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You mean that the experienced staff, whose jobs were to make sure that campaign finance laws are followed, are all let go, for some unfathomable reason? I wonder who they can get to replace them?

I would not date a female Republican, considering how far Republicans have sunk under Trump. I am male.

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Where are these women going to find suitable partners to pick from? The smart ones left or will leave, the others will be growing sunflowers.

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Now, Fox is getting sued for propagating conspiracy theories for another $800M, J Pirro has moved to take the place of the last batch of hosts who were ousted.

This lawsuit is to recover losses caused to the owners (including pension funds of two states), of stocks caused by flagrant and repeated libel and lies, ruining Fox's reputation. There are other lawsuits pending.

I want to thank Putin for funding E. Jean Carroll's charities for helping abused women, and I am looking forward to more, even larger donations. Ukraine could use some aid, also, since Putin is feeling so charitable.

Immune is overstating it, strongly resistant is more accurate. I hate labeled clothing, or team clothing. It irritates me when my car has a dealer label, and do not blow smoke about how cool I will look, with whatever or wearing whatever. If my vehicle moves from A to B, is reliable, safe, and doesn't cost an unreasonable amount to operate, I am good. Does anyone else parse ads, to see their actual claims in neutral language? And filter out the puffery filler words?

Make it noise-cancelling, however, and I am very interested. NRR 33+ brings a smile to my face.

The contrast of one of the greatest SOTU speeches in history to an utterly creepy call to gather a nut-fringe group to take over the Republican tent is a two piece diorama of what we are today. We are the UNITED States. I hope everyone spends some time thinking of what that means.

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I was getting excited about getting a new vehicle, and was looking at a Tesla.

But, Nope! I'll ride a tricycle before Elon gets a penny from me.

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The court's work speaks for itself, far louder than Barrett understands. The misperception about the court's work lies in Barrett's skewed reality.

News sank to being edutainment. The outrageous gets air time and eyes while actual news that can be used is boooorrriiinnnggg. Then, we have to have the obligatory awww and feel good story at the end.

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Melania pays and pays and pays...

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Hearing that Reddit is subject to a lawsuit over a mass shooting and the toxic crazy that some of its subs were allowed!? Reality was going to hit. The unpaid volunteers had their mod tools dismantled, and were effectively driven out. This short was only a matter of waiting for the right time.

Compare "potatoe" to Trump's speech. This speech needs to be played again and again as a campaign ad gift from Trump.

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Trucks like this are like having a huge gut, where you haven't seen your ...uhhh feet for years.

TBH, Baphomet is a honey trap for religious nuts to go after.

It would not be a surprise to see one hold Baphomet's decapitated head up in triumph and proclaim himself leader of God's army. I wish that I was kidding.

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I quit YouTube because the ads were overwhelming, and quality content is so rare.

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If Biden does debate Trump, he needs to hit Trump with his rape conviction AND the $83 M judgement, tax evasion by fraud that will cost Trump another $450 M, and the multitude of civil suits that are coming. Being president does not affect civil lawsuits. And when Trump loses AGAIN, he is looking at years of prison, at the absolute minimum sentences. Hit Trump again and again for always being a loser. Remember how Obama roasted Trump? Biden can remind Trump how he was owned by Obama. Biden needs to hit Trump with the volcano roast. Trump is an emotional baby. Once Trump gets overwrought, he will be a babbling a word salad of gibberish.

It had been reported that the Russian mafia were feeding information to Giuliani on the Italian mob. It was how Guiliani was able to make his cases, build his reputation to become "America's mayor", AND also compromised him to become a Russian asset. The story was reported a long while ago, and I don't remember which journalist(s) broke the story or who they wrote for, nor their reliability, anymore, but recall them as very highly rated as accurate in their facts.

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Except the pizza shop is a church.

What are the costs to grow another cohort of fish? What is the time value of setting the program back for the number of years that it will take to get back to normal, and that is assuming that we can?

Romney believes that if he folds like Chamberlain, that Republicans can control Trump. Chamberlain was wrong, and so is Romney.

The reporting that was saddest to me was that Trump was said to be attacking his political enemies, and then naming prosecutors and judges. If Trump didn't provably break 91 laws, he would not have his 91 charges. Prosecuting crime is a wholly different from political attacks. I expect that from Rs, not Newsweek.

The faces are not generated, and that is where the damage comes. It targets the girls for humiliation by implying that they allowed the nudes to be taken of them. Depending upon the location and circumstances, this could get the girls murdered. Think of "honor killings" by fundamentalists. It makes them targets for further sexual abuse, too. Anyone distributing the photos are at fault, as well as the people who made the photos.

The problem goes deeper, though. We can never trust a photo as proof of anything, again. Let that sink in, what it means to society.

The house is being led by Gaetz. Republicans made government a bad place.

The issue is more complex than what is printed. There are shortages of workers at restaurants/bars and slaughter facilities. We need these children to get to work. /$

Fox Corp.'s $787.5 million settlement with Dominion Voting Systems says that Fox should stop libeling. There are plenty of other lawsuits to point out that say the same thing.

If what Fox claimed were true, they would have won the lawsuit. If what Fox claimed were not provably, knowingly lies, Fox would have won.

I always side with the person who speaks truth, who fights lies.

I haven't found the depth of experience and quality depth in most of Lemmy, yet. Lemmy.world is an exception.* It takes time.

They would become a territory, like Puerto Rico. They would still have citizenship and the benefits of citizenship, such as they would still have taxes. But would not vote in presidential elections, and their representatives would get no vote.

It is the best of all worlds. /$

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This is a red herring lie to induce fear in homophobic followers. It is little different from the lies to that crime is rising, and that black/Latino/immigrant/Antifa crime is skyrocketing. Do not take my word for it. Look at actual crime statistics. Republicans are both being lied to, and spreading those same lies.

The common thread is Republicans are dividing our country by promoting fear, distrust, and rage through their lies.

Trump will only support a candidate who will pardon him, and maybe give him "an awesome job", like a diplomatic mission with diplomatic immunity. Saudi Arabia or some other rich kleptocracy, though, not just any s***hole country. Promising to support just any schmo, beforehand? There is no upside for Trump on that one.

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Our legal system has 4 tiers of justice. If you are poor, a person of color or of another lowly respected group, you are too many times presumed guilty.

If you are working class to middle class, and can afford a decent lawyer, you get a middling level of justice. The better that you are able to differentiate yourself from the poor, and appear to look innocent, the better your outcome.

When you enter actual wealth, you can afford to put off trials, get counsel that can enact intensive clogging of the justice system. Prosecutors will be using inordinate resources to try a case and will plea bargain to ridiculous levels to be able to function for the rest of their duties. There is some justice in that what is spent on lawyers will meet or exceed the fines that they may have received otherwise.

The highest tier can always take their money elsewhere. They can purchase citizenship to other countries, including those without extradition, and are nations to themselves. The last two levels are either somewhat above the law, or completely exempt from the rule of law.

What is new is that members of a political party are seen as exempt from law, and that a ruler is exempt from law for life.

Countries that are dominated with one religion, inevitably break down by religious dissention. "One nation, under my God has no liberty, and justice, for all, * (unless they are members of my religious sect)".

You had me until math. I used algebra every day of my blue collar life. Fun fact, the more math that you know directly correlates to your income more than any other subject.

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Haley can sue for malicious intent and defamation of character, after a few weeks of Trump being infuriated.

Now, we know how much it takes for Trump to shut his trap.

No matter what happens with Trump, the present GOP is planning to seize and consolidate power.

Trump either bought, or didn't buy a Glock. Hmmm.

Have any of your blood relatives had any diseases that have a genetic component? Cancer? Heart disease? Yeah, we don't cover that, it's as clear as day, in the fine print, on page 13,131 of indexed addendum information. Additionally, you knowingly had this information from a DNA test, which constitutes fraud, making your policy null and void. Thank you for your business.

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With good behavior, he can be free in only 14.5 years, and he was let off lightly.

Imagine throwing away almost 15 years of your life, destroying your family, and losing everything you worked for, because you believed Trump. Then finding out that it was all one big lie.

That is fixable. Make waves with higher ups. Many in education are trying to fight this same battle. There are better alternatives, as we all know. I also work in education.

I have had a few acquaintances who have fallen for no accreditation, religious run schools of so-called "higher education". They spend the tuition and received the loans, as if for an accredited school, but end up with a degree that barely qualifies them for writing a letter on an outdated Microsoft suite. Think of these institutions as having used Trump University as their business model. They are predator institutions that prey on the unsuspecting, using religious trappings to legitimize their lack of education offered. These are the places that most need to be taken off of the federal loan programs. As a caveat, I've been through college at an accredited two-year community college, then transferring to an accredited private school. I have been through the system, too, but at least have an education that I can use. The people end up with nothing.