
5 Post – 210 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

At least the trump campaign has to come up with some new tactics, since Biden obviously wasn't on uppers during the campaign as they suggested, and the "Biden is old" is pretty much effect less these days with trumps mental decline on display.

That's just another word for Ghetto


He sounds a bit like those advocates that say only Russian/Chinese/Saudi Arabian news are telling the truth, when it is all state controlled outlets.

You would assume we have wipers down after decades without failure.

Wipers often are the only moving part still working after a car totalled.

I can't believe they killed reddit for AI bots.

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That's what made me wonder. Do they just assume applicants use their real name on social media, and when they don't find anything online the person seems sus?

Do they ask for a police record like companies here would do sometimes?

I'm not familiar with that term unless you work with critical infrastructure and such, so I assumed they might just want to see some online behaviour from the past years with some proof that applicants have experience as admins.

You don't need much content or many comments to achieve the goal, when you have thousands of votes behind it for the good placement.

You may only need a couple hundred though. Reddit's algorithm is particularly broken and once a post is on hot it's unstoppabe.

I think we all saw the campaign through the lense of bot farms.


It looks cheap, even from that angle. Maybe especially from that angle because it highlights all the out of place looking plastic parts.

Did I understand that correct that applicants would have to tell their real name?

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Those poor children but also parents.

I read the homepage of Trails Carolina and I would almost fall for them even after knowing what they're up to.

This place sounds like therapy heaven.

It's used for Internet purchases, so you don't have to give your billing information some random site that might get hacked.

Are there different versions of Windows 11? Mine doesn't show ads at all.

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He lost his bearings.

I have Win 11 Pro. I had Starfield ads on my lock screen for a while. I also had those search recommendations, but that's it. Now I have nothing. Maybe it's related to EU?

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Our whole capitalistic system is built around endless growth. That's the reason population has to grow endlessly too.

Essential Floss unwaxed is approved for pregnancy, it has no fluorides.

It might be time to replace the "?" with an "!" behind the "Trump Troll" tag I have on you.

So how to break the cycle?

If there really is a cosmic web and information flows through it, the other solar system will know that we're coming to destroy another world, but it will have developed defensive techniques against a known disease, humans. The same our immune systems does to known viruses.

I went a bit creative with this one.

Funny that they want you to allow all java scripts but then criticise first party scripts for being unsave.

I bet [insert random autocrat here] would approve of that message.

Do you want to hear about the Microsoft "bug" that affected Firefox that was only recently fixed after 5+ years of getting reported?

Corporations really hate non-profit products that are superior.

So he's planning to make the poor pay the taxes for the rich.

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Looks like those countries have a currency issue with hyper inflation.

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You need to get your shit together.

Brasils ex president Bolsonaro was banned for 8 years for reelection for influencing the last election.

He had been accused of undermining Brazilian democracy by falsely claiming that the electronic ballots used were vulnerable to hacking and fraud.

Meanwhile Trump...

Louis Rossman.

I enjoyed his board repairs, now he's only rambling.

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If it were one ad I might be fine with it, but it's usually 2-3 ads every 5-10 minutes, at a volume twice as loud as the video, and each up to 2 minutes long.

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But as it was happening… I was very disappointed. Because I wanted to meet Jim Carrey, and I had to pretend this n*gga was Andy Kaufman… all afternoon. It was clearly Jim Carrey. I could look at him and I could see he was Jim Carrey.

Anyway, I say all that to say… that’s how trans people make me feel.

That's extremely transphobic and not even an attempt at being funny.


“Give me your fruit cocktail, bitch, before I knock your motherf*cking teeth out. I’m a girl, just like you, bitch. Come here and suck this girl’s dick I got. Don’t make me explain myself. I’m a girl”

Also very transphobic, and there's more.

Here's the complete transcript of his new program.


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Do you have a better source than a nesweek article that is completely based on unproven tweets?

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There's indeed renaissance festivals in UK.

I'm pretty sure they pretend to speak old English there.

while declining to explicitly say whether it would come to Taiwan's aid if China attacked.

“You didn’t want to get involved in the Ukraine conflict militarily for obvious reasons,” a reporter said to Mr. Biden. “Are you willing to get involved militarily to defend Taiwan if it comes to that?”

“Yes,” Mr. Biden answered flatly.

“You are?” the reporter followed up.

“That’s the commitment we made,” he said.


Sounds more like someone came to their senses but tries to save face....hopefully. You never know if this is just a strategic move to make others believe they won't attack.

Meta disbanded responsible AI team

Meta formed irresponsible AI team

They have been gutted for a decade. It was a genius move to circumvent their complete failure by using the inflation reduction act.

They're repeating right wing propaganda, that's what's up.

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It's saying that antisemitism isn't real but only in the imagination of jewish people, while it's supposed to be a fact that Jews systemiletical work on the eradication of white people, while also implying that jewish people aren't white, so boosting the Nazi argument of some white master race based on genetics.

It's also implying that jews aren't individuals but are all conspiring together.

Interesting that people only now realise that he's copying Hitler. MAGA already was a Nazi slogan.

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