"Chilling moment": Liz Cheney says she secretly listened to phone call revealing Trump's Jan. 6 plot

CantaloupeLifestyle@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 275 points –
"Chilling moment": Liz Cheney says she secretly listened to phone call revealing Trump's Jan. 6 plot

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I’m not too familiar with Liz Cheneys actions before the insurrection, did she do anything to try and stop it happening or just sit back, watch and write a book later?

She was actively and strongly against Trump during his whole term and it costed her Wy. senate seat. Agreed though, if she had over heard this why didn't she raise the alarm.

Answer: because she's a dirty, conservative Republican.

But not so against Trump that she would actually vote against him or anything, right? Cheney may make a show of opposing Trump, but she still supported the policies that he did while he was in office.

Cheney came to Washington in 2016, along with Donald Trump. Didn't like him, she said, but she supported his policies on issues like abortion and gun control. She voted with him more than 90 percent of the time.

For sure, those are lodestone issues. I think at this point Trump is the only person who could break from those and still be considered a Republican. Cheney was a loyal Republican, but not loyal to Trump. No pity for her though and I want the whole party to go down in flames.

I don't remember her being actively and strongly against Trump prior to Jan 6th. Wasn't she number 3 in the house leadership before Jan 6th? Her stance that Trump attempted a coup is what lost her seat.

She's still a Republican. She doesn't want to sink the party she just wants a different leader, but she's happy with all the trade-offs the GOP has made to get the loyalty Trump has from his base. Just get rid of Trump and keep the spoils.