3 Post – 59 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

If your job main tool is PowerPoint then there's a high probability that your job is a bullshit job.

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So Microsoft is going to compete with themselves? (Microsoft owns 49% of openai)

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NewPipe in my mobile and FreeTube in my desktop. Fuck you Google

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Hear me out: a bare minimum electronics car extremely reliable, no screens no bells and whistles and with the smallest possible engine battery that costs less than $5.000 💥

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Wait until Google implements manifest V3 and "kills" adblockers. Firefox will become cool again for the normies.

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I find incredible that it's absolutely illegal for anyone to read your letters and only the police can do that and only if a judge grant them the right to do that case by case, and a private telecommunications company can read absolutely all your digital communication with no judge involved and no one blinks an eye.

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Normalise the phrase: "I don't agree with your opinion and that's fine"

Before everyone loses their minds, in Extreme Programming there are safeguards other than PR reviews. Before you submit a PR, you are supposed to have written the tests and to have written your code with pair programming, so your code already has some safety measures in place. On top of that, when you merge and deploy, more tests are run, and only if all of them are green do your changes go into production.

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I want a small phone with easy replaceable battery and a plastic sturdy screen.

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So the other half has increased their fossil fuel power generation?

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In 2017, catalan separatists held an illegal referendum resulting in a sharp political crisis in Spain. The central figures who orchestrated the coup and remained in Spain were sentenced to prison, while Carles Puigdemont, the ringleader of the secessionist movement, fled the country, avoiding arrest. In a controversial political maneuver, Pedro Sánchez, the Socialist Party candidate lacking a parliamentary majority, struck a deal with the absconded Puigdemont. The agreement ensures Puigdemont will evade prosecution in exchange for supporting Sánchez's bid for the presidency. The Socialist Party has introduced an amnesty proposal that would pardon the separatist leaders, which is a political exchange to secure Sánchez's position as Spain's president.

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I discovered that follistatin gen therapy is available to the general public (for $25.000). Basically you can have a body builder body for $25.000.

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Fire you for destroying the tests. It's intentional sabotage.

I'd finish earlier telling you which of my software is not open source.

I think the car already crashed and has been burning for years...

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With Boost for Lemmy you can block specific words, really good app btw, they have their own Lemmy community.

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I'm not saying they are definitely not stupid enough to try it but they would only be able to do it once.

They will the be caught and they will do it again and again. Normies they don't give a fuck about privacy or certificates.

NewPipe is another good option for android

At least now you can choose if you prefer to be spied by the US government or the Chinese government :D

What was the price before the Ukrainian war?

No shit, Sherlock

The situation of Argentina is so dire than it will be extremely easy to make improvements. The peronist candidate, was the Minister of Economy and left the country with a 150% inflation rate. Even a 50% inflation rate next year will be a huge improvement.

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I would take a different drug every day, starting from the softer to the hardest. And the last day make a great party with all my family and friends say goodbye, I love you all, and then go to my room and take a final dose of fentanyl.

Great news for the industrial militar complex.

  • Safety razor (e.g Merkur 34c)
  • Wahl haircut clippers
  • Redwings leather boots
  • Top grain leather wallet

Any of this things cost less than $100 and easily can last a life time.

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  • cycling
  • gym
  • studying foreign languages
  • gaming
  • reading

The thing is that there many many horses in this race

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My guess is that we won't be doing any digging on asteroids at first. We will send a Spaceship (with 100tn of cargo capacity) and grab a whole small asteroid. Then the spaceship with the small asteroid Inside the cargo bay will return to earth. It sounds science fiction but don't forget we have already collected material from asteroids twice (the Japanese returned with 5gr and tre US 250gr).

You don't even have to go very far, there are hundreds of small asteroids between the moon and earth. I think we will be able to collect a whole small asteroid in 10 years max.

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Looks awesome, I will definitely check it out. I suppose the next step is to create a new program that merges both turnip-tv and radion

I wouldn't call it a war, more like a geeks dorky dance contest

Time will tell my guess is that Microsoft will sale its stake in openai or just drain openai from resources and people until it will disappear.

It crashes every time I try to open a video

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  • ~30 years old or older
  • tech enthusiasts/workers
  • linux users
  • hates Elon Musk
  • hates capitalism
  • loves free software but somehow hates free markets

Am I the only one more concerned about the biggest nuclear plant in Europe being 30km from the Ukrainian front line?

Same could be said about Facebook

In 20 years, the EU have spent 10 billion in taxpayer money to send only 26 satellites to orbit (almost 400 million each). A SpaceX Falcon 9 can send almost 10 Galileo satellites to MEO at once for 62 million. So the question is not why they are hiring SpaceX now but why haven't they used SpaceX before?

(Falcon 9's capacity to MEO is 8,000 kg, and the typical Galileo satellite weighs 738 kg).

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Buy it from tuxedo
