
2 Post – 154 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

wiki-user: 6daemonbag

I'm late, but happy birthday! Finally made that donation that I said I would. I love this place.

Story time! My friend is a private pilot for an obscenely rich person. He dropped them off wherever the nearest airport is and man in a luxury RV picked them up. He drove them there, set the whole thing up, and left them to have fun. Apparently this is not an abnormal thing they do.

I guess last night they got a hold of the dude, who drove to an area a couple hours walk away, and they hiked to his truck. He went to the RV and they drove the truck 4 hours to Reno, and they're staying at a four seasons or something. My buddy had to cancel his own vacation to go and pick them up this morning so now I'm at a beach watching his kids.

Whatever it was before, burning man is a playground for the 1%. When the shit hits the fan, their money will always get them out of any situation.

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My niece had this same issue a few years ago but with Photoshop. It absolutely ruined her. Changed schools multiple times (public and private) but social media exists so all the kids knew. She ended up getting homeschooled for the last 5 years of school as well as a fuckload of therapy. She came out the other side okay but she has massive trust issues and anxiety

Why do we treat the USPS like a business when it's a government function specifically mentioned in the Constitution?

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Posy is the shit. Even Lazy Posy is better than most other channels.

I'd hate to see y'all go but the growing pains are quite obvious and I would understand the departure. Lemmy has become the only social media platform that I use and I'll be sticking around here for time being.

Having grown up where David Duke also lives, ambiguously failing the paper bag test, and coming of age during 9/11, I encountered a wide variety of racial insults. Many of them involved the n-word.

The most memorable one for me happened after the orator learned that I was neither black, Arabic, Hispanic, Italian, nor Asian.

"Oh you're Hawaiian? I heard you Island N-words don't even sing the National Anthem."

The other aggressors as well as my friends burst into laughter at how ridiculously stupid his statement sounded. Even his buddy was like, "Hawaii is a state you fucking idiot."

The encounter ended and we all moved on but I still laugh when it pops into my head

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That left-align is just 🤌

It was a mildly funny meme but jfc they just can't let it go. They latch onto anything and sew it into their American flags

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The subject in the photo is turned 45⁰ from the camera

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Imagine being the first one to use a fresh porta potty. No smell, other than that blue chemical water down at the bottom. It's so damn clean.

"Great!" you exclaim with excitement. So you sit down on that smooth dry toilet seat and, relaxing, a tremendous donker just falls right out of you.

The mass is too great. The distance. The speed and acceleration. It isn't even a second of time, but you know. You know.


A cold blue kiss races towards the moon. A moon so relaxed the single crater yawns beckoningly wide. The kiss forms into a dull spear, racing towards the darkened maw. It enters beyond the shadow. Fully into the heavenly body. Cold meets heat.

You yelp in shock. There is cold artificially blue water deep in your butthole. The sudden tension passes and as your muscles relax again, some of that cold drains back down to earth. A light shower.

You were looking forward to this festival all year and you spend the entire time distractedly thinking in shame about how something so fortuitous turned to disaster in moments. You didn't bring a change of underwear. Why would you?

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I don't remember prince having any other name than Ƭ̵̬̊, which was unpronounceable.

On a related note, Sinéad O'Connor, as a public figure, may have been ok with the media continuing to use her professional name. I'm only basing this off the article stating she also used her birth name publicly. It is interesting though, because Mos Def goes by Yasiin Bey both privately and publicly. But then we still call Yusuf Islam Cat Stevens, while Muhammad Ali's birth name is more of a trivia nugget.

Are you implying that the media didn't use her chosen name because she was Muslim or because she was a woman? I'm not trying to be condescending.

Could it be because she tore up the Pope on TV like a fucking boss?

I hope bloodmouth is an actual slur used for non-vegans. It's so metal.

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Louisiana government just recently got hacked and I'm absolutely sure the porn verification stuff got leaked along with it.

