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Joined 1 years ago

Even worse, the CVE is effectively "if you use the package wrong, you get weird results".

The affected method has signature function isPrivate(ip: string): boolean. Passing in a hex number is not a string, and a method (toString) exists for this.

Consent? That's just some woke word made up to damage family-owned businesses!

Them, probably.

2. Use a mental block
Close your eyes for 8s - 25 min, and pretend not to hear anything

3. What? I can't hear you!
Why play one ad when you can play a dozen. Open multiple YouTube tabs at once and let the ads roll at the same time. A few minutes of noise for a whole few minutes of ad-free play

4. Use AdBlock Premium Plus
Of course, the best block is not loading the ads. Using the discount code AFFILIATEWHORE you can get a one year Pro plan for AdBlock Premium with six months free for just $169,- per year and enjoy the ad-free experience you deserve.

^(/s, of course)

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I work as a bartender in a live music venue in the Netherlands.

We, just like most festivals, used to always remove the caps from the water bottles, citing safety concerns (people would drop the bottle when empty but put the cap on, which is a nasty tripping hazard).

So a company started to make bottlecaps that clip to your pants, and most water vendors used a single size opening, which made this feasible. People held on to their cap, and could pause drinking.

Then water companies started to attach the cap to the bottle, to prevent litter, and the government issuing a mandate requiring us to charge per plastic unit.

So now we leave the caps on, but as guests return about 95% of bottles and cups to the bar (buying a drink without having a cup adds a 1 eur plastic surcharge), the safety hazard is basically gone.

As a bartender, I'd very much prefer bottles of water to cans. It allows guests to drink at their leasure, they're easier to transport and can't cause as much harm as a can (either by throwing or when squeezing it).

They are slightly visually less appealing than a cool can though, I'll give them that.

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As a pedestrian and cyclist (aka Dutchman): fuck that noise

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The UK will do anything to stand out, like creating their own country abbreviations instead of using the goddamn ISO.

"NTL" for "The Netherlands", really?

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What the US calls drunk is just European for an afternoon toast.

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Give 'em that sweet 4% global revenue fine after their IPO goes through would be a blast.

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The key to a successful marriage

Ah, yeah, that one site known to be one of the reasons Stackoverflow was created

Kelvin: Zero is the freezing point.
Scientists: Of what?
Kelvin: Yes.

You missed an important bit:

who in the right mind

Probably local planning restrictions, they're quite fucked up in the states.

A very short TLDR would be:

Apple (in this case) decides if your device should be trusted as a human, or if it's suspicious / a robot, which could break parts of the Internet for those not joining this "attestation", or using software that doesn't support it.

A more ELI5 version would be that Apple has implemented a controversial API (The Web Environment Integrity API) that indicates if a combination of OS + Browser + User behaviour is to be trusted as being human.

Attestation before used to mean "is this device who it says it is", and one can check that in some ways as part of WebAuthN (aka "Passwordless login"), where it would be useful to know if an Android device a site knows you have (as you've logged in before) is that same device. It's a system to trust devices. The WEI-API expands this to look at your OS, your browser and your environment, like installed applications.

Problem with this, is that the requirements don't have to be public. Apple can decide what makes a "trustworthy device" and what can be considered "suspicious".

Bad examples like these are to "fail" attestation if you have torrent clients installed, of if you're connected via a VPN, or if you're not using Bing + Edge on Windows.

Browsers and OS'es refusing to support attestation are likely to become a minority (most users use Chrome, and Google seems to be in favour). Should sites start blindly trusting this "attestation" - in replacement of captcha's -, we could start seeing more privacy-prone combinations being locked out of these kind of sites.

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Land of the Free*
^(* Free is a trademark of BigCorp Inc. Terms and conditions may apply. Subject to availability.)

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Well, since you retain a license to the content until you or valve closes your account, you should be covered.

According to their own personal Steam Subscriber Agreement, you only forfit licenses when you end your subscription (like EA Play) or when the main service contract ends (close your account).

Although they may try, but then you can still sue for breach of contract.

