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Joined 9 months ago

I'd suggest taking a flight overseas the day after the elections, booked prior to it. If Trump losses, you can use it to celebrate it. If he wins... well, you can ask for asylum on arrival.

Those are images made from the data recovered from their fossils. I guess they didn't look like that at all. If the same process was done with human skeletons we'd have a very good laugh.

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Now imagine if instead of Israel's money it was Russia's money or China's.

Tell that to Julian Assange

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Why move the batteries instead of "moving" the electrons? You generate the electricity anywhere you want and use Therese nice cables that happen to be everywhere.

And an exoskeleton can't have anything covering it because... ?

The triumphant return of the NETWORK COMPUTER!!! On your screen... sorry, OUR screen if you install or upgrade to Win-dows 11.

Solution: create a common platform for all online services (Netflix, Paramount, Disney, Warner, ...) and have EVERYTHING there, even old movies and not often seen ones.

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I have an idea: if a game needs internet connection and the servers are shut down the developer has too release all the info on the protocol of the server. That way an open source version of the server can be created and the games can work again.

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"They don't trust our lies like they used to!"

"We can't lower the prices, it's impossible so soon"

I wish PeerTube gained enough traction to be the competition of YT. I hate that Google think they know you better than yourself and uses that broken algorithm to send you thing you don't want to see. If I tell 5 times I don't want something a correct algorithm would say "I'm not sending you any more of this" instead of trying other 100 times to make you swallow the videos they want.

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A shame it's only to the medieval times. Had it been to 2000 years ago I'd choose the gun and the bullets. To kill Saul of Tarsus. This would prevent Christianity to exist (and Islam by extension).

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And some people say Linux is the difficult one.

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Was false... because it was optimistic seen from today.

Why settle for one? In that case, squid skin and change color as you see fit.

The appropriate answer to that is the full staff making a chorus and singing to the bosses "FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUU! WE'RE LEEEEAVING!"

Meta wants to kill the Fediverse from inside while it's not a big rival. That's the only reason Meta want's to "become friend" to the Fediverse. The same that GAFAM has been doing for decades (if you can't buy it, destroy it).

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This does exist and you can see it in almost every supermarket in the World: the ticket printer. And the tickets end up fading

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It's not something new. I've lost some writings I had and they are gone forever thanks to the shitty GDrive.

Ugly socks?

So if I enter your house with a gun and you "threaten" me, I have the right to shot you "in self defense", right?

You don't grab a rifle, drive to another state, go to a rally that you gate and then day "they were threatening me". That's the equivalent of Russians saying now "Ukrainians are threatening us".

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Does those number include people that only use the account with other pages widgets? Like "access with your Meta account" and shit like that.

I have a name you should look up: Caster Semenya. She has too much natural strogens but she was born a girl. And the same kind of claims were made against her. "She is not a real woman", "she is actually a man", ...

Welcome to Honduras!

The answer, in time, is to have a P2P network of federated clients/servers.

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And he wants the rest of the world to swallow that.

Windows maintenance free? Are you kidding?

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And don't forget Peertube already uses P2P to spread the load between the server and the viewers.

Look for the main pollution producers and you'll be shocked (or not).

Just a hint: not the individuals.

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"In Linux you have to use the command line for everything" (not real since years ago) "Windows makes everything easy, not like Linux" (read/heard too many times)

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Not having preventive health care if like having a car, hear it make too many strange noises and not fixing it until it breaks and you end up on the side of the road upside down. You "didn't spend money" in minor fixings but you end up paying a lot more.

Maybe he did it only once and worked out of luck.

I'd rather have a "non-touch" screen with buttons in a car. Just to show info. And be it right in front of me.

Ireland famine, Indian famine, Ethiopia famine, ... Do I have to say more?

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And Google can pull the plug on the database whenever they want, just like Reddit or Twitter did with third party apps.

I could use the keyboard and the mouse while scratching my head all at once.

That's complete and utter BS. Spain has risen the minimum wage from 735€ (2018) to 1080€ (2023) and unemployment has gone down. And if the raise in minimum wage is the reason you have to close your business you weren't having a benefit on your customers but on your workers. And that has another very different name.

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Solution: fuck snapshit.

Main work + secondary work (docs, output, ...) + sensors/debug/multimedia