Vatican calls gender fluidity and surrogacy threats to human dignity

Flying Squid@lemmy.worldmod to World – 424 points –
Vatican calls gender fluidity and surrogacy threats to human dignity

I am so tired of the whole "cool pope" thing with Francis. It's 100% PR.


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How about you work on your age-of-concent-fluidity problems first.

Then there's spreading HIV in Africa (and other parts of the world) by preaching against using condoms. How many millions have died of AIDS because the Catholic church told them or their partner not to wear a condom?

It's insane at how influential the Catholic Church is with their followers considering how far spread out their followers are. They have to be the most influential organization ever, right?

Tbh the problem is not not wearing condoms, is allowing the virus to still exist. I say we need some purge by fire to get rid of that dangerous virus. /S just in case

There wouldn’t be many people left if all the pedos got removed.