First cheetah cubs born in India in more than seven decades die in heatwave to World – 644 points –
First cheetah cubs born in India in more than seven decades die in heatwave

Mother among 20 of the big cats flown in from Africa as part of plan to reintroduce animal to country


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That's not true. We have on record oil and gas companies having studied and internal communication they know climate change is coming. Yacht, private jets, and cruises cause a majority of carbon emmissions. Billionaires are the ones who have yachts and jets and a billionaire owns cruise companies. Musk is the most prominent, but other car manufacturers have lobbied against the building of public transportation.

We know there is a disproportionate amount of pollution coming from companies. I think we all do need to play a part, but if you want actual meaningful and quick change it needs to come from these companies. You know, these companies that were ruled as "people". These companies like Amazon who have more money and power than small countries. It's on these "people" to lead us into clean emissions but they aren't.

I don't think yachts, private jets and cruises cause the majority of carbon emissions. Even if they are entirely frivolous and unnecessary.

It is no where close to anywhere we working class produce. They have the brunt of blame, and thus responsibility. And you can go ahead and search for cruise ships. They should not exist. They are a nightmare for the environment and people.

🤔 We need solar-electric cruise lines, and solar-electric yachts. If the rich were forced to go electric, it would help solve a lot of problems.

I'm not defending the lifestyles of the ultra-wealthy, as far as I'm concerned they should be jailed or sentenced to hard labour - for a fair wage, of course.