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Joined 12 months ago

I think there is a very good argument of antisemitism if you support Hamas. There is no argument for antisemitism if you support Palestinians.

I ain't a Joe Biden fanboy, but I would like to say if Bernie got elected president and he did this then the streets would go wild. This is insanely (good) that a president is showing so much solidarity and support to striking workers. This gets eyes and ears about the UAW strike, people see this support, they become emboldened, and now start thinking, "Hey, maybe we should strike or unionize..."

This is such a huge win for America and leftism in general. Let's Go Dark Brandon

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Starfield for most innovative gameplsy? Am I missing something or do people on Steam ride that Bethesda cock hard?

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This is how twitter and Youtube picked up pace. News organizations stsrted slowly creeping towards it and they have a lot of incentive to do so with how twitter is becoming a cesspool of Nazis and CSAM.

Reposts aren't just because of karma whoring. It can be a crosspost or someone saw it and just thought it was funny and wanted to share it to a community they liked.

You may also be one of the first 10,000 today too.

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No Dem is talking about him. He is always featured on right wing shows. He is so obviously a plant it's kind of funny.

I hope he just siphones Republican and "Libertarian" voters.

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That's not true. We have on record oil and gas companies having studied and internal communication they know climate change is coming. Yacht, private jets, and cruises cause a majority of carbon emmissions. Billionaires are the ones who have yachts and jets and a billionaire owns cruise companies. Musk is the most prominent, but other car manufacturers have lobbied against the building of public transportation.

We know there is a disproportionate amount of pollution coming from companies. I think we all do need to play a part, but if you want actual meaningful and quick change it needs to come from these companies. You know, these companies that were ruled as "people". These companies like Amazon who have more money and power than small countries. It's on these "people" to lead us into clean emissions but they aren't.

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I can't believe someone wrote this about Bezos. I stopped reading after this clown said it is more environmentally friendly to order from Amazon lmao

Is it a copypasta?

Exactly this. Play the game you want, but that shit shouldn't be platformed.

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I think he is just saying people shouldn't doom post. I think there is a fine line because a lot of zoomers i interact with are hopeless and have given up. This is a generation who never experienced a functional (American) government who worked for the people. So they just don't care and you can see it reflected in their memes.

I don't know the rhetorical path we should take. We need to get people motivated and fired up but not apathetic and despairing. I mostly want to see politicians crumble and the rich eaten and i think that's messaging many will get behind.

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People forget good things can be propagandized, like the COVID vaccines. We got a slew of ads and media telling us to get it for this reason or another. From experts and data, knew the intent of the ads were for the better of man kind.

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Yeah! Fuck tops.

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Google is not your friend when it keeps regurgitating AI generated articles and images. They aren't your friend when the only way you can get "reliable" information is by appending 'reddit' at the end. They aren't your friend when you search with clear terms and tags the suggested articles they present are recent $$$$$ boosted ones instead of clearly the popular article that broke the event.

Has space bar stopped working for anyone else with Youtube? I keep spamming it and it sometimes doesn't work.

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Not only reading comprehension but also media literacy and scientific literacy. Too many people misunderstand simple messages in media. Homelander from The Boys come in mind.

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If you're not white, straight, and a guy, I'd also recommend updating your passports and maybe arming yourselves. It's gonna be a bumpy year.

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They aren't self aware to ask that.

He worked with the railworkers after Congress broke the strike. He got them what they wanted and they even credit Biden for putting the political pressure to have this happen. They railroad workers are okay with him

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Oh fugg off with this whataboutism. No shit fuck Hamas. I don't know anyone who actually support them except fringe, terminally online leftists. As Palestinian civilians (read: children) die people decry and ask dO yOu ConDemN HaMas?! I watched a video after one of the, bombings by israel, of people transported injured on a mattress. One of the individuals was a child with their head blown open. A fucking child.

Do you condemn Israel?!? Do you condemn Israel??? Do you condemn Israel???

