USENET, the OG social network, rises again like a text-only phoenix to – 512 points –
USENET, the original social network, is under new management

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In fact we'll provide you with a handy list of all of the places you should absolutely avoid. Indexed by interest and type even!

I would hate for people to see this index of places with potentially illegal content. The temptation is just too high. I'll gladly guard it from innocent users with you. My eyes and heart are ready to protect the realm.

Oh world, that itching in my fingers! Some FOSS client for android that you can recommend?

Oh no, we wouldn't want that to happen.

Want to make sure you don't accidentally download that new Mario movie? Definitely don't visit these files in order. Should you, accidentally, encounter something that looks like the Mario movie, simply check if it matches this sha256 sum. If it doesn't, you're still in the clear.

Stay safe out there, you upright citizen!