Jeremy [Iowa]

@Jeremy [Iowa]
0 Post – 317 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


Just another person seeking connection, community, and diversity of thought in an increasingly polarized and team-based society.

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My only complaint is such maneuvers tend to come with golden parachutes - his mismanagement of Unity leading to the whole fee debacle and erosion of trust deserves no such soft landing.

14 more...

The lack of Google/Microsoft enshittification is a huge draw.

1 more...

Well, when the price increases by ~75% and the value does not increase by ~75%, this sentiment isn't exactly surprising.

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Poor Splunk - such a useful tool does not deserve the upcoming enshittification.

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At risk of smug, things like this really reinforce the arguments in favor of EVs.

Oh no, petroleum is more expensive... anyway...

Hyper-sensationalism of the violence and its impact gave those seeking revenge and suicide a convenient two-in-one option.

Yarr intensifies

Sure there is... stop using Facebook.

2 more...

It does me good to see the Republicans tearing themselves apart over their own version of a Manchin-esque refusal to compromise.

That said, "it would undoubtedly irritate colleagues who have said that passing any bill with Democratic votes would immediately trigger a motion to remove McCarthy from the speakership" is... as sad as it is hilarious.

1 more...

Not to be flippant, but you could have just stopped at Microsoft Teams running like ass as the problem is Microsoft Teams and its bloated, over-ambitious nature running in fucking Edge via WebView.

Specific to your case, you seem to be referring to a video call - is Firefox using hardware acceleration? I seem to recall each video feed is its own transcode/render process so if that's entirely on CPU, it could definitely wreck your performance.

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Regulatory capture seems about on par for Google these days. I suppose I'll be switching back to OnePlus for Android devices; that'll be about it for Google stuff in my home.

13 more...

Right, so anyone adopting such a "buy for a month and binge watch" strategy can still pay ~75% more and not receive a ~75% increase in value.

Nothing is changed.

4 more...

Oh, her being adversarial with progressives was pretty well-known. Not the legacy I'd want.

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I wonder if they realize the extent to which this disincentivizes upgrades to any newer form of Unity - and the newer license - even outside the rest of the recent drama.

It would take amazing changes to even consider giving this up - and at that point, it's a hop and a skip to a platform shift.

On the other hand, when wage growth continually fails to even come close to inflation, the rah rah economy gaslighting falls a bit flat.

24 more...

I'm looking forward to Amazon's upcoming light slap on the wrist and increased lobbying efforts.

at 4K/High Settings

Do you believe 90% of gamers will be playing at 4K/High settings?

8 more...

We've known how to meaningfully address this for ages - with the side benefit of actually improving lives - and neither party is willing to pursue it as it lies outside partisan wedge-driving around various bans.

30 more...

Yarr intensifies

Not to mention hiring the always more expensive replacement dev.

Frankly, I make solid six figures and still have a hard time even contemplating buying a new car. With how much value is lost short-term it's like just burning cash.

I think the best vehicular investment I've ever made was a moderately-used Chevy Volt for, like, ~14k. That thing is a tank and still gets some EV / efficiency cred.

"approached" - you seem to be performing Olympic-tier stretching to reduce this aggressive harassment and intimidation to "approached".

This is incredibly disingenuous - it's hard to take anything you say seriously through such. It's also clear you aren't actually here for any form of conversation, aren't here to understand what happened as shown by video and conclude from that, and are instead here to just shill your anti-firearm point of view.

Beyond disappointing.

I wish you the best of luck with that. Poor taxes were the strategy behind the NFA - its incredible unpopularity guarantees it won't make it through either branch of Congress let alone both.

Oh, wow - I'll have to let my hunting group know our AR-15s chambered in .350 Legend complete with standard magazines just aren't any good for deer because this rando on the Internet said so.

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We've already done the research on mass shooters and understand how to address the problem - it's a multi-faceted, systemic approach.

So, naturally, neither party is willing to make any progress on it.

7 more...

