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Joined 9 months ago

That's is NOT the year to fuck around. If Trump wins, the chance that he will declare himself president for life is WAY too high and apparently perfectly legal now.

The last time you posted this, I commented about all the reddit users that disappeared the day after the vote. I hate repeating myself, so here is a different anecdote.

During the campaign, many people - including yours truly - pointed out that if the admitedly mediocre change was rejected, the powers that be would argue that 'the people' had voted against change - any change. And that is exactly what happened

...the referendum had delivered a "resounding answer that settles the question" over electoral change and people now wanted the government...

David Cameron (Prime Minister)

I personally believe that this result will settle the debate over changing our electoral system for the next generation.

Matthew Eliot (Leader of the No campaign)

You get exactly one chance at this. As Ru Paul likes to say, Do Not Fuck It Up.

Wrong. We did exactly what you suggest in the U.K. Any kind of PR is off the table for at least a generation here.

I'm interested in what their reasoning was for banning Maus - I certainly don't recall any sex or amti-christian material.

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  • Maternal grandma died before I was born.
  • Paternal grandma cooked a great roast beef and Yorkshire puddings. Incidentally, she would - and I'm sure this was deliberate - massacre Lancashire hot pot. The war of the roses raged on until the late 20th century, in her mind at least.
  • Mum cooked a great schnitzel and cucumber salad with caraway seeds. The schnitzel was fried, I've never heard of a baked schnitzel before...
  • Fiance cooks too many great things to choose just one

We had the same arguments in the U.K. during the referendum to drop FPTP. Strangely, the people making those arguments on Reddit all disappeared the day after the vote. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I am convinced that was Russia!s proof-of-concept for what would become their information warfare against democracy.

OP, you are most likely genuine and good meaning, but understand that Russia, China, and many other bad actors want you to keep FPTP because it's so much easier for them to manipulate elections. Any argument against change, even if said change is not perfect, is in their favour.

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I'm not American, but my 0.02€... this might be a good outcome if it's easier to defeat her at the general compared to a more moderate republican.

What if you are severely immuno-compromised during a pandemic? Just die, I suppose?

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This is fucking retarded, of all the people to get free meals for life, they choose someone who is so rich it wouldn't surprise me if he could buy the entire chain of restaurants.

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I'm quite impressed she's still able to travel at 101. My mum's in her mid eighties and really struggles now.

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Simple: I fucking hate driving. I hate the smell, I hate the noise, and I hate the stress. Thr environmental impact isnt exactly a plus point either. You could say that I'm lucky to live in a place with good public transport, but I actively sought out a place with public transport because I didn't want to rely on a car.

Final nail on the coffin: I developed Menieres disease, so I am prone to intense vertigo attacks at short notice - I couldn't get a license even if I wanted one.

To be fair, you are doing something wrong if you're app segfaults no matter what anguage you wrote it in...

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HR is never about employee needs. Their role is to protect the interests of the business, especially with respect to employment law. I would argue that HR failed abysmally in this case, but not because it sucked for the hiring manager or the candidate, but because the business lost out on a talented individual and put the business at risk of a law suit.

We need more information on what you plan to store. Postgres is a safe option, so I would choose that without more details.

Technology is not going to save us - escaping to space is a pipe dream: hugely expensive and frought with technical challenges and harsh realities like cosmic radiation that will kill anyone outside of Earth's ionosphere for too long. And even if, somehow, we solve all of that, what makes you think that we can make Mars habitable when we can't even keep the planet we've already got habitable?

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Should have used Postgres...

I use fuck, it's not ai but gets the job done.

But why drive onto the flats in the first place? Here we park up and walk to the beach. Pretty sure it's illegal to drive on the beach too...

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I'm hoping some of the other acts no-show or pull out in advance in support of him. The actions of the EBU have been opaque and frankly awful.

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So... let's start uploading lots of gay/trans porn and swe how long it takes before the policy changes!

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What you are saying is that you should invest in infrastructure for electric cars instead of subsidising the oil industry again?

There's very little that's left wing about him, he is a straight up alt-right shit lord.

Prep work for the F-16s, I think...

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The cruelty is the point.

Nethack. I remember playing it at university 30 years ago when it was text only. Amazingly, there is a version available for android and its fucking addictive.

I suppose this will affect chromium too?

Thinkpads are great for running Linux, but one thing I've noticed is thinkfan is not installed by any distro I've tried. You definitely want that, or your laptop's fan isn't going to work - that will lead to performance issues or potentially damage your laptop

One last chance to decide - do you want to be inside or outside?

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Kate, though it gets a bit IDE like.

I'm not sure it's that simple - maybe they are playing their Gen X parents' guitars?

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Yet the telegram client is written in Qt and has great cross-platform support.

They might be disappointed with some of King Charles' opinions, especially when it comes to the environment. But, you know, God given right and all that!

Downloading music... I was discovering so many cool bands by downloading shitty quality mp3s!

It works really well with my QNAP NAS, including using the MariaDB service running in it. I mount the photos on the NAS as a drive first, and then it just works.

I'm old, but when I was a student, the stereotype was that everyone studying computer science was a goth. I'm a goth FWIW, but I suppose stereotypes change with the times, too.

The best vegan recipes are indian. You can certainly eat well as a vegetarian in London, but most places will have an indian restaurant with a few veggie choices.

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Nope, porn sport and anime bore me to tears... all blocked, plus a bunch of hyper-regional communities (sorry, Seattle, I'm in Europe, so the internal affairs of your city have little interest to me). I also had to block c/India because it kept getting pushed into my /all list.

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Just make it 70 or less on they day of inauguration, should they win.

It's fine, I bought an XPS 13 years ago with Ubuntu and immediately put OpenSuSE on it. At least I'm not paying Microsoft. I still have that laptop, and it's great. I think Lenovo deserves an honourable mention here, too - we buy T and X series laptops at work with Ubuntu and they work great too.

Home made goulash soup and crusty bread and butter.