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Audio engineer and systems administrator.

It's ok to get information from places like X/Twitter or Reddit. It's even fine to have an account. But it's better to post your OWN material to platforms that best align with your sensibilities.

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Cooperation from co-conspirators is always helpful.

Trump's current strategy (or, at least what we can discern from his lawyers' TV appearances) is to blame the lawyers he had at the time of the election. If all these co-conspirators point the finger directly at Trump, that goes a loooong way to proving that he was the ringleader. Not some lawyer. Not some aide. Trump called the shots.

That's what they want.

How about we do both? Continue to fund Ukraine in order to provide a stopgap against Russian encroachment and destabilization of Eastern Europe, as well as take care of people in America? It wouldn't even be that hard.

Tax the rich so they pay their fair share. Use that money to fund social programs and boost the economy for the middle class and lower. Tax businesses to the point where it's more lucrative to reinvest in their own companies than it is to make massive profits - this promotes raising wages. Cap executive pay to a fixed rate above the lowest-paid employee. Just like that, the 'richest country in the world' can act like it and not relegate their poorest to third-world conditions.

But you weren't interested in a real answer, were you? Just shilling for the alt-right and Russia.

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I mostly agree with your response, except for chastising OP about the color of the shirt. They start by mentioning brown, then parenthetically say "orange" as an unveiled reference to Trump.

This is because Trump is known to use a LOT of bronzer that turns his skin an unusual orange color. So what OP was trying to do was to relate the brownshirts to the presumed task force that Trump would create if he became a dictator.

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I mean, yes. Corporations owning towns is problematic. But the way in which this was handled is significantly worse.

While having their own government generated huge potential for abuse, all signs point toward Disney actually being a pretty good steward. So it's not like this was some emergency. The takeover of the government could have happened slowly, deliberately, and in a way that did not destroy the district in the process. But that was not the point here. The point was to cause damage to Disney because they dared to disagree with DeSantis.

Notice that none of the other privately-owned towns in Florida are being stripped out. It's just Disney, and it's just because of revenge.

Due to the way this was done, an awful lot of people are going to needlessly suffer. Not just Disney employees, either. Disney attracts massive tourism to Florida, and that tourism money ends up all over the state. This is a self-own of absolutely epic proportions on DeSantis' part, and all of Florida is going to pay for it.

Not saying it's a lie, but sourcing from NYPost is automatically a huge red flag.

I'll put more stock in this when it's reported by reputable outlets.

If you're not skeptical of single issue leftists, then you should be more skeptical in general.

We know that there was a LOT of foreign astroturfing in 2016. And 2020. 2024 will likely repeat this trend, but armed with AI.

We've already seen one weak "it was AI and fake" argument from Roger Stone. Going to see a lot more of that this year, too.

So he careful who you trust, because they just might have an agenda.

That's kinda the point. They actively want the poors to have to send their kids to the 'budget' schools. The ones that charge exactly $2700 / yr / student. Broken computers, empty libraries, overworked and severely underpaid teachers, no extra curriculars.

Meanwhile, the oligarchs rich people can send their kids to the schools that cost more, teaches their kids how to be shitty to the proletariat, and has a pipeline directly into colleges.

The whole point of this venture is to siphon even yet more money from the poor into the hands of the rich, meanwhile depriving those same poor of a worthwhile education and giving the rich an even greater advantage.

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There are a lot of reasons to not judge it yet. First and foremost, the director/show runner has zero input on the trailer. That's all the marketing department, and the trailer is designed to get as many eyeballs as possible on the final product. Numerous examples exist of trailers which bared little resemblance to the movie/show/game/whatever.

Secondly, they buried the lead on the director. Jonathan Nolan did direct much of Westworld. But he also wrote a bunch of award winning films for his brother, Christopher Nolan. Movies like Memento, Interstellar, The Prestige, and Dark Knight. He's no slouch, and I'll reserve judgement until I see it.

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You'd maybe be surprised at how conservative the Hispanic population can be. Just look at Florida, for example.

Also, don't understand the right's ability to convince people to vote against their best interests.

I take your point, but Madoff and Bankman-Fried are the quickest to come to mind. It's rare, but it does happen, and usually because of financial crimes that affect other billionaires.

So they're saying we need a steeper exit tax too? OK, let's goooooooo

Except the majority didn't put those people in power when we're talking about Texas. Texas is not majority Republican. Most of the Democrats are concentrated in the urban areas - Dallas/FW, Houston, Austin, etc. Nevertheless, there's a nearly 50/50 split in population affiliation. However, the Republicans control the state through a combination of voter suppression and gerrymandering. And, of course, the independent wildcards.

Point is, it's not the majority who are keeping the state red. It's the majority of the people who are allowed to vote when calculated in such a way as to make Republican votes count more than Democratic votes. The state is rigged to keep Republican control regardless of the actual majority.

As pointed out, he is appealing. Also, it states that the prosecution requested the maximum sentence.

She pays good money for a PR team. Should at least get her money's worth.

You could say the same thing about other distros that hide the difficult bits, tbh. Is Endless Linux? What about Elementary?

The thing about Linux is that it's extremely flexible, and there's a lot of choices about interface and user experience.

So what is it about ChromeOS that makes it not Linux? Is it that it doesn't have GNOME, KDE, XFCE or the hundreds of other DEs? Is it that you don't need to use the terminal for anything? I mean, it's not the kernel or the userland or even the compiler...

