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Joined 1 years ago

Software developer by day, insomniac by night.

What does Iran have to do with things?

Let’s remember that the rich will have ways of making this happen even without it being legal. You don’t think that the criminalisation of abortion in various U.S. states actually affects the rich, right?

Companies primarily make decisions to maximise the profitability of someone and it's never the consumer.

I’m still fucking mad the Left voted yes for this. Campaigning on a no and then turning their coats immediately after the elections. Disgraceful, and I hope whichever party members are responsible get booted.

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Oh, fuck off with that. We're in the middle of a climate catastrophe the scale of which we don't even fully comprehend yet. I can understand a wish for more transparency in how the systems work, but if you're not willing to pull your weight and put your money where your mouth is, you don't get to complain. How is it in any way strange that China would be looking to boost the Chinese market? Every other market does exactly this.

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A small step in the right direction is still a step.

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Likely born from frustration. It sucks knowing that the future you’re working towards is likely one you’ll never get to experience.

Well they do charge particularly hard for SSDs as well. They've found a way to eat the cake twice.

I feel this. It is satisfying, but it's not really productive.

Cloudflare took down our website after trying to force us to pay 120k$ within 24h

Yikes. That sounds bad.

I'm a SysOps engineer at a fairly large online casino.

Okay all my sympathy is gone. Online casinos deserve to die.

That said, my feelings towards economic vampires aside, the way the events unfolded is concerning to say the least. Cloudflare has been racking up evil-corp points quite rapidly in recent months.

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Using someone’s preferred pronouns isn’t woke, it’s basic human decency.

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Lmao. I’ve no love for Apple, and even less for Epic. It’s like two grotesquely unlovable toddlers are throwing a hissy fit in their little sandbox and I’m here for it.

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I feel like the overall engagement has increased. I see a lot more niche communities (like people butchering their VWs in various ways 😂) and it’s nice! There’s generally conversation to be had and such, it feels like a healthy platform.

Lemmy slotted in the gap that Reddit left really easily for me, and I’m getting what I wanted from the platform.

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I mean these kinds of "AI companions" are grifts anyway. They won't take off because they are a solution looking for a problem. They aren't as affordable as the entry level HomePod/Amazon Pod/Google Home units, so they can't be bought as a "why not, and it's a speaker anyway" type thing. They don't have any secondary functionality you don't already have in your phone.

And if that's not enough, you can bet your cute arse on that Apple and Google are both working on bringing LLM functions into their assistants, basically making these units obsolete.

The moment that these companies decide that they can't afford to pay for servers and API subscriptions anymore, the service will die and you'll end up with a colourful brick. Don't buy these things, they're unfinished and will die within a year or two.

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This is my favourite. 痔 means haemorrhoid. Presumably it was meant to say 侍, samurai.

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My boss mentioned that she thinks it’s from those reality TV shows like the Kardashian ones where all calls are on speaker since it’s part of the “entertainment.”

It’s why people are holding the phone up to their face like a sandwich and speaking into the bottom. It mimics the TV shows.

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I mean Trump and his allies goal is literally to dismantle democracy so that shouldn’t come as a surprise.

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Shocking. They’ve been trying to make the car a second living room, and in doing so sacrifice the driving experience by foregoing buttons, levers, and switches for capacitive surfaces and touchscreens.

The turn signal on the Tesla Yoke is shocking to me. It screams of tech boys adding “cool things” before thinking about whether or not it’s useful.

Then there’s all the anti-consumer practises. Buy a car, but don’t own it. Yes we shipped it with heated seats, which you obviously paid for, but to use them you’ll have to pay a monthly fee. And no, you’ll still pay for all the energy used, that’s not on us. But hey we’re actually giving you a better deal on it!

It’s all BS.

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Well obviously. It was never about children, because gender affirming care doesn't involve surgeries or hormones for children. Those were all lies feeding into an anti-trans narrative so they could push for more drastic changes.

Start with children, because no one in their right mind would want to see children suffer, and then move on to the rest. After all the trans people are dealt with, they'll come after the gays, and then the women and people of colour.

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LMAO AS FUCKING IF. Rich people aren't capable of feeling any sort of empathy-adjacent emotions. If you're rich and think you can feel empathy there are two possible scenarios at play;
a) You're wrong about being rich
b) You're wrong about feeling empathy

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Opposite-sex marriage leads to incest and inbreeding. Maybe we should just outlaw marriage altogether.

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This is fantastic. That said, Mozilla should really reconsider their own CEO too.

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I mean, Google most certainly is spyware so I don’t see how it’s wrong.

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They should 100% be opt in. If I want to use GPS I’ll use my phone. I don’t know a single person that uses the one built into the car.

But obviously they want all that juicy data. It’s not enough that they charge insane rates on the vehicles themselves, they must also add microtransactions and track when we have sex, and with who too.

Oh yeah we're gung-ho about our unions here in Sweden. Go IF Metall, fuck their shit up!

