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Joined 1 years ago

People can usually unlock the carrier on their own. Many phones (or at least every phone I've ever gotten from T-Mobile) even come pre-installed with a carrier unlocking app. It's just not automatic, and certain conditions need to be met.

People may also sometimes be able to buy phones already unlocked directly from the manufacturer if they want to. (Whether or not they're able to do this depends on the manufacturer.)

IRS: "Remember, you broke up with us."

My guess is it's because it's a similar role to a Reddit Admin, which is to say they're basically a global moderator. Also, having access of any kind to the site's SQL server requires an element of trust. That's probably why they require the video interview.

Found the thread on HN. Here's what (I'm guessing) a mod had to say:

It set off the flamewar detector, got flagged by users, and got downweighted by a mod.

The 'customer support of last resort' genre is common and not usually a good fit for HN [1]. If people feel this story is unusually relevant and interesting, I'm not sure I agree—long experience has taught us that one-sided articles like this nearly always leave out critical information—but I also don't mind yielding in an occasional specific case, so I've rolled back the penalties on this thread.

The issue from our point of view is not about story X or company Y—it's a systemic one: the most popular genres of submission (especially the rage-inducing ones) get massively over-represented by default, so countervailing mechanisms are needed [2] if we're to have a space for the more intellectually curious stories that the site is meant for.



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I'm just glad it happened in the dead of night and that the ship sent a mayday several minutes before it happened. State Police were apparently able to close the bridge and clear most of the traffic (it's 1.6 miles/ 2.6 kilometers long) off of it before it collapsed. It's sad that there were still construction workers and some cars still left on it, though.

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I was here.

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PlayStation doesn't have an X button, it has a Cross button. /j

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Was the flight to New York, and did they put him up at a fancy hotel?

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Problem: I barely check my phone when I'm home. If I'm home, I'm usually on my laptop or watching my TV.

Fortunately, my fridge doesn't have this problem. Instead, it beeps very loudly whenever the door is open for too long.

Yeah, the Kindle app pretty blatantly tells you why they removed in-app purchases.

How much you wanna bet your info will still be used for ads even if you subscribe?

I'd also like to plug ReVanced. You do have to provide your own copy of the YouTube APK (easily downloadable from APKMirror), but it allows you to install multiple patches into the app, including Return YouTube Dislike, SponsorBlock, and other stuff. It allows background play and blocks ads, too. (You can see the list of available patches here.)

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I feel like this might be a good time to plug the IRS Free File Program. It's a program that allows lower-income people to file their tax returns for free. While the program has been gutted in recent years by companies like Intuit leaving the program to either stop offering their services for free or to start offering a "free" alternative, it's still viable. I used it last year to file my taxes.

Honestly, I'm surprised Old Reddit has lasted this long at all, even before all this.

I feel like this image applies.

I'm honestly pretty shocked they even let it go public domain at all.

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Probably wait until the adblockers update their filters to block YouTube's attempt to block the adblockers. Twitch tried to do the same thing, and now there's add-ons specifically designed to block that purple banner.

I won't be happy if they integrate federation. Ever heard the phrase "embrace, extend, extinguish"? It's a tactic used by large companies to squash growing competition.

Google used it, for example, to squash a growing open-source chat messenger protocol called XMPP. (Think of XMPP like ActivityPub.) Google allowed its Google Talk application to integrate with people using XMPP. (They embraced XMPP.)

Then, they added their own proprietary features that wouldn't work with normal XMPP users. (They extended, or built on top of, XMPP.)

Then, they cut support for XMPP integration, leaving it effectively dead in the water. XMPP users suddenly had a list of Google Talk users in their friend list who would never appear online again, whereas Google Talk users maybe had one or two people in their friend list who looked like they'd moved on from Google Talk. (They extinguished XMPP.)

Now imagine that happening with Threads. You, a Mastodon user, follow a bunch of people who just happen to be on Threads. There are some things Threads users can do that you can't, but you don't really mind. It works well enough. Then, one day, Threads stops working with Mastodon. Suddenly, over half of the people you followed are no longer available to you. The only way you can follow them again... is to join Threads.

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I mean, scientifically speaking, they're not wrong. Physical contact with another person causes trust to grow because it causes oxytocin secretion.

But it's still funny that the owner of a video calling company is telling people to go back to the office.

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Headphone jacks and the ability to expand available memory using SD cards.

not realising that Tesla did it to save themselves a few bucks

I guarantee you they realized that and likely did it for the same reason.

inb4 those uninstalls were just because they were installing better adblockers. /j

This. I literally just joined. I have no idea what the server layout is or where all the important links are.

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The piracy community certainly isn't. I checked to see how they reacted, and the general consensus there is, "... ok. shrugs"

You can directly connect to the Switch over a wifi network it creates. You can select up to 10 photos to share at a time. It'll create a one-time-use wifi network (the connection details are different every time) and generate a QR code so you can connect to it. After your phone is connected, it'll generate another QR code that'll direct you to a webpage (a local IP address, specifically) where you can browse and download the photos from.

Make sure to turn off data on your phone while you're trying to do this. Some phones use data as a fallback if the wifi network they're connected to isn't connected to the internet.

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I feel like I'm experiencing deja vu. Wasn't there a thread just like this yesterday?

Edit: There was!

Actually, Steam is usually one of the best places when it comes to refunds. The process is simple, and they're willing to make exceptions to the rules. And the company is run by one of the few CEOs in the gaming industry who seem to actually understand gaming.

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Nothing. As is the case with most social media companies, you are the product. And they do that by spying on you. Same with many other "free" services like, YouTube, email, maps, etc.

I used to use Reddit a lot more back before the whole API fiasco earlier this year. After that, I stopped, save for posts promoting Lemmy and one very specific subreddit that never migrated to Lemmy and that I just couldn't go without. (The other subreddits I could either do without or were already replicated on Lemmy.)

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Happy 100th, anniversary, Disney! /s

Depends where you get your alternatively-sourced shows from. Downloaded a torrent yesterday that was so dark that I could barely see anything even with my screen's brightness turned all the way up. Downloaded another torrent of the same episode, and it was much easier to see everything.

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My use of Kodi and debrid says otherwise.

Not sure about that, but he is a boss character in not one but two Suda51 games. (Suda51 was apparently screwed over by the guy who was, at the time EA's CEO.)

I'm starting to lose track of all the changes Reddit's made to its award system in the past few months. Is this the same crypto thing they started a few years ago, or was it part of the awards overhaul from a couple months ago?

They haven't rolled it out to more than a small percentage of users.

people unsatisfied

This describes me seeing my Astro Boy 2003 English dub torrent 99.98% complete a few weeks ago.n

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I don't know about pre-79, but their current version supports a very, very limited selection of extensions, many of which are to specifically improve the mobile version of Firefox. Currently, only a total of 22 extensions are supported, many of which share the same purposes.

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I don't want to go back to Windows 8. Those were... dark times...

I'm enjoying it so far, though it's gonna take some getting used to. The Android app isn't bad, either.

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Or just use uBlock Origin? It blocks YouTube's ads (and their adblocker-blockers) right out of the gate. It's also available on Firefox for Android.

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