Morale down, cronyism up after DeSantis takeover of Disney World government, ex-employees say to politics – 490 points –
Morale down, cronyism up after DeSantis takeover of Disney World government, ex-employees say

Morale and trust within the Walt Disney World government has deteriorated since allies of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis took it over earlier this year, according to many employees who have departed in recent months saying the governing district has been politicized and cronyism now permeates the organization.

More than 40 out of about 370 employees have left the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District since it was taken over in February, raising concerns that decades of institutional knowledge is departing with them, along with a reputation for a well-run government.

“When I first joined the District, I found an organization that strived to be the very best at serving our community, sought the very best employees and valued those employees above all else,” a former facilities manager with three years of experience said in an employee exit survey last week. “I find myself leaving a completely different District. A District that prioritizes politics above all else and will gladly sacrifice its employees, its community and its work if there’s an opportunity to score political points.”


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Disney and Florida taking an L? Pop the champagne!

This is a horrible take that's shared by DeSantis and his cronies. It doesn't matter how many people lose, as long as "the right" people lose.

A multibillion dollar media conglomerate getting to run its own local government is bad actually.

I mean, yes. Corporations owning towns is problematic. But the way in which this was handled is significantly worse.

While having their own government generated huge potential for abuse, all signs point toward Disney actually being a pretty good steward. So it's not like this was some emergency. The takeover of the government could have happened slowly, deliberately, and in a way that did not destroy the district in the process. But that was not the point here. The point was to cause damage to Disney because they dared to disagree with DeSantis.

Notice that none of the other privately-owned towns in Florida are being stripped out. It's just Disney, and it's just because of revenge.

Due to the way this was done, an awful lot of people are going to needlessly suffer. Not just Disney employees, either. Disney attracts massive tourism to Florida, and that tourism money ends up all over the state. This is a self-own of absolutely epic proportions on DeSantis' part, and all of Florida is going to pay for it.

Corporations running towns. Versus fascist government regimes running town. Pick one.

True, but a state full of people isn't. I'm not here to defend a business. I'm here to remind that the point should be about the people.

We should celebrate people winning, not someone losing.

Yes, but we are actually at the point where we have to ask if the alternative is better? In this case... It's close.

Tell me you don't know what you're talking about without saying "I don't know what I'm talking about."

Okay, I agree with DeSantis then. Disney shouldn’t own a town. His reasons are shitty and my reasons are anticapitalist.

Only at the cost of people's livelihoods.

I don’t care.

Ron DeSantis: I don't care who suffers as long as the people I don't like also suffer!

Sneptaur: I don't care who suffers as long as the people I don't like also suffer!

No I just don’t really care when people lose their jobs

Most self centered people don't, until it effects them. Society requires a level of empathy to remain in tact, and not everyone has it.

They’ll find new jobs. Again: I do not fucking care. I hope they find new employment quickly and that they have savings enough to support themselves and any dependents. If they don’t, they will have unemployment. I don’t expect privileged Floridian government officials to be living paycheck to paycheck, so again: I don’t fucking care.

Unemployment is a joke, especially if you're supporting a family and lose health benefits. I get you don't care when people lose their jobs. I'm just saying that's cold and callus. You're also downplaying how hard it is for some people to get another job quickly in this economy and job market while saying you hope they have enough savings to have to burn through to stay afloat. It takes very little effort to have the smallest amount of empathy.

People not caring is how things never change.

I don’t think keeping redundant jobs around is a good policy to help people. It’s much better to build stronger social safety nets. You’re not going to get me to care about someone losing their job. It happens literally every day all around the world to untold numbers of people.

I am callous to this. I’m jaded. It’s absolutely not an okay SYSTEM. I am not going to waste time focusing on the jobs lost because DeSanctimonious and The Mouse got into a tiff about whether LGBT folks should be allowed to live. It’s stupid. Those people will be fine in the long run. The vast majority of them are privileged and will be able to make it through unscathed. Nobody’s going to die because of this.

"People will be fine in the long run" is justifying your lack of empathy to yourself by making this assumption. Some people will not be ok. Some people could lose health insurance and very much be at risk of a life threatening event.

That's a capitalism problem, not a me problem. You're replying to this thread still, wasting my time.

Oh shit, I forgot about you, but I didn't realize I was wasting your time. I mean your the person who thinks capitalism somehow doesn't effect you and isn't your problem.

Hope up waste more of your time 😁

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