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Click baiting video. Other devs don't care. As long as they can make money pumping out mediocre games then they will continue to do so. Acting like this is the first good game to come out in a decade or something.

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Could also have something to do with how corrupt their office is over there. I've heard lots of allegations of female streamers needing to do things such as send nudes or perform sexual acts to stay on the platform. Similar to how the kpop industry is run.

That was a temporary 2 year ban on foriegn buyers, but it was too little too late. They already injected too much money and equity in to the market. I'm sure there's a way around it too. Corporations can still buy property. And once the ban is lifted it's back to normal and the prices are still fucked even with the temporary ban.

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The ironic thing is this is brought forward by companies that have very likely also participated by price fixing themselves. Fuck them all.

I don't think that's the way to do it. The workers who have nothing to do with it get shafted by losing their jobs and there is a little less competition in a world where there isn't enough in some industries. I think long jail sentences will the best deterrent. Fines only do so much. C-level executives needs to start going to jail.

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Am I missing something? You're the only poster in this post besides me and a bot.

Actually this dude I worked with replaced water with diet Pepsi. He said the tap water was filled government nanobots or something. Hasn't drank water in 20 years. But he's not sane so...

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Of course oil prices go up. A moth farts and the prices go up jfc.

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30 confirmed reports across the country? Jeez that's pretty low for "unprecedented". I can probably find that many in my small town.

What is Agadu? Seems like a pretty high tax considering the remaining 40% go to those who made the music .

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Minecraft has been content complete for 8 years now and the team has continued to improve the game, for free since then. No other game in history has that level of continuous, free expansion.

Terraria comes to mind. And those updates have been just as substantial, maybe more.

That's or is that the same as

Haha. Those who bought that deserve it. They've been enabling that shit by buying everything they release. They are two steps away from being sold dog shit and buying it.

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This is such a bad take. Getting in to the apprenticeship doesn't gaurantee you work. You have to look at the market in your area to see if there is work for the trade you are going in to. Schools and job posting can give you hints on this. You may have to move where the jobs are. It's a reality.

That union runs on a seniority priority for job call outs. Not all unions go by this, the one I was a part of gave priority to those who worked least the last 365 days. Don't paint the whole system as a scam.

Also my union didn't have contracts for callouts. The companies asked for X amount of guys, they go out for the duration the project. If they like you and there's more work available then they keep you instead of sending you back on the out of work list. But that's the nature of construction, it's up and down and you never know if you have a job after completing a project.

Apprenticeships work the same for non-union, but you have to look for more work yourself if you get let go, same as any other job in the world.

Depends on the country. This wiki article goes over a bunch of countries.

What is the 4B movement?

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Yeah I have a hard time believing that only less than 1% of their fleet is effected. They are being dodgey as fuck about it. Also any airline would jump at the chance for cheaper parts and these counterfeit parts were probably cheaper than legit parts.

How do I get banned from OneDrive? Upload shit tons of garbage to clog their drives? I know they could probably add more space faster than I can upload but it would still make me happy to slowly feed them useless files that only take up space.

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The article says storing the data in Russia, or it could just be articles vagueness. They probably store plenty of data, just not storing it in Russia. But who knows. This is such a nothing burger story.

Nah, we Canadians can be just as scummy as anyone else.

The way Linus is portrayed here kind of reminds me another guild leader I knew for a while. Charismatic as fuck, could talk out of his ass like he knew his was 100% right even though he was wrong. I climbed the ranks because the other officers were leaving. Eventually I found out why they left so I did too.

If they can hack it there's a way to do it covertly. It's only a matter of time.

You could probably go with the shotgun method going after the big tech companies and come back with a handful of actionable violations. Their all skirting the laws and thinking they can get away with it.

That dick wasn't enforcable. I can't say if it's illegal where he comes from but I doubt they would take him to court to enforce it.

Someone stop paying their bribe money to Meta. Guess they don't turn a blind eye to this kinda shit unless they are getting paid to.

I feel you. Hot just doesn't work like it did on Reddit. I get swamped with posts from the most active communities and some old posts. It doesn't give me a nice spread of all my subbed communities like Reddit did. Also when browsing all it gave randomly showed me like 10 posts from some long nosed dog community. Did it twice so I blocked that community. Probably not on them, but just an issue with the Hot algorithm.

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Happened to me on Apex Legends. Played the game on and off. Came back on aftrr a break and found I was banned. Appealled and denied. Forget about the game. Get the itch and try and appeal again. Still banned. Good thing I didn't put any money in to the game. Found out apparently a lot of accounts were compromised at one point and they all got banned. Might be what happened to me but fuck it, not worth my time to convince them.

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Apparently the anchor has been dragging for miles before it hit the pipeline. They may not have known they were dragging. Or it was an elaborate plan. Never know until they question the crew, which they haven't been able to contact.

That information wasn't in the video. The guy was basically deepthroating Starlink the whole video.

For the wireless charger I got one of those Anker ones that hold it at angle like stand, so I put my phone on it while I'm at my desk. I can look at it and check any notifications that come in without having to pick it up. Saves me from having another cord on my desk.

Of course it is. It was just a PR move. The team was on a very short leash. They were never going to effect anything.

They aren't campaign funds. They are funds donated to a Political Action Committee (PAC).

That's not how it happens in Canada. Private institutions run schooling and the government oversees the apprenticeship program. Unions don't have much say in it at all.

I wish I could watch his videos but the way he talks is awful. It's like some exaggerated evolution of YouTube talk.

I don't think the results were intentional but the action sure seemed like it from the footage. But I don't play hockey so I don't have any first hand knowledge of how his leg could've raised so high unintentionally.

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Yeah that's what it seems like to me. Some avatar ala v-tubers. No difference especially considering a lot of v-tubers avatars are owned by corporations.

Transporting dead bodies across the state lines haha. Good thing that is all tracked.

Not exactly true. A couple of trees got chopped down in the park just in the other side of my fence. New trees starting sprouting all over my lawn from the root. I left a couple grow in and they've been growing at least a couple feet each year.

Source: my backyard

Well they went to right people.

Doesn't mean it fit in this community. Yeah it was probably fine to let one of those threads go by,, but the second was too much.

I honestly didn't think they fit and I checked the rules to see what was going on because I assumed this was a community similar to askreddit.

I have a styrofoam filled hot tub I bought for $100. I had to put $3000 in to in parts and fixed several leaks. It's not unrepairable, just not as straight forward. It was easy to find some of the leaks because the spray foam would be saturated with water so I just pulled out the wet foam and followed it to the leak. And when I was done I just put in some of the pink fiberglass insulation in it's place, but even that isn't necessary.