Single-use e-cigarettes contain batteries that last hundreds of cycles despite being discarded

Lee to – 667 points –
Single-use e-cigarettes contain batteries that last hundreds of cycles despite being discarded

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I was just thinking about this the other day. Any ideas for projects to use them with?

Turn them into a power bank, among other things.

futuristic caltrops

I am dying... 🤣

Also they all have to be 0.1 v from each other otherwise the "whole thing goes south" sounds scary and is now kind of making me rethink my plan of putting up collection boxes outside of high schools and building a battery for my house out of them.

Once it's balanced and wired it's impossible to be imbalanced again though. The risk is only during initial assembly and you accidentally includes an empty cells among fully charged cells.

building a battery for my house

Uh yeah that's totally different league than building a power bank though.

this is only true if they're 1s. but all bets are off if you have cell groups. God forbid you use them to make anything remotely useful like an ebike battery or home power storage.