
0 Post – 176 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I expected this comment to be from KenM

There are manual releases on each door inside, but I'm surprised they don't have them outside as well.

Reading more about it, I find that many only have manual releases on the front doors until recently and they have a connection point you're meant to jump with power to unlock and open from the outside. I didn't think anyone would be okay waiting for a jump to get their baby out, but then these people waited for firemen to break their window, so...

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It's nice to read about them actually acting on warnings and stopping such an attack for once.

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I don't understand why so many would consider this rage bait; the title seems reasonable and the article lines up with what I expected from it. He sounds like a rare CEO who gets it, though who knows if that will amount to anything...

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Judging by the nature of them posting an adult's arm with this tattoo, they know exactly that it stands for and put it in there for additional laughs.

If you need a bed or bedding, https://www.sleeplikethedead.com/ collects and distills online reviews from everywhere about it.

If you need earbuds, http://www.scarbir.com/ does similar.

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How is it hard to root for the anonymity of people? This is pretty cut-and-dry.

These are the kinds of people who go on the Internet and claim that dishwashers don't work very well.

Malls didn't die overnight, you know. It's a downward spiral that takes many years when it starts.

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All I see are people talking about consumer apps that could be websites, but it's a problem in the business world, too. My small business makes a service for other small businesses and all our big competitors use apps for their system while we use a web app. Some even restrict to only iOS or Android, too. It blows our potential customers' minds when they see that ours is just a website with at least as much functionality as the competition and the ability to access it from anything.

I have no idea why anyone would do it differently as it's WAY easier/cheaper to maintain this website than deal with app ecosystems. And there simply aren't enough users in this space to merit data scraping like with consumer apps.

Yeah, especially in the EU where apparently their laws regarding circumventing DRM might make the people who fixed this the bad guys instead of this comically evil manufacturer who put GPS kill switches on public passenger trains.

If you RTFA, they were paid by the repair company who was paid by the private train operator to fix the train. In doing so, they reverse engineered the hardware/firmware and found the DRM added by the manufacturer to prevent the repair company from doing the repairs by bricking the train.

Is that different between instances? On lemmy.world there's a little [-] to the right of the commenter's name you can click to collapse the thread below that point. It's a bad place for it, but it works.

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I thought PEX was just an industry term for HDPE pipes, but no, you're right. The X stands for crosslinked and irradiation is one of (the more expensive) ways of achieving it. It sounds like most common PEX is made by adding peroxides to the HDPE or LDPE before extrusion and the chemical causes the thermoplastic to become a thermoset after the heat and pressure of the extruder. Neat stuff.

It's a real shame that communities like that couldn't more easily uproot and move en masse to a new instance on Lemmy or similar.

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Not as of right now, it isn't. I was disappointed to see none when I searched.

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Do investors really love it? Is there anyone as stupid as the group-think whole that believes that will stop even one act of piracy?

All these idiotic measures have clearly driven more people to piracy...

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I'm pretty sure the flimsy plagiarism matter is just the lever used to oust her after her poor handling of the students calling for genocide. That looked real bad for the school in the congressional hearing. That or a way to oust her without appearing to pick a side in that whole mess.

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Good cheat prevention needs to be part of the game's fundamental design, not some virus as a band-aid.

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Just think of it as a PC game that happens to also have an Xbox release holding it back for some reason.

Which quote are you thinking of?

"Dresden? There is not such a place any longer." or maybe "The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them."

Might it also be possible that they're trying this as a method of guerilla marketing? People get angry at the cancellation and spread the word, then they capitulate and uncancel it.

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Yes, there are good games that are just totally free. I've enjoyed the hell out of both ΔV: Rings of Saturn and South Scrimshaw lately. Both offer things you can purchase, but you get the full experience without them.

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That would be where that 10 mil figure would have come from.

What ever happened to doing this with UHF RFID? Getting the cost of the individual chips down was always just a matter of scaling production.

They all run out of fluid and never bother refilling it.

By knobs, you mean rotary switches, I assume. I think the thing is they cheaped out by not designing the switches they needed. Instead they just sourced whatever rotary switches they could find that had the number of outputs they needed for these weird, segmented burners, regardless of their potentiometer directions.

We have altered the terms of service. Pray we do not alter them any further.

So about the same as US student loans? Sounds like a good amount of debt to put him in.

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Time to leave every single major subreddit.

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I just love the review of it that states, "if you like The Witness, you'll like The Looker, but if you hated The Witness, you'll love The Looker."

Yeah, I fell for this once a year ago and was dumbfounded to only get 480p when I paid for "UHD". Never paying again. Great job, bean counters.

Some US states have some sort of department of weights and measures. I've contacted mine before about such issues and they take them very seriously, sending out an inspection team to test the claim. What they can do to enforce things depends on the state, though.

I particularly appreciate the armored cow.

*checks Steam reviews... 143,535 Overwhelmingly Positive

Totally underrated.

Lmao, no, that's been a point of contention for over 100 years. No way that's changing any time soon.

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Are we Reddit now?

Always have been.

And as others may have said, induction stoves hold perfect temperature, but also require you to use more substantial steel pots and pans to begin with. As such, they won't suffer from poor temperature modulation like older resistive electric stoves with cheap aluminum pans would.

How are they handling this? Would a VPN get you around it or is it based on where the service subscription is based?

US Subs has offered these for decades and they're a legit commercial submarine firm. I'm not sure anyone actually wants to buy them.

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I won't trust Unity with any of my future projects until I see the heads of their entire upper level management team on pikes.