So what is it?

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Anecdotal, but I had a roommate who was a veteran. He most definitely still had his rifle. He was also very left leaning.

Lol, that's not even close to true.

Problematic politicians are reported on all the time. Recently we have Alito, Gaetz, Pelosi, Thomas, among many others.

The difference is that the left rejects corruption and undesirable politicians within their party. Remember Anthony Wiener? Gone. Remember Al Franken? He pushed himself out (wrongfully so I'm his case, IMHO - a true acknowledgement and apology for the wrongdoing paired with steps to bring something good from it would have saved his career).

Trump is currently the topic of conversation because he's under multiple indictments while in-fighting with his own party and trying to campaign all at the same time. As much as I hate hearing about that asshole, it's news. Huge news. Historic news.

So yes, the former president of the United States is getting more coverage. That's because he's the former fucking president of the United fucking States. But if you actually, y'know, go past the "front page," you will find that there's plenty of reporting on others.

You don't lose your right to vote just for being arrested. In Colorado, the person would need to be a convicted, currently-incarcerated felon to lose their right to vote. Felons who have completed their sentences (even if they're out on parole) regain their voting rights.

In federal cases, yes. In state cases, no.

Foreign policy has nothing to do with fascism. Like literally nothing. Any form of government could do that.

Besides that, Republicans have done just as bad. Oliver North comes to mind...

Oh man, you're gonna flip your shit when you read Project 2025's policies.

LOL, "I'm willing to listen to reasoning, but only if you format it in a way that I'm willing to read."

For real, though, fewer guns means fewer gun crimes. The whole 'then only outlaws will have guns' is really a myth. Statistics have shown over and over again that the vast majority of criminals who purchase guns do so legally. If they can't purchase one locally, they just go a state over where the laws are lax. The whole 'black market' gun stores thing is just a false argument.

The idea that a 'good guy with a gun' will make everyone safer is also pretty well debunked. Just look at John Hurley - the 'good guy with a gun' who was posthumously branded a hero after he was shot by the police.

Guns are inherently unsafe. We're never getting rid of them in military applications, but any reasonable restrictions for private ownership should be a no-brainer.

All the arguments for 'private gun ownership makes us safer' fall apart under any scrutiny. So does the constitutional argument. The only real, provable argument you have is that your personal freedom to own a killing machine is more important to you than public safety.

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That's exactly what it was. They just lifted their favorite parts from multiple different iterations of the story. The original movie and the original TV show, mainly. But those two don't even canonically fit together.

It was a jumbled mess and it sucked. The original anime, its sequel, and the original TV show are all fantastic, however.

Nothing wrong with discovery, though masquerading an ad as an algorithm recommendation is super shady.

That said, Spotify has a track record of treating artists horribly. It also has atrocious sound quality compared to every other service out there.

I'm using Tidal. Has one of the highest artist pay out rates, and top notch quality.

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Bushwick. For one, I'm a huge Aesop Rock fan. For two, I thought it was a fun little 'what if' flick.

Forgive me, but I've been around the Linux/FOSS community for a couple decades and I have never heard someone mention the Freedesktop spec as a requirement to be considered 'Linux.' Considering that the Freedesktop spec is mostly targeted towards systems with graphical UIs, would that mean that any headless system running a Linux kernel and GNU userland is not considered 'Linux?' Furthermore, that kind of flies in the face of the idea of using Linux as a testing ground for alternative computing ideas.

Now, there's been a lot of discussion around fragmentation, and I get the arguments towards enforcing standards, but to me this is a truly bizarre line to draw in the sand. You could just as easily say "Any systems not using SysV are not 'real' Linux." Or any system that gets rid of /usr. Or any system that isn't POSIX compliant (bye bye, NixOS...).

Seriously. I don't get it. Please show me what I'm missing.

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Hotline Miami +1

I mean, I'm not really interested in reigning in spending on things like social programs. I do think the military could get slashed by a very large amount, however. Especially considering how much military contractors over-inflate the cost of absolutely everything they sell the US government. Instead, I'd rather we just pay for the stuff we want to do by decreasing the wage gap by a VERY large margin and fixing the business tax code.

Keep in mind that she won her district by a super narrow margin. After this, I'd say she loses easily next time round. To the point that I wouldn't be surprised if she gets primaried.

Depends on the state, but finding isn't really the issue here. It's a move to a voucher system.

The idea that they are pushing is to privatize the entire education system. Privatization has been a wet dream for Republicans for many years now, and not just in education. It would further corporatize the country and allow for more money that was once 'the people's' to be siphoned into private pockets.

So the state gives money to families with children. Those families send their kids to a private school and give that money (plus probably a lot more) to that private school. Public money flowing into private hands. Add to that deregulation of the industry - no standard tests or textbooks. Education will be chaos.

And here's the other argument we hear all the time. "This bill doesn't fix everything, so it's pointless and should be dropped."

Drinking in a car is illegal, but how would an officer be able to tell if there are passengers drinking behind tinted windows? If the driver has booze in his or her or their yeti, how would a cop know? Since the cop can't know, drinking in cars should be legal, even for the driver.

That's basically what you're arguing.

Sometimes a bill is stripped down in order to pass with conservatives or moderates. Sometimes a bill is a trial balloon for what you really want to pass. Sometimes a bill addresses a specific issue, and that it doesn't fix some other issue is just moot.

And sometimes you have to walk before you run.