r3df0x ✡️✝☪️

@r3df0x ✡️✝☪️@7.62x54r.ru
4 Post – 262 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

I finally installed Linux Mint along with Windows 11.

Ublock Origin works

Brave is ass

Tipping is literally becoming extortion now.

The end result of the tipping surge is going to be the collapse of all tipped work. People will stop using tipped services entirely and eventually the pyramid of wealthy users who can afford increasingly high tip is going to shrink.

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Reddit administration thinks the site is too big to fail. Lemmy isn't a real competitor to them because the decentralization of federation means that joining an instance and trying to navigate the fediverse is a bit too complex for most people. The reason why massively populated social media sites took off is because people like having everything in one place where everyone else is.

What I could see happening is a well-funded startup creates a fork of Lemmy that they use as the basis for their instance and they can customize and develop as they see fit. This instance would be accessible to everyone already on Lemmy, but they could offer one centralized alternative to Reddit where new users don't have to think about what they need to do to join.

I'm sure that if Lemmy picks up critical mass, it could lower the bar for most people to be willing to jump through the extra hoops. Ultimately federation solves the chicken and egg problem that any social media startup has.

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They're going to burn their own browser. If they stop allowing adblockers, a lot of people are just going to change browsers.

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I'm sure they'll try to implement some type of DRM BS into the web that allows them. It's one of the good things about projects like Gemini. I used to think it was only good for the novelty of having a web alternative protocol.

No doubt Big Tech would lobby for Microsoft to use Windows to flag Gemini browsers as malicious and then run FUD campaigns against the Gemini protocol

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Right wing "free speech" spaces tend to crash and burn hard. If they don't moderate blatant racism and shitty behavior, the white supremacists drive out all the sane people, but if they do moderate, then shit stains like Tim Pool will start casting massive amounts of FUD onto the platform and claim that it has "gone woke" and isn't a true free speech platform.

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Why is federation bad? It's the only way to decentralize without having everyone scattered across millions of sites.

The days prior to 2014 are gone and for the most part, the overwhelming majority of people don't want to register across dozens of sites. Everyone naturally gravitates toward massive content silos where they can get everything in one place.

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Why is Italy a penis?

My brother is autistic and this is the type of autistic person who is hated by other autistic people. This is why autistic people hate mentioning it, because they get lumped in with these people.

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TERFs are obsessed with the idea that you can always tell.

taking all of our jobs


This is why you don't use Google Drive or Google Docs or any of that other bullshit.

I love seeing worldbuilders who store their thousands of hours of work in Google Docs. All it takes is for some employee to ban your account for some reason and then everything is gone.

Any time I get a roommate who buys a Chromebook, I tell them to return that shit.

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Reddit also has vote fuzzing where you can get the number of votes, but it's always manipulated for some reason.

I don't understand the point, and tbh it's a serious case of social media mind fuckery. It's a real problem for anyone who creates an incredibly specific subreddit for use by a group and then everyone is left wondering who keeps downvoting them. That can have real life consequences for anyone who doesn't understand what is happening.

Companies make product lines specifically for Black Friday so they can save on the sales.

There has been an increase in blatant racism and prejudice. I don't know if those users eventually get banned. If the right takes any action against blatant hate speech, shitheads like Tim Pool will start crying and denounce the platform as not allowing free speech. If they allow "free speech," then the shitheads eventually drive all the normal people off the platform. The only good thing is that Twitter already has a left wing population, so as long as they can maintain that, it should avoid turning to shit. It was also a mainstream platform so hopefully that should maintain the normie population.

Sites like Lemmy instances are better at allowing a wider range of "free speech" because as long as the instance population is large enough to keep the shitheads a minority, they can stick to their own subs and generally keep the bullshit quarantined.

Lots of children and church is right wing.

Walkable cities sounds like 15 minute cities and is left wing.

I am extremely confused.

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That's because in many cases, healthcare has infinite demand.

