
1 Post – 247 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Both Rabbit R1 users should be concerned.

"Sorry, this job doesn't seem like a good fit or healthy working environment. Have a good rest of your day"

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Look, fuck the gross Yum Brands mega conglomerate, but the idea that someone could own the trademark to "Taco Tuesday" is fucking ridiculous.

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The guy running against Gosar having all of Gosar's immediate family in an ad saying Gosar sucks will always be one of my favorite campaign ads.

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What? I've exclusively used Linux since 2006 and gaming outside of retro emulation was absolute trash until proton. Of course WINE and code weavers were doing great work but it was overly complicated to use and the compatibility was abysmal.

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Wow! This is my first time meeting a Lemmy influencer. Can I get a picture with you?

I read your comment carefully and still downvoted because its an incredibly dumb thing to say.

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I grew up in the far right evangelical Christian church and watching people's horror when they hear little tidbits about how fucked up it is always entertaining to me. I know a bunch of people who use the same software on their computers.

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Cool comment except for this part:

The fear is likely overblown, though.

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Yeah, why don't the Palestinians give up and just accept being ethnically cleansed? I mean, they're Arabs why don't they just move in with the other Arabs, they're all one big homogeneous group, right?

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Taking weight loss drugs is not a scandal, taking weight loss drugs while being on the board of a commercial diet program is.

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Referring to furries by their fursona is way closer.

A kilo of fent is fucking nuts and it's the current boogeyman for US police. Cops lie about fentanyl constantly, I'm going to take this with a grain of salt until there's more reporting. A kilo of heroin with some fent cut in makes way more sense.

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By then GNU/Hurd will be ready lmao

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It's wild to me that Biden broke the strike then got them the tiniest fucking concession afterwards and people think that's an argument that he somehow was on the side of the union the whole time. Getting 4 sick days a year is absolutely nothing compared to the whole list of grievances and it's embarrassing that people bring this up in response to him breaking the strike.

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Yes, we have a conservative party and a fascist party.

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I feel like anything other than lemmings is trying too hard

The register is out of the UK and the bulk of their readership is in the US, in both places apple has above 50% market share.

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Edit: Turns out Gordon is from the '70s, but other pulp sci-fi exist so my statement stands.

Live action Flash Gordon was from the 50s

Campfire smoke is worse for you than cigarette smoke, the problem is the consistent exposure to the cigarette smoke through becoming addicted.

As a millennial I'm excited to live through my like 5th WW3.

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That has to be the most German piece of software in existence

Having two different smoothies but lumping together every single alcoholic beverage is certainly a survey design... choice.

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I always thought salt lamps looked cool and wanted one. I didn't learn until very recently that people thought they cleanse energy or whatever lol

Yeah, this is more of a design failure than people being assholes.

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It's also filled to the brim with Nazis.

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Same. I even went pretty regularly for months and tried all the different workouts and while I was in better shape, none of it was enjoyable in any way.

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Honestly, they should just roll YouTube Music into the default YouTube app, as well.

I don't think I could disagree more. I use both and listening to music and watching videos are entirely different activities for me and I want the apps to do different things in different ways.

We can only hope.

I take it you've never had to file a car insurance claim after a hailstorm or forgotten to winterize a cabin.

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Its not YouTube, but Dropout.tv probably has the best "TV style" gameshow content.

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I don't think you understand the concept of friends. I'm sorry that it was hard to get said tickets but trying to make money on selling tickets you're not going to use anyway to friends is major douche canoe behavior.

Twitter already has a weirdo gutting it from the inside.

Yes lol. Apparently a terrorist militia command center is less well armed than a random house in Arizona. If you watch this video and are convinced by it, I have a bridge to sell you.

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Fascism is when train

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It's almost kinda fun to start a new block list on a new platform.

If you listened to what the organizers were saying leading up to the potential strike, the sick days were used to sell the strike to the public since it was just the easiest to understand and most cartoonishly ghoulish points. The terrible Implementation of "precision scheduled railroading" and the reduction in staffing, ridiculous on call times, and weird attendance point systems that it brought was the actual impetus for the strike.

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There are a bunch of crystals that do shit, like molly and meth.

We can just organize on open platforms like mastodon instead!

Yeah we're fucked lol

The design failure is not following parking lot design best practices and installing parking stoppers or bollards on spaces that are directly next a walkway. People are going to pull forward to the only point of reference they have which, because there are no lines or stoppers, is the sidewalk curb.

The teal car clearly all the way up on the sidewalk is definitely an asshole though.

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