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It's fuckin weird to see a company make a decision based on the long term retention of their customers rather than short term profits... I like these guys.

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Honestly, no. It's your job to vet the software you run. If it's open source, you had every chance to make sure it wasn't going to irreversibly break your system ahead of time.

Alternatively, you could pay money for a solution from a reputable company with support.

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I was just thinking about this the other day. Any ideas for projects to use them with?

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Dude, I was trying to deal with the fucking Fullscreen cookie popup when the subscribe to unlock bullshit popped up and I just closed it immediately

Couldn't send that point home any harder

I can't remember off the top of my head, but there is at least one airline/airplane that offers a live camera from the tip of the rear stabilizer to those displays. VR is of course a bit much currently, but it would be an awesome experience, no doubt.

Not even a Tesla or Elon guy but wow people just really enjoy shitting on these cars lol. That 20 year old car that drops the window doesn't drop it when the battery is dead either. Flawed design man, Teslas are ass, Elon is Satan 🤷‍♂️

I think even the most hardcore self hosting guys would probably caution most against setting up their own mail server too. One of the few things that has too many caveats to make self hosting make sense.

This makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the insight!

I understand your issue with these cars - they're dangerous, and could kill people with incomplete or buggy software. I believe the person you are responding to was pointing out that even with the bugs, these are already safer than human drivers. This is already better when looking at data rather than headlines and going off of how things seem.

Personally, I would prefer to be in control of the vehicle at all times. I don't like the idea of driverless tech either.

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Oh boy, that guy that's real fun at parties. The hero we need...

It's a rage reference man. If it was used on Reddit previously, okay, but you're reaching to write your own narrative. Reddit sucks. Move on.

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??? You quoted my comment with 'reputable' in it. You put a level of trust in anything you use. Reputable companies are unlikely to fuck your shit up with bad software. It happens - not trying to say it doesn't - but again, you have to trust somewhere.

Yeah, long haul tractor/trailer drivers don't do 700mi a day. Possible for someone driving non-commercially, absolutely, but at the very least unwise, an outlier use case, and a poor argument here.

I can't boil augmentation down to materialism. Think further than chopping off your limbs and replacing them with sweet robot arms, you'll find a world of questions that are hard to answer and put you face to face with what it means to be human - something we are often too comfortable in our daily lives to do.

Too little to gain? There is everything to gain. Human capability is what brought us this magic rock in our hands that we poke to operate every part of our lives from finances to relationships to shopping and we use it to communicate with the world. With the internet, cheap mobile phones, and wireless tech, humanity has given itself a global consciousness through sheer ingenuity and genius, and now we're on the precipice of the AI age. Significantly enhancing human capability isn't mind blowing to you? It's just materialism? The good and bad that may come from augmentation... It's overwhelming, honestly.

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Can you imagine living/renting/staying at one of those and trying to find your way back after a night out...?

I mean, "it's shit" is technically discussion but I was hoping for more too lol


My understanding of RSS is that it's basically a list of metadata and links for content... Its always seemed to me to be a great way to aggregate the content you want to see. He did specifically mention keeping an Identity across multiple forums and I'm not aware of any RSS implementation that provides that functionality though... are you? That's a huge feature to miss if we're talking about social link aggregators like Reddit and Lemmy.

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It is absolutey insane how hard it is to find one reasonable comment on Lemmy these days. 'Naturally gifted' density or willful ignorance, either way, there's an impressive amount of people that believe he was speaking from the heart because it confirms their own beliefs.

Someone get the whiteboard...

I dunno, depends on how long it's been rotting...

Next decade will be a very interesting one for this reason. Evidence is no longer evidence.

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Lmao I would be too! You're self hosting services behind a reverse proxy and familiar enough with docker to set that up, but you're clearly not a very tech savvy person...! Haha. There's levels to everything, I guess. Weird gatekeep though, perhaps lost in translation

People were complaining about cable costing that much - now a single streaming service does. We have gone from "hmm, maybe it's easier to just pay Netflix 12 bucks a month" back to "this shit is too expensive, I'm gonna pirate my media"

Entertainment companies just can't seem to figure out how to deliver content to us in a convenient and affordable way.

