
1 Post – 127 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Its heartwarming to know that they would work together to bring their antichrist to power.

Vaping = Grabbing the Hog!

18 more...

Plaintiff’s lawyers argued that the pay package was dictated by Musk and was the product of sham negotiations with directors who were not independent of him.

Shams pretty much some up the whole of his career.

Someone give this man a pardon.

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So, how will this work and comply with laws regarding its use in a medical institution?

What about its use in a company that has extremely valuable trade secrets that need to be kept that way?

What about the military?

Wouldn't this make for an excellent target to harvest data for hackers?

I wonder if Win 11 LTSC will leave it out.

8 more...

I wait about a year after release before buying a game on my wish list. There are just too many buggy games these days. Why should I pay a premium price for an unfinished product? I also have a backlog of games in my library.

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I prefer quality over quantity, but more quality is always welcome. I'm not going back to reddit. The reddit alien is about to become the Borg of the shareholders.

I wish them both the worst of luck.

Matt 6:5-8 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

It sure seems like an attention seeking parade.

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More info is needed. Here ya go folks:

Philips recalled the following devices made between 2009 and April 26, 2021:

A-Series BiPAP A30
A-Series BiPAP A40 (ventilator)
A-Series BiPAP Hybrid A30
A-Series BiPAP V30 Auto (ventilator)
C-Series ASV (ventilator)
C-Series S/T and AVAPS
DreamStation ASV
DreamStation Go
DreamStation ST, AVAPS
Dorma 400
Dorma 500
Garbin Plus, Aeris, LifeVent (ventilator)
OmniLab Advanced+
REMstar SE Auto
SystemOne ASV4
SystemOne (Q-Series)
Trilogy 100 (ventilator)
Trilogy 200 (ventilator)


Lying to people is a requirement in their family. Its like brushing your teeth and flossing for them.

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The concept of addiction as a brain disease has been challenged in recent times. Its better to think of it as a learning disorder that can be corrected over time. AA and NA have also shaped public opinion on alcoholics and addicts with ideas that are not based on science.

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Wtf does governing mean in Texas?


Unfortunately it does need pointing out. Back when I was in college, professors would need to repeatedly tell their students that the real world forensics don't work like they do on NCIS. I'm not sure as to how much thing may or may not have changed since then, but based on American literacy levels being what they are, I do not suppose things have changed that much.

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The children's bible. /s

Many emulators have been doing something like this for quite a while. Its called a "saved state." In some cases, a saved state can introduce bugs into the game play and mess up your progression, but that is just in emulation.

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We should be getting paid for all the contributions many of us have made on reddit over the years, especially, the mods.

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I started blocking those from appearing when they first showed up. There are a number of ways to do it. The Blocktube extension is one.

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This is a good read.

On a side note: Anyone remember the story of the guy that went on vacation and his buddy watching the place left the gay porn on pause on the plasma screen as a joke?

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Good to hear he is still alive. I wish him a very slow and arduous recovery.

There are no comprehensive alternatives that can functionally fill the gap. They have had more than enough time to make one. Its all posturing. Opposition and faking until enough power is accumulated that it is no longer necessary to do so. That's the plan.

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Great! Looks like it might be coming to Fdroid soon. I will wait until then.

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Hold on. Let me check... Oh wait, I didn't buy any Ubisoft games, I wonder why? I wanted to play AC, but there must be a reason.

Putlers Youth to a theater near you, coming soon. Fuck that guy!

My machine running Win10 LTSC is getting updates until 2029. I also have machines running Debian. There is no way I am installing the regular version of Win11. Its trash made to pander to greedy shareholders. If they take the garbage out for LTSC, I might run it.

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They were eating Modafinil and coming down with Zolpidem when Trump was in office. Was this guy writing the scripts?

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We need to get religion out of politics or this will never end. There is no good side to this conflict; its all bad lesser, middling, and greater.

Someone is going to be a high seas king after this for sure.

If these endeavors prove to be successful, it won't be because of me.

I take it that they will let her out and give her nothing for all the lost time? I couldn't find anything about monetary compensation in the article.


Fundie's natural enemies are logic science and facts.


The worst of offenders won't be any less dangerous.

Let it be known that the refugees can go here: old.lemmy.world

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Its common practice for the wealthy to play both sides. You would see a lot more of it if you could trace all the dark money.

I think you are underestimating what some 8 yos are capable of. Of course, this was a girl, but many have a sense of well developed empathy at that age.