Wake-up Call: Democrats could easily lose the White House and Senate next year

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 589 points –
Democrats could easily lose the White House and Senate next year

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What the hell are you talking about???

The dems have absolutely given us things to vote for: infrastructure act, record low unemployment, union support with the pres visiting the picket line for the first time ever, we have the best inflation rate across all of the G7.

Yeah it’s not enough but that’s on the contrarians more than anything else.

The fuck you talking about

Mmmm, no. I heard that Biden and his ultra-centrist party have done nothing to stop deforestation in the Messia region of Mozambique. I'd rather have Trump and vote my conscience than allow globalists like Biden to ruin the Earth.

(just in case... /s)

Haha. Perfectly captures the tune of many Democratic voters. It's the nature of it though. Isn't it? The Democrats are broad coalition of like-minded but not monolithic people. The Republicans are a hive mind, cultivated and fed fat on a strict diet of outrage and propaganda media by the billionaire class.

America is becoming increasingly radicalized on both ends, the leftists must side with the center-right neoliberal while the fascists get to vote for fascists.

It isn't surprising to see disappointment from leftists, even if they still absolutely should vote for the lesser of two evils.

Then they promised billions of dollars of orphan killing aid to Israel, because they just can't resist being neoliberals.

Yes, they're better than a party full of fascists and fundamentalists, but so is a suit full of roadkill and excrement.

That doesn't mean people need to enthusiastically cheer as we hurtle towards oblivion.

Has any new aid been passed for Israel? I thought it was tied to Ukraine funding, which I know hasn't passed.

Sure the rail road workers loved bidens support lol


“Biden deserves a lot of the credit for achieving this goal for us,” Russo said. “He and his team continued to work behind the scenes to get all of rail labor a fair agreement for paid sick leave.”


Whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout

How dare people disagree! What idiots, right?

Disagreeing is obviously fine, but playing cherry pick whataboutism games isn't that

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