Gov. DeSantis signs new law requiring instruction in public schools on the history and ‘dangers’ of communism to politics – 161 points –
Gov. DeSantis signs new law requiring instruction in public schools on the history and ‘dangers’ of communism

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Him being stuck about 50 years in the past on the perceived threat of Communism is on point when looking at the rest of his agenda.

Well, conservatism pushes a lot the idea that the 50s and somehow 60s was when "America was great".
I'm perplexed they thought of getting back into mccarthyism, but of course they'll get that low if they're desperate.

I'm just worried this is a very ugly can of worms they might be opening here.

While himself governing in a manner very similar to a certain Italian 100 years ago..

Considering how many repubs are sucking russias dick and putin is the guy who wants to bring back the ussr.... it's surprising he is talking shit about communism....when his entire party is sucking putins communist dick

Communism and Dictatorship are opposites and not compatible at all. Communism, by definition, demands the “withering away of the state”. Putin is just a right wing dictator. He envisions himself as Russia’s literal Tzar, right down to using the crest on his massive estate compound. He has no interest in communism in either name or form.

No shit. That was the point. They're all about how bad communism is, but are in bed with a guy who wants to bring the ussr back together. Communism doesn't work because it turns always into a authoritarian society. The joke was that the repubs are in bed with a state that was all about communism back in putins day.

ML is an authoritarian ideology. And despite liking to use the word communist, isn't.

Actual communism can work just fine. Authoritarians just fuck up everything always. Regardless if they pretend to be right or left.

Communism can work just fine on paper...but never will work in real life because people are just that. People.