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Woah, I don't have one in my huge mansion. You're so fortunate

The latter is still done by old code and outdated management that thinks disabling the clipboard is "more secure". It's fucking infuriating.

The ICC in The Hague will probably bar tha- what? they don't recognise that court? Oh well.

Good luck over there.

If she'd be in the middle of a train track she'd be getting railed, so that wouldn't work.

You don't. They're usually posting awareness campaigns that link to government sites.

I've opted the example to elsewhere, but they'd be like "bought a house? Find out how the taxes work on (link)"

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You mean the part where most women I know get harassed or groped when they go clubbing, and bars letting only men do rounds to retrieve glasses since the women get groped to the point they cannot work?

Yeah, no, way easier.

It's an accessibly feature for those who can't hold down shift and the key they want to have in uppercase (or the variant, like the exclamation point).

It's useful for less computer savvy people or those with muscular issues (and for Tom, who fucking insists using his tongue to type is more hygienic (it's decidedly not))

Also less celeb gossip please, need a place where I can get away from that on the Internet.

You get celeb gossip? I believe I'm somehow connected to the sewage hose that's Elon Musk posts. I'd love for some more varied content instead of "[rich idiot] said [something incredibly stupid]"

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I'm starting to work out a concept for funding servers a little differently. Since the Fediverse / Lemmyverse is not just one server admin, but a bunch of them, I want to run an experiment to see if it's feasible to make a subscriber based, or even activity-based calculation of how to dice up each user's donation.

It'll all be just a proof-of-concept at first, maybe it works and it's legally possible too (biiig if), then it could work something like a FOSS funding system.

It's just in documentation phase now, figuring out what would be a proper algorithm and such, but if you're wiling to think along (or talk me out of it), please send a dm.

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I'd much rather ban home delivery for most parcel (stuff like couches and fridges excluded) and have them put in one of those package vaults.

The postman drives all the packages to the vault, chucks them in, you pick them up when you've got time (they work 24/7), everyone wins.

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Wait? Sex work should be regulated to prevent freedom of choice in clients? That seems a little counter-intuitive if you ask me

That's why the UK company is using a cease-and-desist approach, which apparently is an option in the UK.

Out of all the hills that are out there, this is the one you're going for?

Interesting choice

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This is Windows 11 though

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If you're just now deciding you want to flee, you've already chosen your battles.

This war has been going on for 1,5 years, but now that the drones are circling Moscow you're suddenly making an issue, whilst being quiet while Ukrainians were killed by kamikaze drones? Quite hypocritical.

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Interactive editable PDFs? As in forms?

Mozilla Firefox can edit forms, as can Sumatra PDF. Maybe Chrome and Edge are capable enough too.

I've added that plugin on Firefox and Firefox for Android. It makes chat messages so much more legible.

Desperation affects everyone, even the cocky, far-right, ultra-rich extremists.

Yeah, sure, as if I'd like to trash all my points I put in IQ.

Become an octopus and keep all that XP

They sure made USB3 look like a breakthrough innovation, though...

I've commented this elsewhere in this thread:

All accessory vendors are going "woah, revolutionary! Apple is now USB-C", but Apple itself isn't being too pushy about it. They're more focused on the titanium shell, better cams and action button.

I dislike Apple, but I think it's mostly vendors and reviewers that highlight the connector (both protocol and form), Apple isn't doing it.

Better than those circumchanned Americans.

It shouldn't make assumptions about your data by default, and changing values that look like they're in a specific format should be opt-in, not default behavior

But that's exactly what made the "auto" data type of Excel such a powerful tool when introduced. If you're storing text, make the datatype "text", problem solved.

Nowadays, when making stuff like Excel from scratch, you could opt for a "these look like dates, change the type from 'none' to 'date'?" but with middle management being conditioned on the data type being 'auto', that's something that's hard to change.

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I do consider trolling in /r/conservative to be a party foul in the "don't feed the trolls" category.

But eh, it's all going downhill over there anyway. We're just happy lemmings relaxing on the hill as the city burns down in the valley.

That's why I'm working in that area. Gotta give the alcoholism some competition up there.