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Joined 1 years ago

I miss mostly anonymous people cracking games without running around screaming from the rafters about gremlins in their modems stealing their breakfast bars. I can't believe most if not all Denuvo releases are now only cracked by this person.

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Well if that argument works out for the studios, Oneida better get ready because I'll be seeing them in court. After all, they made the spoons that I used to eat the ice cream that made me fat.

When all the big cable players started making their own streaming services, most of us knew they weren't going to let their gravy train go. We know they want us to use the ad-tiers because Iger flat out said so because it makes them more money, and I'm still expecting contracts to be their next big idea, sign up for 2 years, get 1-year half-price. Meet new cable, same as the old cable. It's following a similar playbook too with no ads to some ads and ever-increasing prices.

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I'm a big fan of physical games, I want to own them, and play them even if the internet isn't available, and this blocks that, I don't want it. I don't have a gaming PC anymore because I can buy a console cheaper, but if physical discs are gone, gaming PC's allow for piracy so I can keep the games for as long as I want because I don't see every future Xbox having backward compatibility.

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I followed this from Ublock's Reddit page, it's working for now.

Current anti-adblock status: Latest fixed (ID: 462a8d5d)*

Please, remember these 3 steps:

Force update all your filter lists (click uBO icon > ⚙ Dashboard button > Filter lists pane > 🕘 Purge all caches > 🔃 Update now)
Turn off all other extensions AND browser's built-in blockers
Remove all your current custom filters AND custom filter lists that you have enabled / added manually (Adguard lists...)
It might be quicker to make a backup of your config and restore to defaults before proceeding to step 1.

Fixing anti-adblock can cause ads slipped. If you see any ads slipped, please report back the EXACT URL and your country when accessing the URL so volunteers are able to investigate.

The filter lists can be updated multiple times a day, so please always do step 1 before reporting.

  • About the ID above, it's the ID of YouTube's script that's used for anti-adblock, you can monitor it via this link: (top to bottom is oldest to latest). It means that the current fix is matched with the script with corresponding ID.

If the latest ID (the last line) does not match the current one written above, it means YT has updated the new one and it might cause anti-adblock again. If it matches and you still get anti-adblock, kindly check the 3 steps above. Thank you.

Libby (Overdrive) was sold to the Private Equity company that debt loaded and then bankrupted Toys 'R Us while giving their execs big money. Simon & Schuster books are also being sold to the same group. Since they took over Overdrive they've removed the easy ability to recommend books to your local library that you would like to see them buy for you, it'll only get worse from here sadly.

That said, I too am using this function quite a bit as well.

When it comes to Google, even if you pay them you are still the product, YouTube Premium might stop the ads on YouTube but it doesn't stop the data collection for other Google products and partners.

Did you know that they silently censor users?

Ummm... Yes.

TL,DR version... put too many eggs in their Facebook basket and are upset some got scrambled.

Publishers say they deserve transparency,

Publishers want transparency... why should they get transparency with what Facebook is doing, they're no more special than everybody else who is at the whim of Meta.

“It’s difficult to say with certainty what the causes are, but Facebook has made no secret about its intention to deprioritize news on its platform and give greater precedence to video content,

So they were kind of warned since it's not a secret and thus it shouldn't have been a surprise.

“Our content has provided a lot of value to Facebook,

And yet, they discount that Facebook has provided a lot of value back to them because the article also says Publishers claim roughly 25% of their traffic comes from Facebook.

I'd hazard a guess it's a test to see if they can dump news because of things like in Canada with their "Online News Act" and California's "California Journalism Preservation Act" which does the same thing, making Facebook pay to pass the news on to users.

I'm not trying to make excuses for Facebook, they are a huge privacy nightmare that has far too many people hooked to them, but forcing them to pay for news is ridiculous when you consider they aren't just taking those companies' news and posting it, those sites and owners have Facebook share buttons they installed on their websites themselves.

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I agree, there is nothing in the megathread they linked to, or I'm blind. But if you follow it through to the FMHY megathread there is some iptv stuff, but not providers or anything like what I believe you to be looking for.

Most good providers are very very private and most of their users are just as private. I have no leads but look forward to seeing if you turn anything up.

I grew up in a South Georgia farming community, AM Radio is/was full of farm programs in some rural places that don't get good cellular signals meaning farmers can't replace that info with a cell phone. I get that tech marches forward and old tech usually gets left behind, but in this case, I think it's more than that for some communities. I agree though that the GOP has jumped on it only because a significant part of their reach could be cut off because between the morning and afternoon farm reports there was definitely Rush Limbaugh.

Most farmers I knew growing up would cling to old tech for as long as possible anyway, so I'm not sure how many are buying electric cars and pickups. But, as we march towards a more electric future it's a concern I'm sure. The best option I can think of is, to have an optional, cheap but optional, AM Radio adapter kit of some kind.

Disclaimer: We moved from that rural community to a suburb of Raliegh and eventually settled in a Suburb of Atlanta so I have no clue if those same farmers are clamped to the AM like they used to be. I'm just saying I can see why farmers, and some rural people, could be very upset by this.

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I don't know if it still works, but I have a copy.

Put this in a base64 decoder and you'll get the link to Mega with the apk and instruction files I downloaded a while back when Amazon changed to the unbreakable DRM.


Upkeep and domains cost assuming you are opening it to other users, if it gets popular you have to scale up your operation which costs more.

