Lexi Sneptaur

@Lexi Sneptaur@pawb.social
5 Post – 528 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

28F, she/her - Seattle - Drive stick, use Linux, do praxis. Don't call me unless I gave you my number

Jar-jar kinks

You sound like a very pleasant person who is focused on their own self improvement. Long road ahead?

7th generation is retro. I’m sorry but the PS3 and 360 came out almost 20 years ago. The 360 is as old now as the NES was back then

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The assumption here being that courts do nothing ever and that the justice system doesn’t exist.

Seems ignorant and reductive but I’m not an expert

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Thank you for elaborating. It makes your point much more clear.

I want to abolish prison, then police, personally.

These people are documenting the history of an important part of our infrastructure. One video from a channel in this community documented a 1970s home security system as he was contracted to remove it. It’s super fascinating learning how these things function and watching them be tested. Such content can also help a person get over fear of alarms!

The video: https://youtu.be/mwAFN1aSFjY

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Everyone I’ve talked to that has used a Vision Pro has said it’s an incredible piece of magical technology, but it’s utterly useless.

It’s literally just Apple flexing.

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Importantly, if you have already opted out of sending data to Mozilla, this change will not affect you. It only sends data if you have the setting turned on. It takes just a few clicks to entirely disable it, and Mozilla deletes all record of your browser within 30 days from turning off this feature. If you're worried about it, do it now, it's just under Settings > Privacy & Security. Instructions are also linked in the blog post.

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This plan is so very soft on the billionaires and yet we are going to see it being resisted violently and with extreme prejudice.

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Teslas are built like shit. What do you expect

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That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.

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Boomer comic being actually funny for once

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But half of their modern printers require a monthly paid subscription to even function. They need to stop doing that.

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The Cato institute dissing Texas is actually hilarious. Republican infighting is the gift that keeps on giving.

Elon was simply following an article sent to him by a fascist explaining how to use Twitter to own the left and he did it. He followed the article to a T.

This NBC article, which was quite a challenge to find, discusses this.


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I think I would title this article differently. “Republicans attempting to erode voting rights in key states”

Italians get mad when you snap your pasta in half before cooking. The noodles are long for a reason.

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It was a smaller percentage than that. What’s terrifying is that the percentage of people who support him is higher than the percentage of those who think he committed crimes.


This article states that 17% of voters who support him over Biden admit he committed crimes, but still support him.

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I doubt you’re going to get the same pedantry you would get on Reddit here, about taxes. I think the majority of Lemmy users are educated and lean left politically

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Lemmy has the best memes

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AIPAC supports genocide, my liberal buddy

"Hmm, these people got arrested for being against genocide. Sounds like a great place for me to work!"

I sure hope you're joking

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It's because the NHS puts up a variety of barriers to care, with most trans patients going through a 2-5 year wait to get the hormones. This applies to adults.

Most trans people in the UK use DIY until the NHS finally decides they're "Trans enough" to deserve it, and even then, it's not guaranteed to be available due to political reasons.

Essentially, the government in the UK is extremely transphobic, and trans people are demonized and looked down upon worse than immigrants.

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I use Linux on my desktop at work, and sometimes you might end up with an apple computer instead depending on the employer.

The monopoly is slipping.


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I use Lutris for this. It makes configuration simpler. The problem is that your crack or patch might not work because it’s shit or because wine/proton doesn’t like it, and it’s not easy to figure out why.


You're believing a narrative agenda in this case, as the media tried to hide this fact because they don't want a pro-union guy in office. They want all the union people to think he's an enemy so you don't vote.

The Biden admin got it done for ALL 4 major railways too!

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Get your head out of your ass. Their voices are their art and to replicate that is not only disturbing it’s morally wrong. Especially if you do so for profit.

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Because it’s canonical’s thing they’re marketing to server markets

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Aren’t all of those part of the executive branch

It’s a Bethesda game. It wouldn’t feel right if it were bug-free.

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This is propaganda designed to increase hype and fear of supposed fake “AI” which does not exist. We have generative predictive text which is already incredibly unreliable. Just an impressive gimmick. Do not give in to fearmongering like this

Because some gamers think windows would be better for this. And maybe a little bit of gamer brand loyalty

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Disney and Florida taking an L? Pop the champagne!

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That’s why thrift stores exist. Nothing more sustainable than buying used.

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It seems like a profit-driven thing to me. Big piles of anonymized data are worth a pretty penny.

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AI, like cloud computing, is just a layman’s term for something else. You will not be able to stem the tide of language changing. It just means machine learning now. Just like how cloud computing is just a term for computing in a k8s cluster in someone’s data center.

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Yeah, and the FBI has been doing that for at least 7 years now, to catch some pretty disgusting criminals: https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/fbi-running-darknet-child-port-sites-tor-malware/

If they are willing to do it to catch bad guys, who's stopping them from doing it to monitor good guys as well?

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Looking directly at you, Telegram!!