Just throwing it in there that I enjoy reading some hexbear posts. I'd rather unsub from stuff than remove my option to do so on my own

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db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com is one cool dude. Their fingerprints are all over Lemmy in an obviously much needed manner. I'm glad I joined their instance.

Which is why we have "infantry." Soldiers who don't speak and follow orders

I lived overseas when I was a kid and my grandma used to tape Saturday morning cartoons and mail them to me

The takeover of a what was once a female-dominated sector was in full swing at that point. A damn shame. Did she stick it out?

I would hate for people to see this index of places with potentially illegal content. The temptation is just too high. I'll gladly guard it from innocent users with you. My eyes and heart are ready to protect the realm.

That was surprisingly easy to find. Less than 5 seconds, and I'm easily stumped by these kinds of things. One of the beans looks like it has a toothy smile just up and to the left of him and I zeroed in on that first.

You'd be surprised how little money it takes to influence a US politician

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I've been locked out of my PayPal since 2005. On their end my account is somehow both locked and nonexistent, creating a loop of error messages. Last time I tried to have a real human fix it they basically shrugged, and that was about 7 years ago haha

I'm not really enjoying the communities that use bots to create posts, considering I have to follow multiple variations of the community subject matter just in case. The engagement is definitely more important to me and what I'm missing most from reddit. It's building up though.

The only place where I wish there was a repost bot is the BestofUpdates community (can't remember the name). I crave those stories and don't care if it isn't a human porting them over to Lemmy

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Yes but also when people are telling someone they're from New York they tend to assume the city, so the follow-up answer is for clarification. The state is big and wildly different from NYC

Fun fact: Saturday morning flights out of New Orleans are the most missed flights in the United States. I was told this by a gate agent when my flight out on a Friday was cancelled due to weather.

"Just come really early tomorrow morning and you'll get on that flight. They always have room because of that."

I'm interviewing for a job today that could drastically change my life. If I get it I'll be setting aside some $ to help maintain this instance. Your work here and beyond (ex. AI horde) are incredible and I'm looking forward to helping

I think you might like this.

I think the entire platform would be happier if there was user-level power to easily block instances. Really hoping the devs consider it a priority.

That's a temporary fix, because oop may drive that car at times as well. I have the exact same problem

IIRC that was not the case. They very publicly blamed 3rd party apps, which was both disingenuous and not transparent.

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Me for the pixel 8 pro. I'd rather the regular pixel 8 but if I'm going to keep this thing for 7 years (which I will; typing from a pixel 2) then I want it to be as feature rich as possible. Not looking forward to how big it's going to be when it finally gets delivered

This is obviously sad and frustrating, but

P.P.S. I think someone on Reddit owes someone else $100 now.

Where can I find this juicey reference?

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The husbands of some of my acquaintances are exactly like this. While I'm generally repulsed by the term Low Value Male, these are the types of men that I think fit the bill. Manly homophobes crippled by their ingrained toxic masculinity

Brb gotta take a xit

The previous governor was technically a Dem, but would be unrecognizable in any other state. Edwards won against David Vitter because Vitter was shitty enough that even some repubs couldn't stomach him. He won as incumbent against Eddie Rispone because Rispone was a crummy snake and everyone saw through him.

All that said, we do have incredible gerrymandering skills.

Fascinating article. I'm not in favor of changing names attributed to those who discovered the organism, but anything named after another person is fair play. Obviously this is an overly simple hot take.

Aside: my late grandmother's use of a certain colloquial term for Brazil Nuts kept going through my head. I'm glad to have not heard it since she passed.

Absolutely. And I did so to afford my family's medical needs, food, shelter, etc. The pay was almost 3x what I made previously, which wasn't a lot. Benefits, flexibility, all that shit. And then they laid off my entire team hahahahahaha

and I'd do it again

Reporting on corruption, especially when fatal, needs to be repeated for as long as people are unaware.

Really? For me it's exactly the same as before critroll. "Anyone want to play? Sure I'll DM. See y'all this weekend!"