
4 Post – 265 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Modder, programmer, and all around tinkerer. Yes, I’m that New Vegas and Deus Ex guy.

You can also find me over at lemmy.sdf.org under the same username.

"Problematic usage". IT WAS USED FOR SNORTING COKE. DRUGS. DRUG USE. This isn't Facebook, you don't have to come up with cutesy euphamisms and self-censor yourself.

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To quote a great poet, a haiku:

ha ha ha ha ha

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

ha ha ha fuck you

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Another one that gets me: buying things but not actually owning them. You buy a game but you don't actually own the game, you own a license to play a game on a service that might shut down sometime in the future or change their mind about the license they sold you. You buy an e-book but the storefront you bought it from might change or remove it, and then forcibly update or remove any copies you have on e-readers. Most people don't even buy movies or TV shows, they just subscribe to some streaming service, and if they do "buy" an electronic copy it's the same issue as e-books.

At least physical copies of movies and tv shows and books are still a thing, but even then we're heading towards a future where physical media may require phoning in before it'll play.

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I still act respectful in churches and other "sacred" places, not out of any fear of the Magic Sky Wizard, but simply because other people respect them and it seems like a useful thing to encourage, even if I don't agree with the underlying reasoning. Having a place which most of society agrees should be a quiet, comforting sanctuary is not the worst thing at all, even if the comfort is derived from extreme wishful thinking.

Also, Christmas. Christmas music is great. A Charlie Brown Christmas is one of the best holiday albums ever, though we always skip "Hark the Herald Angel Sings" 'cause it's such a tonal shift compared to the rest of the album.

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As others have said, Twitch adblocking still works just fine. There are multiple plugins which block their ads, and you can even paste in a few custom filters to uBlock Origin and bypass them.

In other words, it's not inevitable.

Think of it this way: YouTube has to pay people to work on anti-adblocking tech, whereas pissed off nerds with a permanent "fuck you I do what I want" energy will figure out how to defeat those measures for free.

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For religious people they're sure eager to sell used "personal massagers" for $10.

Also, frankly, here in the Reno area it's basically impossible to find a thrift store that's not run by incredibly religious wackadoos. Best you can do is Goodwill, which is far from irreligious. Salvation Army is one of the few that isn't blasting Jesus Rock on the speakers when you're in there.

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While 177 countries sounds like a lot, it's not where the majority of players are. PSN operates in the top 15 countries by GDP and the top 4 by population.

Of course there's still the question of why they work in so few countries when literally none of their competitors (that I know of) have those limitations.

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In fact we'll provide you with a handy list of all of the places you should absolutely avoid. Indexed by interest and type even!

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The guild is seeking contracts that include staffer protections in the event of the sale of the company, improved severance offerings, and basic protections from AI.

In other words they've noticed that a bunch of greedy venture capitalists bought them and aren't gonna let 'em just liquidate/automate their jobs for a quick buck.

They're also probably feeling a bit paranoid after watching Hard-Drive have the same thing happen.

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Chrome: We're going to make adblocking on mobile even harder.

Firefox: We're gonna make adblocking on mobile as easy as its ever been.

Gee, wonder which one I'm gonna be using after this.

Beehaw: You should join our instance.

Also Beehaw: We're defederating from two of the largest instances.

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Job security right there.

Narrator: There was, in fact, fraud.

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Swag. The more we show up in search, the more people will be asking "what the heck is Lemmy?" Some of 'em will join.

Well then. Here. We. Go.

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I'm actually really surprised that Valve is loosening up on this one. They usually play hardball when it comes to refunding a game past the 2 hour mark.

They make exceptions when a game has major issues or implements some significant change that dramatically alters the availability of the product. No Man's Sky, Starfield, and Cyberpunk 2077 all could be refunded outside the 2 hour window - at least for some people. And of course everyone who bought The Day Before was refunded entirely.

I expect they'll be allowing refunds for anyone in a country where PSN does not operate at a minimum. It's really hard to argue that the game is still playable when the required service is not available in your home country.

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Local safety regulations require a breathalyzer test before you're allowed upstairs.

They often have no damn clue what they're selling and clearly just make up prices on the spot. I've flipped a few things for a 500%+ profit from the super-ultra-Jesus-ey thrift stores. Computer hardware in particular is something they just don't grasp the value of. If you ever need a managed switch or a spare monitor, check the thrift stores.

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That article was full of such blatantly misleading crap. Headline talks about record number of adblocker uninstalls, but the actual data says it was an uptick in both installs and uninstalls. In other words it was people cycling through different adblockers trying to find one that still worked.

What even the fuck is this timeline?

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They have free coffee and croissants in the mornings and their chairs are decadently plush.

