New Legislation Proposes to Take Wall Street Out of the Housing Market to – 1444 points –
New Legislation Proposes to Take Wall Street Out of the Housing Market

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I read your comment carefully and still downvoted because its an incredibly dumb thing to say.

why is it a dumb thing to say? in a free market, it is wise to take all that you can for your shareholders. Maybe a free market isn't what you desire?

It's greedy and antisocial. You're a moron. Capitalism is a stain on world history.

well, that's kind of exactly what we're saying. we are stating what laissez faire capitalism is. i agree that it is antisocial, greedy, immoral and a bane of our existence...and really the major thing holding modern society back. i never said i support a free market (hint: i don't)....just stating what it is. your reply might come off as antisocial (ie morons)

So the way to counteract that would be passing laws preventing it? The thing being proposed?

This is like me saying "my house is on fire! Put water on it!" And someone replying "you shouldn't do that because the purpose of fire is to burn things" and thinking they're clever. Nobody here is pro-fire.

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