People could start configuring their sites to ban Google Chrome. Give a scary message that says something like "Google Chrome is not allowed on this site for your protection. Google Chrome has severe vulnerabilities that allow for easy infection. An autistic teenager was falsely convicted of selling CP after being infected and now must register for life."

People would switch away from Google Chrome incredibly fast if website owners started posting that.

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My uncle did this and I found out that I'm 3% Irish. As a Gamer, this is a Clayton Bigsby moment.

If someone hosts their own front end, Google has no way of knowing whether or not it's legitimate.

That's not the end of the world, though it does mean that a competitor could always start using it. I was going to say just use Lemmy but a major site would probably want to have their own fork for stability so they're not at the whims of someone else.

They could probably use an open fork for a while while also developing their own software that would be compatible and then seamlessly switched out.

Unironically, equating anything left wing with Marxist socialism even though there could be other forms.

left wing ideas tend to be heavily coupled with progressive social issues that most of the population only agrees with to an extent.

I think we're going to see a non socialist populist uprising though with multiple different groups. The elites will no doubt try to claim anyone remotely on the right of it is a raging white supremacist as they're already doing with populist uprisings.

((())) indicates that someone is allegedly Jewish. Sometimes they use )))((( for their own names to imply that they're surrounded by Jews.

Because it drives people even deeper into self destructive incel behaviors.

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I have mixed feelings about this. Self moderation is better then needing to get mods involved with everything. Lemmy does it pretty well where voting only impacts each post and there's no total karma count.

You can replace parts on a gas engine. There's a lot more repairability there.

Batteries also have a shelf life.

With that said, e-bikes with a supply of batteries and a means of charging them with portable solar panels are probably better for an extended disaster situation.

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This is cursed.

The left and right both hate Big Pharma, especially over the pandemic response.

Autistic people who announce when they're going to masturbate make all other autistic people cringe for being so incredibly unaware and making the rest of them look weird.

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It's a joke, but memes tend to be incredibly dependent on multiple layers of meta and references to other cultural events and memes.

Unless they somehow manage to lose a huge amount of context, I'm sure they'll be able to figure out what memes mean.

Youtube advertising is absolute trash. It's already bad enough to sit through ads when you don't even know if you want to watch the video. Their ads consist of fake Joe Rogans with tts voices advertising scams.

Restricting AI would require surveillance on every computer all the time.

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Libertarians are political extremists who hate anything related to the government but don't care about being oppressed by private businesses, or they think that it simply won't happen in their utopia. Libertarians are everything they hate about the woke left, only applied to the government.

The right wants to make it so that if you ban Nazis from a website, armed men from the government will come and arrest you. At the same time, they rant about being compelled to use transgender pronouns.

Downvoting and disliking can have their own issues too.

On Lemmy, downvoting isn't really that bad, especially compared to Reddit, and that's likely because of the federated model where instance admins can't trust the authenticity of votes. On Lemmy, voting effects the score on the post and that's it, as opposed to Reddit where taking on too many downvotes will shadow ban or lock your account, even if you still have thousands of karma in the subreddit where it happened. Those restrictions also apply site wide. Lemmy users also don't have a global karma count, which removes most temptation to delete posts that go negative and self censor. Of course there are probably many people out there who would delete a post with a 10:1 negative score ratio. Then again if it's that bad then it might not be a bad thing to delete it.

Both models have their place and pros and cons. I understand the nefarious intent behind this change on Youtube, but I feel like hiding negative feedback so that only the poster can see it has potential. It could deter bandwagon downvote brigading. Dislikes are really only relevant to the algorithm and the user who posted the content.

My wife's creepy racist incel uncle had a fit once when we went into a store and he saw himself on the security camera. He said he doesn't like seeing himself. My sister had the same reaction to seeing herself pre transition and apparently it's a common theme among trans people who haven't realized it yet.

I know it's a bit of a tangent, but he's rabidly transphobic up to the point just short of being blatantly hateful. He's obsessed with my sister and other trans people and made a lot of obsessive and creepy jokes about dating them.

This post triggered my PTSD.

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Tim Pool is blaming the Russians.

If they're actually behind it: