2 Post – 329 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I am he as you are he as you are me And we are all together

i'll worry about it if and when it happens. i have wasted too much time, energy and resources worrying and catastrophizing about things i cannot control.

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I wonder why people aren’t going for mastodon.

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Weed is a gateway drug to the fridge.

best of all, this strategy isn't going to decrease viewership, probably increase it. it's also going to increase the usage of vpn's.

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Having a blank screen will make me less angry than seeing a long advertisement. Not to mention, I come from the days of dial up. I can wait a bit until I view the video.

you excluded an important piece - YT has been updating their script (idk terminology) several times a day. so the instructions may not work. see the below -

I followed the 4 steps, but I'm still experiencing issues The latest fix for anti-adblock was made on Oct 12, 2023 and currently corresponds to ID cc87ee3e *.

  • The ID mentioned above refers to YouTube's latest anti-adblock script. You can monitor it via this link: (top to bottom = oldest to newest). This means that the current fix is matched with the script with corresponding ID.

For example, in, the c97476a7 part is the ID.

If the latest ID (the last line) does NOT match the current one written above, it means YT has updated it recently and you may encounter anti-adblock again. PLEASE DO NOT REPORT IN THIS CASE.

If the ID does match and you still get anti-adblock, kindly repeat the 4 steps above. Thank you.

Uninstalling + reinstalling uBO, then force updating all your filter lists like in step #3 may also help.

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maybe it's my personality or i'm old but i keep my things (including tech) until they become unusable. i've never thought about upgrading my phone every couple of years. i kept my last phone for 6 years (it became a brick), my current phone is from 2018.

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.. and there are too many bots in the comments.

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Sucks but on the flipside it means that I’ll have more time for myself.

I already spend less time on social media because R/all sucks balls and lemmy doesn’t have too much content. I don’t have any other social media.

I also don’t have cable or pay for streaming services, so I found a replacement in the form of YouTube and Spotify (podcasts). I’m ok if these options go away.

There are a lot of hobbies that I want to do and the less distracted I am, the higher chance that I’ll choose to do them instead of dicking around.

Tldr: brings it on!

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danny was already convicted of the rapes when kutcher wrote the letter, saying that danny was an outstanding citizen.

that looks like youtube. is that how non old.reddit looks like?

Was a big fan of eric Clapton but I learned later in that he’s racist so now his music leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I regret seeing him instead of Chris Cornell. I was sure clapton would go before Cornell :(((

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Good. They need to be sued.

i use electronics until they're unusable. my last phone lasted 6 years, my laptop lasted 11 years. i don't have a tv or anything else.

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that's what happens when the state is run by religion.

… are his hands really that small or was it photoshopped?

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The person wants to punish others. It’s not actually about the cost.

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I learned how to manage my finances back when r/personalfinance was small and years later I used the money that I saved to take time off to work on my mental health. I will forever be grateful to Reddit for that. It literally changed my life.

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and you won't understand how your action created the circumstance you're in and you'll complain to everyone about it.

The only logical solution here is to double down on his beliefs.

Couldn’t have happened to a better person. Im glad that people are taking the time out of their busy schedule to give the 1 bird solute to him, he even got his own welcoming banner. Good for him. I bet he feels special.

It’s not a surprise that the c-suite has the highest number of psychopaths.

What difference does this make now? Racism isn’t a republican secret, neither is supporting white supremacy. The few bipoc supporters will minimize it.

the most interesting thing about this is the fact that "removed" is blurred out, but not "gay ass queer". times have changed and i feel so fucking old.

e: til you can't say it on lemmy.

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A decade ago I lost weight on weight watchers. All it took was self control. The less calories I ate, the less I weighed. I'm still within 5 pounds of that weight.

some of us exited, and are observing the madness while sitting comfy at lemmy. when the api stuff started, i was really stressed out about not having a place to call home. and now that i do, i need to buy more popcorn.

Imagine being an idiot in DC and not knowing how government cars/ protected cars look like.

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.. and rape and sexual assault and pedophile.. some videos (like on cults) are really weird to watch cus so many words are bleeped out.

one time as punishment she cancelled christmas for the younger 2.. the older 2 got presents like usual. another time she didn't allow her oldest son to sleep in his room for 6 months oh and he slept on a bean bag during those months... when he did have a room he wasn't allowed to have a door. if you want to see examples check out mormon stories podcast. they go into detail.

The girl's father was in prison for a separate sex crime and has no involvement in his daughter's life, Tulsa Police told FOX23 News at the time of the incident.

so i guess that explains why she was comfortable with allowing an adult to rape her daughter. these are the kind of men she dates.

Facebook pulled that same shit on me in 2011, and I never went back. It was awesome!

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are you neurodivergent or is english a foreign language? for some reason those folks tend to get labeled as bots.

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As a friend, Danny has been nothing but a positive influence on me.

He’s an extraordinarily honest and intentional human being.

Over 25 year relationship I don’t ever recall him lying to me.

Not only is he a good friend to me I’ve witnessed him be a good friend to others and the kind of brother others would be lucky to have.

As a role model, Danny has consistently been an excellent one.

... danny's an amazing man who walks on water... the serial rapist thing isn't the real him...

I just want weed. I didn’t even think of buying alcohol for new years, but I did purchase a screen for my pipe.

i want to go to a restaurant and get a physical menu, instead of having to dl an app using a QR code.

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And then companies like YouTube force you to unblock them.

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Heh let’s see who people actually vote for. Polls don’t mean shit.

Focus on the things you can control. My emotional state has significantly improved when I decided to do this.

They have been really good at it over the last few months.

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the issue is that it's not individuals renting out their homes, it's corporations that rent or purchase many apartments and then put them on air bnb. additionally, landlords leave apartments vacant for many months. both of these factors make renting harder and more expensive in nyc.