It's good to see this blatant partisan propaganda organization go down the shitter.

Bullshit. Democrats would be happy to try ANYTHING to solve this issue.

And yet they've pushed literally nothing but various restrictions and bans focusing on firearms rather than attempting to address underlying root issues.

Do not both-sides this extremely one-sided issue.

Don't pretend a failing of both parties is somehow only a failing of one.

"Most" seems to be doing some incredibly generous work here.

I had just kind of assumed this was present in every enterprise environment.

Yes. It will allow Firefox to use any graphics processing available which is incredibly more efficient for video workloads.

Even shitty onboard Intel Iris and similar handle video workloads that much more efficiently.

I feel like $1 million is more than enough to pay for any therapy necessary to patch up any possible resulting breaks in my psyche with plenty to spare.

I'm pretty sure many years worth of my salary for 48 hours of extreme stress is worth it given parenthood and career already yield moderate to high stress regularly; investing the $1 million well could push up retirement quite a bit.

Plus, let's be real - I get at least some legit rest in there.

You shouldn’t go “pew-pew” when every shot you miss can hit an innocent bystander.

Heck, even a shot that you don’t miss, can go all the way through and hit someone totally innocent on the other side.

You seem like someone who has absolutely no understanding of firearms and ballistics.

Assuming one follows the rules of firearm safety, including know your target and what is beyond your target, there's no risk to bystanders. This person was clearly not firing wildly. This was a 9mm from a short barrel - there's no real danger of over penetration.

Your fearmongering is ridiculous.

17 more...

Suddenly, I miss the old days of Android. I suppose it's back to CyanogenMod or whatever it is these days

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Given we already have a War on Drugs era President, this is amazing.

3D printers: exist

17 more...

Do we need fully auto firearms? No not really.

Sure, but it's not really about need and there's nothing meaningfully different about them.

Guns should be registered.

You're going to see much resistance to the notion of the state owning a registry of every individual owning a firearm and what they own. Allow for the concept of a paper trail of transfers especially where private-party transfers are legal, allow those to request NICS checks, and you'll probably be set.

Lastly I know this is a stretch, but the US should be checking vehicles going to Mexico. Interesting that we only check coming back but not going. Firearms trafficking would be significantly reduced if we started checking.

Alternatively, we could address the root of the problem: Between 70 to 90 percent of guns recovered at crime scenes in Mexico can be traced back to the U.S. Drug cartels - there are policy changes we could enact to defang drug cartels while also helping enable addicts to seek the support they need.

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It's so weird to see Unity as the MVP on Unreal's team.

Like, blah blah Unity efficiency aside, this is... not going to go over well.

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Ooof. That poor child.

Exhibit #19,432,181 for ACAB... the best to be said is at least it's not being covered up yet. It remains to be seen whether or not the officer will suffer any consequences.

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Waa waa waa…grow up.

Yikes, the projection.

Y’all can’t figure out if guns are a hobby or a necessity, but you seem to always fall back on both points pretty quickly.

Oh? I'm not sure how you interpreted their highlight of the sheer commonality of those legally carrying with no issue as either of these things.

It’s sad that your “interests” seem to threaten our very existence, yet you feel like you have some inalienable right to kill others.

I'm not sure how you feel threatened by the mere existence of inanimate objects. Even extrapolating to the action - that of homicide - I'm not sure how you'd feel threatened by such a thing, especially so disproportionately to its lack of prevalence related to the other ways you can be killed and their statistical likelihood.

I'm also not sure how you interpret the right to bear arms - repeatedly highlighted for self-defense purposes in judgements and judge opinions - as somehow an inalienable right to kill others. Unless I'm missing something, that kill others part tends to result in the offender spending quite some time in prison.

It’s extremely sad and disappointing. I suggest you grow up and find other ways to entertain yourself.

You may wish to take your own advice - you seem unable to think beyond your own preconceived and irrational views on a thing, even aside from your demonstrated inability to consider how your criticisms and suggestions might apply to yourself rather hypocritically.