Edit: holy shit, it's for not having a kollektivavtal? Why is anyone even working there? Tesla isn't some mum and dad store, it's owned by the richest cunt in the world. There are specific instances where you can forego having a kollektivavtal, but Tesla definitely isn't one of those companies.

Edit2: So a kollektivavtal, a collective agreement, is generally a collection of agreements that worker unions, employers, and employer unions (like Svenskt Näringsliv) have agreed upon, which covers working conditions for your particular line of work. Things like salary negotiations, savings for retirement, remuneration for travel/extra work/graveyard shifts/on-call duty. Insurances in case you get hurt or sick because of your job. Personal/career development. Extra compensation during parental leave. Wellness allowances. The list goes on.

It's a lot, and it looks different depending on what you work with, and where you work. It ensures that the employee has certain guaranteed rights that should the employer withhold, you have legal recourse (usually the union will assist with this) should you need it. Naturally there's also laws backing workers up, so should there not be a kollektivavtal at your workplace, your employer still can't just break the law.

There's no law codified stating that an employer has to ever raise the employee's salary though, for example, so if you work at a place that doesn't have a kollektivavtal, expect to never see a pay bump.

There are of course situations where a kollektivavtal doesn't make any sense. For example, should you start a company and employ yourself a kollektivavtal is a bit overkill.

My first job lacked a kollektivavtal. It was a nice first step into my career, but it had a decent amount of turnover. Generally unless you have a very specific reason to not have one, not having a kollektivavtal is seen kind of as a red flag. Either you're the world's most trustworthy employer (yeah right) or you're up to some real fucking shady shit.

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A lot changed after Satya Nadella took the helm. The modern .NET platform is really quite nice, and MS does a lot of FOSS open source work.

Obviously it’s good to be sceptical, they’re a large corporation and all they want is money, they’re not our friends. They’re just not as draconian as they were in the 90s and the 00s.

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I mean the CCP is aiming to have people use Kylin? If the government and the entire populace starts using Linux instead we'll just see the same BS on Linux instead. It's not an OS/platform issue, but an issue of bad actors.

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Gods, this is so accurate. A part of me wish we could just isolate the U.S. for a bit, because I'd be curious to see how that'd affect the discourse in the rest of the world. The rise of the far right and Trump legitimately being voted in as president legitimised the far-right movements in my country as well. Last election people were literally pushing for the stop-and-frisk BS to become a thing here.

I hate that I know what stop-and-frisk even is.

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I had no idea he did that but I’m also not surprised. That’s so funny.

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It seems billionaires have really wacked out midlife crises. Instead of buying expensive cars and cheating on their partners, they come out as terfy nazis, build hate platforms, and crash companies. I mean to be fair, at this point the sample size is only two, JKKK Rowling and Musk, but it's still surprising that it'd happen twice.

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Everyone sort of figured he would once he won his rigged elections again. Gods I hope we don’t let him join the EU.

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Aren’t laptops already foldable?

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He had been strangled, then doused with lighter fluid and set ablaze.

I think that's measured. The rapist, Galdamez (let's call it for what it is) had not only raped Flores several times, but done the same to several other children. From the article it seems like the last straw was when the rapist was to move in to take care of Flores' nephew. Batshit insane.

There's so much that went wrong here but I don't think you can blame a kid for setting fire to his abuser. Hell, it seems like he did it to protect others. It's not his fault, he would've gone for help had he felt like help would be given, the fault lies with society.

Yeah. Use Firefox or kiss a free Internet goodbye.

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I don't think you need that much insight to see that the whole institution is fucked.

  • Rampant "frat bro" culture
  • Frequent cases of sexual harrassment, and assault
  • Cases of suicide
  • Cases of burnout
  • Layoffs like clockwork
  • Often deliver rubbish products
  • Frequently employs consumer-hostile and manipulative tactics

What is even the point, really? Maybe I'm an outlier but I don't feel like the AAA gaming industry provides enough good to warrant all the crap they put their workers through, and the way the sentient wallets customers are treated.

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Ugh. Seeing shit like this makes me question what the point of life even is. I don't want to partake in this bullshit. Sure I can basically boycott Amazon (unless you count AWS which half the web runs on - can't do shit about that), and it's easy to do so here in Sweden since they're particularly garbage and don't really offer anything of value.

But Amazon was never the problem. The system is broken. Amazon is just one symptom, and there's loads of companies out there operating at different levels but doing basically the same bullshit.

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It’s an AR iPad. It’s not that deep.

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Hahaha. They’re totally okay with stealing from people but hate it when others do the same to them. What a shame!

Imagine if they let us work from home instead. I already live, eat, and sleep at work, and it doesn't cost my company a dime! In fact I pay for all of it!

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I bet it’s just assassins creed.

Sail the seas, activate ice bergs to unlock the map, gather five million useless trinkets.

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