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Meme answer: yes

Serious answer: sexuality is much more complicated and doesn't only involve sexual organs. Sexuality encompasses a social and cultural aspect as well. Including transwomen also means including women can have penises. Things like straight pegging is becoming more main stream as well. Just like how a lesbian uses a penis shaped dildo, a man using a dildo isn't necessarily gay, bi, or pan. There's also a biological function as well. Women and men did evolve concurrently together which means our genitals "fit together" which may explain why some people prefer a penis like dildo. I think this idea gets supported as we look at the plethora of dildo adjusted and created to really hit the spot like bad dragons and others.

You detect light to know when to wake up or something is happening. Totally blind people also have the mechanism and why they know when it is morning (unless they are missing the organ). I am sure there are other reasons.

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Fuck that. That isn't an excuse. The ToS are abused by companies all the time.

It has always been about work. It lines up with most morning shifts because no one can afford childcare.

Tankies are not lefists. Don't let them fool you. They are statists who are nationalistic and will support fascistic ideology. The only thing they believe is America Bad and therefore anything that hates America is good. Brain dead

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"I told them for tWo WeEkS to leave the area after I cut off power, water, and other resources. It's not like that makes it harder to near impossible for you to get this message, but i did :> and we totally don't have a heavily documented past of bombing schools, hospitals, and journalists. Also, we didn't cut the power off to ensure our war crimes aren't documented :> Also, oops, we killed some hostages in our indiscrimante bombings. Oh! But also Hamas killed babies, here are some pics. What?? We killed how many children already?? Those are jusf casualties of war!"

Stop making excuses for them. If this was the USA no one would be excusing this shit.

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Just for records sake, we can see recently with Musk and Twitter and how he manipulated NPR's image by denoting them as "state media".

Raisins/grapes are extremely bad for dogs.

Regarding your other note: biology yo. Something something common ancestor or some shit.

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Would you say the same when someone is harassing you? Or how about if they were Nazis? Because keep in mind OP is just blocking them and not removing them from all of lemmy.

The UK is really a dead country huh?

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Yes, true, but i will take this win.

Newsom increased the minimum wage for fast food workers and now this? I will take these little victories

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Taiwan numba 1

Triple for now. After a while they will quadruple it. People will be a paying 100$+ on subscription fees

All the politics members left or moved here. Now they are just a bunch of teenagers and hornyposting.

All the tankies came out of the woodwork butthurt about this.

Fuck fascists, including tankies.

British people have such the thinnest of skin. Americans have been the center of European jokes for so long and most of us just nod and agree. But British? Like bro, you guys stopped Scottish independence and when they pass positive trans bills y'all get into a hissy fit and fucking step in and stop it. Maybe stop being such fucking dicks first about and maybe the jokes will stop.

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This just sounds like abuse

Does anyone know if changed their stance on it?

That's not what is being pointed. In China, you don't have freedom of information. They are authoritarian, borderline totalitarian. Yeah, Google spy and the US spy on us but to say America/Google is just as bad is the false equivalence.

They'd be traitors by their own standards. They would complain and run constant news cycles on Obama cozying up to the Russias and how weak he looks when he interacted with Putin.

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This is very close to the Nazi point of "just asking questions" or when they say it's just free speech. Not saying you're arguing it, but it is a very thin line.

What's the line then? Why do people ban Nazis and not tankies? Tankies are authoritarian, they defend the massacre of Ukrainians, the Uyghur genocide, and other historic "socialist" atrocities. Why do we give them leeway? Are they skirting the line just enough? Are they intentionally using the optics of socialism to do so? Etc.

Keep in mind, just because someone blocks someone or an instance it doesn't necessarily make the space an echo chamber. We don't know if they live in a state or work in a place that is blasting Fox News 24/7. They may be very active on Twitter exposed to that sewage. Heck, the liberal point of view is quite a lot as is with the way they are defending Israel.

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