Honestly, it is! It's big, it's lumbering, it's heavy AF. Somehow, with small-arms resistant steel for doors, it's 2000 lbs lighter than the Hummer EV and I would still have expected the Hummer to have less trouble with that hill. Hard to tell from this video though honestly - an inexperienced off-roader in a Jeep/Raptor/whatever could have had just as much trouble as the Cybertruck did here.

I think Tesla is struggling with the cybertruck. They have a lot of skills and lessons learned from their other vehicles, but a truck is completely different in use case. They seem out of their depth here.

Disclaimer: I'm not an Elon/Tesla hater. I want to see them succeed for a number of reasons. I want to like the Cybertruck. It ain't there yet.

They don't need to expose themselves online to make a good living though. I think it's important to distinguish that - this is an easy and accessible way for most women to make a few extra bucks or a good living, but they don't need to and there are plenty of options to make a good living that don't require showing off your naked body out there.

The middle class is being squeezed and many if not all jobs should pay more than what they do - not trying to debate that here. But to pretend women have no other options or somehow feel a need to do OF... Disingenuous at best.

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We all would do well to recognize different types of intelligence.

I can see how you got there, but I'm actually not saying you need to understand any programming languages at all. If the code is out there, and the product is worthwhile, the community can and will vet it.

Like I responded to the other guy, you put a level of trust in anything you use. You can pay for a product and expect polish and support, or you can go the open source route, the DIY hobbyist route, and expect to have to do more yourself. You might have to do research on a product before you trust it. This isn't a radical concept to me. If I was putting together an RC car, I would do research on the motor to make sure it was unlikely to fail catastrophically.

I'm sure it's cheaper to maintain overall too, not including the one-time costs of hardware. Plus as you said, control is very valuable - and you get privacy, too! Nobody selling your usage data.

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I'll stand by my original point, but I do agree that the global consciousness is everything you stated. It's also young. It skews hard toward the younger generation who grew up with it currently. Very interested to see what it's like in the future when everyone uses it grew up with it. Probably still shit TBH - humanity really sucks ass in a lot of ways - but I do think it will mature somewhat.

I'll also agree that we are in desperate need of philosophical and sociological advancement. I think it's important to keep in mind they're not mutually exclusive; we can and are working on both at the same time, and technological advancement can help or eliminate issues in the other areas mentioned.

You can't stop progress. And we shouldn't try to. We do need to address serious, solvable social issues in the world though, and technology can and has facilitated that in the past. Medicine is technology, remember. Humanity is absolutely equipped to make much use of augmentation, but I will not pretend there are no downsides. The tech will be used for both good and evil and that's just nature. In all things, balance.

What do you mean?

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OF has only existed for 7 years. The lower and middle class has been struggling for much longer than this. Wages have been stagnant for much longer than this. What did these women with 'no other options' do before OF? What do the struggling men do?

People almost always have options... They just may not like them. Let's please all stop pretending these women are forced into or have no other option than OF. They are choosing to because it is a convenient way to make extra income. It's a convenient side hustle. Why would they spend time creating a product to sell or learning a trade or skill when they can point a camera at themselves? Much faster and easier. And there's nothing wrong with that - let's just be honest when we have these conversations.

Thanks! If I can be candid, I almost asked for your best piece of advice in my previous comment, so I appreciate it. I've heard great things about both - Synology especially people always seem to have good things to say. Still doing the research and deciding the best hardware path for the use case at the moment, so I'll be sure to keep you in mind and pick your brain sometime!

That's actually fascinating to think about. Would be a fun project to mash something like Blazor Server and an LLM together and allow users to just kindly ask to rewrite the DOM in plain English.

I was kind of a tool bag there. I'm sorry. Guess I'm just tired of of half the comments on Lemmy involving reddit somehow. It'll die down eventually I'm sure.

Melons kinda look like planets... 🤔

Do you realize how silly a thing that is to say? People existed before literally all technology. How you feel about the necessity of the invention is literally irrelevant to the conversation.

Yep, looking at doing the exact same thing myself, albeit smaller scale to start with. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the ride despite the cost, because I know I'm headed down the same path, lol. Cheers.

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I'm sorry friend, this is where I get off. You are assuming the police officer will always be faster than the attacker... I don't know where we go from here. Thank you for the conversation.


Raw materials-wise maybe? Check your last sentence as well, don't think you communicated what you meant to

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It is one thing to be wary of something because you experience it often.

It is another to spew masturbatory hate at each mention of police.