Reddit faces content quality concerns after its Great Mod Purge to – 1559 points –
Reddit faces content quality concerns after its Great Mod Purge

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It's a real shame that communities like that couldn't more easily uproot and move en masse to a new instance on Lemmy or similar.

Any users that cared probably moved on too quickly for something like that to take shape.

I think my bigtest issue with Lemmy is that I waited a bit from the huge migration because it just felt so incomplete and it was such a mess to jump into but now that I finally joined it feels dead with lots of subs basically dead with only some posts from months ago like the overzealous people decided this was dead and disappeared.

I'm kind of glad that the subreddits/communities that I follow hear are slow; At least the news ones.

Really the only pages I would like to see super "lively" would be the funny memes ones.

Which ones do you wish were more active?