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Joined 1 years ago

My kids started playing now so I "have to" "teach" them how to play.

It's right there in the name . WINamp

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Plus, the news of this would already be priced into the stock, so if anything the price is already low and these companies would need to pivot their business (which would increase the value again) or die (which would lower the price marginally, to zero). Either way, shorting is a bad strategy in this case.

I thought the whole ideology of the fediverse was to get away from corporationl influence. So I'd say this is very much true to the ideology as well.

That's not how Apple works at all. They have had iMessage for a long while now and refuse to open up the technology. They want to monopolize the communications so that they can keep controlling it.

My guess is they are just trying to sabotage any attempts at an open standard.

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#unexpectedfactorial Luckily 2 = 2!

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Insomnia suddenly turned into a ransomware. Pay up or have all you dara lost!

A few days later Insomnium popped up supporting the old file format.

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But you can also just flag it if editing is not your cup of tea. Here's a convenient, non-techy tool to add notes for others to use when editing:

I have done 14k edits over six years. I too like it for being therapeutic. I'd rather do micro-edita on osm than play another level of candy crush. Same kind of reward but you are also helping out creating something larger!

Honestly though, I don't think osm will ever catch up to the commercial alternatives. Mostly because their harsh stance against automatic edits (and lack of version control). Also the lack of standardization is a problem. It's very hard to create client applications because the data is structured way different in different regions.

I don't think n64 did. They even had major frame drops in many games.

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But Jay Z made that version too, knowing fully that the distributer can choose which pegi-level they want to use - rather than blocking the song altogether, or worse bleeping the bad language.

You can choose which pegi-level you use in the software, maybe your system is set up to defaults?

I think it's weird to blame this on Spotify...

I think the point is that if it can be sabotaged by a central authority, it sucks. Both Apple and Google suck.

This doesn't make sense because they have the monopoly on video now. By monetizing a bit they are creating a a huge demand for a competitor, risking their monopoly.

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"Never install, carry or handle". OK but what are they for then?

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Desinformation. Trump has not been arrested.

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If you can, re-use existing sockets! Old telephone or antenna lines can work! You tie the cable to the end of the old cable and pull it through the existing PVC pipe.

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Why would you think full stack developers make more money in general?

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X'it the bed

Forcing Russia to defend so they can't be on the offense any more.

That may lead to over-refactoring, leading to unmaintainable garbage code.

Music is getting worse though. Spotify is bloating all searches with stuff you don't want. The "Artist top songs" is rarely the most popular songs and is limited to 10 song. In the beginning you could list all the songs from an artist and sort it on "Plays".

Ffrom a dev perspective it's also often "Yep that would take three days if we worked on it". Two years later - no progress.

There's a difference between an estimate and a promise to deliver.

Or just kill the poor people by sending them to any meaningless war. /s

That's not how pricing works. They already have the price they think makes them the most money. Raising prices means losing customers to competition, netting a loss.

So they would just lose 1000 customers and not raise the price because that would mean an even higher loss.

It's different, of course when including that all ISPs would be hit with this. One can only speculate what will happen. All those pirates will want alternative ISPs, probably paying extra for privacy. The rest will stay in a dying market where competition for the remaining customers would be fierce, probably with lower prices.

I agree. It's written like "ugh I'm used to timezones, now what?".

Interesting typo. Almost like a Freudian slip but with melting batteries instead.

ESC + (shift) ZZ is faster and also saves your changes!

I prefer to use statisics rather than anecdotal evidence. The stack overflow survey shows full stack pretty far down:

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Yes, one could argue that he is still keeping up with the fraud scheme he was just sentenced for. Could he be charged again?

No thanks. It's way more fun to be part of the decision process. If a manager can anticipate all of the requirements and quirks of the project before it even starts, it's probably going to be a really boring, vanilla project at which point it's probably just better to but the software.ä somewhere else.

Creating something new is an art in itself. Why would you not want to be a part of that?

Also: Isn't it cheating to compare the two approaches when one of them is defined as having all the planning "outside" of the project scope? I would bet that the statistics in this report disregard ll those projects that died in the planning phase, leaving only the almost completed, easy project to succeed at a high rate.

It would be interesting to also compare the time/resources spent before each project died. My hunch is that for failed agile project, less total investment has been made before killing it off, as compared to front loading all of that project planning before the decision is made not to continue.

Complementary to this, I also think that Agile can have a tendency to keep alive projects that should have failed on the planning stage. "We do things not because they are easy, but we thought they would be easy". Underestimating happens for all project but for Agile, there should be a higher tendency to keep going because "we're almost done", forever.

That's just what we call people spending some time to figure something out. Security research is basically just trying to learn the technology and then trying to break it.

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I use Vespucci, it's advanced but still pretty easy if you just want to do basic editing.

P.s. how do you link to an app on fdroid?

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[insert pie joke here]

I did an ugly laugh. FFFFFFFF kind of deal.

But that argument would go for temperature as well. Yet, here we are with the most commonly used ones having zero as wey more than the "nothing"-level.

I totally agree with you. I'm not sure that strategy works though. All they will (still) see is 0% linux/firefox users no matter if we spoof or not. It will just be fewer users.

The latest estimate of how many people that use the internet at all is around 5 billion. Where did you get that number?

Android is by far the most used operating system for web use and for servers it's estimated at 77 % linux, not 50 % as stated above.

Windows dominated the desktop segment, you should realize that desktop use is in decline in favor of mobile usage.