I can hardly wait for someone to find a vulnerability in their blockchain implementation that allows community points to execute arbitrary code.

I think lemmy.world is about to be rudely made aware of how many pirates were on their site.

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As others have said, adblockers do still work on YouTube. Specifically, uBlock Origin works great on YouTube, as long as you don't use it with any other adblockers.

Also if you're using Chrome, stop using Chrome. uBlock Origin still works on Chrome most of the time but Google is doing their best to kill it off. Switch to Firefox.

Thrift stores are getting in on the piracy game I guess. Can't say I'm disappointed.

Look, I might have better copies now, but if someone wants to spend $3 and get the first 150+ episodes of Bleach and Naruto burned to KDVD I'd say they're gonna walk away happy with the deal they got.

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In other words, "you can pick on minorities as long as they aren't racial minorities." Yeah, great distinction.

blue steel

Orange Lead

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Supposedly there was a similar policy at my elementary school early on, which led to a kid being forced to eat something they were allergic to. As the story goes, they vomited violently all over the lunch monitor and then had to be taken to the nurse's office. Their parents were not amused. The policy did not stay in place.

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I can't imagine that still won't violate both store policies.

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This exact scenario has appeared in an entirely unsurprising number of chastity stories.

I have half a mind to start releasing cracks just so there’s 1 cracker who isn’t a fucking bigot.

I have had this exact thought, but that would undoubtedly eat up what little free time I have these days. I don't have as much of it as I used to.

The fact that usenet has still hung on all this time as more than just a place for people to share pirated files is honestly impressive, and also is a pretty decent endorsement. Unfortunately it has a fair number of weaknesses, especially in terms of moderation tools and access these days, but ultimately a lot of what people want in a social media platform can be found on usenet. An effort to update it for modern sensibilities might actually create something pretty cool.

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I went through every single disc before I donated them, yeah. Actually I did some organization so one spindle was all Anime, another was all SciFi, so on.

...found a fair bit of porn. I kept the porn. TV series are ephemeral. Porn is eternal.

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What is with the enshitification of everything this last year? Is it because we didn’t actively overthrow the government through the Trump bs?

Close, it's because they did it, failed, and (so far) suffered no consequences for doing so. Pretty well signaled that it's open season for pulling whatever dystopian totalitarian crap you want and the worst that can happen is it won't work.

Fair question: I saw they already had a partial spindle of mixed disks for sale. Just the one though, so I couldn't be sure it wasn't a fluke. Turns out it wasn't.

The spindles weren't the only thing I donated, just so we're clear. I just mixed them in with the rest of boxes of stuff, some of it pretty good. Someone can now snag an OG release copy of Bioshock 2 or Doom 3 for a song. Oh, and the entire Half Life Collection.

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For the actual Windows image you can legitmately download ISOs for most every version of Windows from Microsoft directly, you just need your browser's user agent to say you're using a non-Windows OS. Since you say you're looking to "test Windows" it sounds like you're on another OS, so you should be able to just download an ISO normally.

Imagine becoming a fed because you want to uphold the law and chase down bad guys, figuring you're going to be tracking down drug dealers and human traffickers and mafia goons, and instead you get tasked with running down Karen and Cletus who decided to firebomb a house based on something they read on RealTruthPatriotNewsDaily-dot-net.

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Bonus if the vendor refuses to provide any further support until your department signs off on the resource expansion.

In a just world that's when you drop the vendor. In a just world.

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People were okay with ads, then YouTube started making them obnoxious. Ads every 2 minutes, postroll ads that interfere with autoplay, incredibly long "ads" which mean you need to watch YouTube like a hawk to make sure your 5 minute video hasn't been interrupted by an hour long ad you need to manually skip.

There's a balance that people need to be happy with a service, and if the service doesn't provide that then people will use things like adblockers to get it themselves. It's the same thing that happened with the first "adpocalypse" that brought about most of the big name adblockers in the first place: people were okay with unobtrusive ads, then advertisers started running popups, overlays, autoplay videos, fake system notifications, on and on and on. The advertising became so disruptive people were unable to use sites without adblockers. And so the cycle repeats.

YouTube brought this on themselves.

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This completely is right-wing conspiracy nuttery disguised as activism. Check their other articles and you get gems like "Elon Musk Vows To Sue Soros-Funded Censorship Groups" and "Former Mexican Congressman Is Convicted After 'Misgendering' Transgender Politician". Just hit all the dogwhistles there guys.

if it’s not a thing now could it become a thing a decade from now?

Nope. "MAPS" is in the same vein as "attack helicopter" and "bathroom rapists": it's just another attempt by bigots to invent some "evidence" that the LGBTQ+ community is actually deluded/dangerous/evil/etc.

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