4 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't think the issue is corps feeding the internet into AI systems. The real issue is gatekeeping to information and only giving access to this information while milking the individual for data by trackers, money by subscriptions, and more money by ads (that we pay for with subscriptions).

Another larger issue that I fear is often ignored is the amount of control large corporations and in theory the government can have over us just by looking at our trace we leave in the internet. Just have a look at Russia and China for real world examples of this.

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Imagine a car company disabling your car.

This needs more visibility

I think to have this settled once and for all: The German accent is the best of them all.

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If you grab somebody by the pussy for less than 10 seconds, then you're fine in Italy.

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As a German, I think I would. Given that it is good and just.

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Oh, it is if they are using a dump integration of LLM in their Chatbot that is given more or less free reign. Lots of companies do that, unfortunately.

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Literally. The moment someone wants to have a look at my anus, I'd already have shown them. What's the deal with everyone? We need to be more transparent with these kind of topics. Nobody wants to share anymore. We are all walled off behind our smartphones and doors and houses.

I would argue that Germany is not a socialist country. Politics are targeted at the already wealthy and cooperations.

I'm not versed enough in politics and history to give detailed examples. I'm just a normal guy. However, I'm currently listening to the Jung & Naiv podcast on Spotify.

In episode 661 they discuss the development of the housing sector since the 1950s and very little in the 18th century. The important information is that the housing sector grew from being socialist to being a housing market.

I think they mention that in the 50s there existed a "Kostenmiete" (Cost-rent). That would only be allowed by law to be as high as it needed to be to cover the costs for building the house/flat. The owners were not allowed to make profit exceeding 3.5%. Any profit had to be put into housing again to keep the housing sector growing. Around that time the state was heavily supporting housing unions and other groups (not cooperations) to build housing. The state itself built 500.000 !!! appartments a year. Last year the interview says they built 6 appartments. Six, in case you thought you read a typo.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ At least in the housing market we are not socialist anymore and it becomes worse every year. Education becomes worse every year. The medical sector becomes worse every year. Public transport becomes worse every year. Loans do not keep up with inflation. Everything becomes more expensive.

Yes, we are better off than many. But are we not just richer slaves with more benefits than others? The interview says that there exist studies that estimate 11 million households to qualify for social housing. In some cities that is 60% of their population. 60% quality for social housing. Are we alright?

I often get ask about my salary expectation in the very first 10 minute interview with the HR person, before even getting the chance to talk to the team. Being sincere, I wouldn't get to follow-up interviews if I told them my expectation that they would definitely see as too high.

How do you deal with that situation?

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If only my neck wouldn't hurt so much after staring

My anxiety because of merge conflicts stop me from doing so...

Yes, this looks to be right. Thanks!

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Shot with Sony A7 III and a Sigma macro lens with 105mm and almost 1:1 resolution. This dude was quite large. I'm pretty sure it was not a wasp.

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A friend once applied for a job at Caritas in Germany and got rejected for the reason of not being catholic, but christian. I think you could argue that is okay, but by German law it actually is not.

That would depend in the degree of blur. If it is the average blur you'd have in japanese pornography, then no, that tech does not exist. Super resolution is good, but not that good.

And no, I have not tried.

Arr, me heart be green with envy, it be!

Why not move to Afghanistan and listen to modern music for a little adventure?

So, it seems I'm really out of the loop. Is this some AI thing generating a video from my comment? Or does this scroll through all comments while "recording" the screen?

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Germany. Didn't think of giving further information for identification, haha. These were supposed to be general stats.

There are really only two search engines. Its either Google or Bing. The others exist, but they use Google's and/or Bing's search results.

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It does matter in terms of ease of use. Some have apps, some don't. A non-linux-native might have difficulties with the latter.

Congratulations 😄

Yes, exactly. I don't understand their need for content on a site. Shouldn't it be enough from their point of view to have a as most sites as possible integrating their ads? Why bother about the content?

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Uncharted is quite subjective. I used SO most when I was starting out in SE. Looking back through the questions I posted, most of them were very much beginner questions that I would just know nowadays or know where to look for. That was what I used SO for. Beginners asking veterans for help. The least of them were due to bad documentation or exploring uncharted territory. As I grew more confident in the field, I stopped using SO more and more. The latest only for best practices on simple problems I don't want to reinvent. And exactly those cases GPT now solves faster and I'd be surprised if not even better than SO posts.

cough freedom of choice cough. I choose not to allow freedom of choice.

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I would go this route as well. As a developer this sounds easy enough. It you don't get vertical sequences of images, but instead a grid of images, then I would apply traditional image stitching techniques. There are tons of libraries for that on github.

All of them at once while saying the words.

You just named the main advantage of the metric system as unintuitive and the opposite (squajibbles, fuckajiter, feet, toes, elbows) as the main advantage of the imperial system. Yet, you say that metric is better. I don't understand. Why do you find metric better then?

I understand that intuitiveness is subjective and that how a person is raised or lectured alters the view on what is intuitive. From a logical perspective, however, I find the metric system much more intuitive as the names of the metrics denote exactly what we are dealing with (except for the case of tonnes). Yes, maybe the wording is confusing. But from the word itself you can infer what is meant, given you know what milli, giga, mega, nano, pico, etc mean. Its just times or divided by 1000. What is feet in miles or nautical miles? Gotta look that up!

That's just a toolbox and in my experience a pretty limited one as well. What OP means is that Gen AI doesn't connect to your Emails, Photoshop, your IDE, your browser, and what not with text or speech.

Imagine not using your keyboard and mouse anymore, but only using your speech and natural language for everything (not commands, but natural language).

Confidently interfacing with smart glasses would be a game changer for so many things.

Great article on Google Adsense :) I accidentally clicked on one of the ads. Enjoy the extra penny.

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I used to like going out in summer mid-day. Now I usually prefer to stay indoors. It's only the few morning hours when I can stand the temperature. But 30°C at 65% air moisture und no shade or water to bathe to be found... No thank you.

Yes, the circle wasn't mine:)

Yes, but it looks like it is already I think more than twice as verbose as Python.

Exactly. This one is out of brass and in traditional style of Ostfriesland, a region in northern Germany and the Netherlands.

I do think you do be right with that.

That makes it simple :D


Thanks, didn't know this

Crazy. And their algorithm for that is probably also not transparent.