch, but his wife has taken over the position since he died, it seems.

She talks just like my Karen boomer aunt. It's always extreme revenge because they can't handle that no one pays any attention to them anymore. Oh, you hate LGBTQ people? Good for you. No one cares and Hollywood will keep doing their thing. They're irrelevant. It drives them insane.

The ex-president has grumbled that it makes no sense to him that any “weird” attacks on Vance would stick in the public consciousness, not when Harris has, for instance, “that laugh.”

Yeah, because he doesn't see how goddamn weird Vance is with his obsession with child birth and childless women. He sounds like he came from an alternate dimension where the Handmaids Tale was real. It's creepy as hell.

Meanwhile, a simple laugh has Trump spooked. He can't understand a normal laugh. It's super weird.

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Does JD fuck couches? A lot of people are saying it. The best people. They keep saying it so there must be some truth to it. Just the other day I asked him so you prefer leather, right? It's so smooth. It's durable. It's perfect! He looked me dead in the eye and said, "polyester". It's so rough though! That's why he needs the glove!

Oh no, it seems you didn't get the memo! Commenting on a candidates physical year count and mental decrepitude is now ageist and forbidden. Please be better in the future. - CNN

Can you put a dollar figure on the violation of your constitutional rights? The settlement should have been much higher. Sometimes it's the only way to get power tripping cops to stop breaking the law.

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The worlds tiniest violin, playing a medley of the worlds saddest songs.

Oh, she's still backing trump. But she and DeSantis and anyone who dared challenge him in the primaries are dead to him. They'll still bend the knee hoping for scraps even though he insulted them countess times. Like Ted Cruz and Linsey Graham before them.

Given that most police departments have really low hiring standards, it's amazing that there are people out there who do this. Just go get a job at some podunk police department. They'll hire anyone.

“I was selected because I am the ultimate diversity hire,”

In truth it's lame ass white dudes who are the kids of rich men who benefit from the system and are handed positions way above their level. Black women have to work their asses off to even get their foot in the door. This "diversity hire" narrative is massive projection. Musk was born on third base and got walked in for the score.

They stonewalled him because they were determined to block anyone Obama nominated. He put up a milquetoast right leaning centrist as an act of conciliation. They didn't give a shit. They would have blocked anyone Obama nominated.

Donald Trump says he will 'probably' shit his diapers today, but ‘can also make a case for not’.

Do what we want or we'll murder all of you.

There's a reason that even Trump is distancing himself from this shitshow. These people are insane.

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"The longer people stay in school, it seems the dumber they become,"

What she means is that exposure to new ideas usually makes people change their beliefs, and this is a bad, bad thing because that usually involves ditching their parents failed conservative ideas. Right wingers hate education because it shrinks their base. Science = bad is a scream of frustration.

Didn't he just say the other day that he wanted to debate her multiple times? Don't tell us that was a weak ass lie Donnie! (We already know it was).

Deal with it, bitches. The fact that every right winger is repeating the coup talking point tells you everything you need to know. They are in absolute panic mode.

The funny thing is they could forever leave the "draft dodger" conversation in the dust if they just stopped nominating people over 70. But they just can't help clinging to power by forcing us to vote for the lesser of two geriatrics.

There hasn't been a conscription since 1972. Anyone 18 at that time is now 70+. Let it go old folks. Just fade away peacefully. Enjoy your retirement. You can have a nice time without being inflamed by facebook posts to try to start a racewar.

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Those are just the "gifts" we know about. There have probably been dozens of envelopes full of cash or gold coins as well.

You know what else is childless? All the couches he's been humping. What a hypocrite. Sheesh.

Thomas just wants everyone to be as miserable as him. Fuck the workers! Make them feel the pain! The rest of the conservative zombies aren't as addled as him though and realize they have to keep the facade of beneficial capitalism going until climate disasters kill us all. Then they'll cancel OSHA.

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Is there a single generic product these imbeciles won't line up to buy if you slap trumps face, or the word freedumb, or the anti-woke label on it? I should have been a grifter.

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Nah, I hate this narrative. I'm sure he thought he would win, but I think it would have been pretty close with Biden ultimately prevailing. We'll never know now. But saying Trump was a lock is ridiculous.

11 more...

Does anyone like this guy?

I don't know what percentage of women have chosen to be childless, but this creepy ass motherfucker is acting like we're in the third act in a horror film. No children? By jove, you don't even deserve to exist! And I will set my insurrectionist goons on you... soon...

DeSantis gets home from work everyday... looks down at the six inch insoles in his stripper boots as he takes them off... sighs... realizes he had a decent chance to be trumps running mate if he hadn't fucked it up by running against him in the primary... sighs... realizes he's term locked and he has no future in politics unless he carpetbags to a different state... looks at himself in the mirror... sighs... smiles at his wife as she prepares to go out on a date with her new boyfriend...