Here's a fun one... If you are hosting content that could get a DMCA from companies in the US, then you need to make sure you have filed a DMCA Agent with the US Government that handles those claims, section 512 also requires the termination of repeat infringers. In order to qualify for the safe harbor you must have a registered agent.

If you are running it on a home server, read the ToS from your ISP, some do not allow that on home internet service. My ISP has a clause that says my service is for my household use only and that I can't open it for any sort of "high-volume purpose."

I'm just spitballing here, it'd probably just be a fun thing for you though, just be aware of that DMCA thing if it catches on though. I have no clue if other countries have similar requirements.

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I use FFmpeg Batch Audio Video converter, it's just a GUI FFmpeg. I use it to convert FLAC to MP3 when I was going on a trip and only had a CD Player and I use it to convert 7.1 Audio down to AC3 5.1 to fit my sound system. It has a MP3 preset but I had to add one for the 5.1 conversion.

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Kindle 7th Gen is capable of the KFX format, it's likely to have received an update recently because the KFX format has a new and so far unbreakable DRM. The NoDRM team appears to want nothing to do with it. Kindle Unlimited books are generally served in the latest formats because they monitor how much of the book you read and pay the author per page.

If the books are already downloaded and are in AZW, PRC, or Mobi format it's likely, but not guaranteed, possible with NoDRM/DeDRM_tools plugin on GitHub.

Disney's Bob Iger openly said that he would prefer more people use the ad tier because it was more profitable.

I think they may have tried to account for that because just being curious I clicked to see what survey type it was, It's non-privacy respecting Google by the way, but anyway, the first question is "Do you have an account on Beehaw?" Possible answers, Yes, No, I'm waiting on Approval. I exited because I don't have an account, and even if I did, I don't like having my email account tied to surveys.

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Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty, but I'll give Wolfenstein 3D an honorable mention.

It's what drove me to wrestling torrents, The WWE network was great, it had chapters, and the stuff was easy to find, then they sold it off to Peacock and stuff is hard to find, they have no chapters, they censored some of the old controversial stuff, it's just a lesser experience than the old Network. I'm very interested to see how it's integrated into Netflix, and if they move the US to Netflix when the Peacock deal is over.

I waffle on whether I should use my VPN or not with it.

Support your favourite artists directly. That wasn’t an option in the Napster days.

I like to have the older versions of songs before they "Remaster" and change them and if they stop selling everything but the remasters, it's time to fire it up.

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I have been renaming files with filebot and then scraping the nfos, images, and posters with MediaElch for years and never had a problem.

How's your new playthrough going?

You thought it was going downhill before, but now that it will need to answer to money men, who want profits at all costs, it's going to be sterilized eventually, piracy and porn are on borrowed time in my opinion.

$193mm for the Spez, this world sucks sometimes. I wonder how long the current Reddit admins stick around once the IPO goes live, I wouldn't be surprised if they cash out and run once their options go live.

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WB Discovery is still getting their cut from Westworld, Raised by Wolves, and a dozen or so others by licensing it out to The Roku Channel streaming service of all things. So those actors went from getting scraps from HBO Max to probably next to nothing from Roku. I don't know if that's worse than having the content completely removed or not considering Roku is like Pluto TV and airs things more like cable.

Sadly even with private sites a lot of things are taken from a public source and you occasionally run into this problem. Like some people up their ratios on these sites by using their VPN to get the public torrent and then seeding it back to the private one.

Here I am wishing they had chosen VBulletin or Invision, lol. I think it's just a case of what I'm more familiar with in terms of forums though.

I get their decision, forum software is stable, has plugins and tools to help with moderation, has been around a long time and they don't have to worry about things like LemmyNSFW or other instances they don't want the hassle of because they control all the content that shows up in a forum space.

I'm just glad it's not a fucking Discord thing.

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Even if they wanted to do something about it, they can't. Comcast and friends made sure to tank Bidens pick for the open seat. Chances are they will continue to stonewall any pick with their donation puppets.

Thanks for an entertaining day, this was a wild ride.

Project 2025, Truth Social rants, Day one abuse of power claims... You know, I'm starting to think this so-called Orange Jesus is a bad guy!

I'm not surprised, a lot of people that are unhappy have left, at least temporarily, and that means those that don't think it's a big deal are able to come out in the open.

I've also noticed that several of the "Should we remain restricted/private or reopen" polls are going towards open.

You don't mention how they read these books, is it a Kindle e-ink device, a Fire Tablet, or some other way? I ask because the shitification has started, they have a new file format they deliver to devices that are capable of KFX. That's anything made after the 1st Paperwhite e-ink Kindle. The new KFX file is not crackable with current NoDRM/DeDRM tools that can be found on GitHub.

As for FOSS, Koreader can be found on github and is installable on most Kobo devices as well as Remarkable devices if going with e-ink, and can be installed on android devices through F-Droid or manual install. Always read the install instructions to make sure you understand the install procedure on e-ink devices.

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The subs should do rolling blackouts on important dates to their communities, Apple announcement day, blackouts... Iphone update days, blackouts... and so on.

It seems quite clear that nobody at Reddit has ever had any form of PR training, The Verge says their PR person was basically saying two different things and contradicting themselves the article goes on to say "I don’t know how to interpret that, or his other replies explaining that the current actions might be a pastiche of interpretations of different rules instead of just Rule 4 — but it all makes me wonder if the conspiracy theorists among us were correct."

The logo bothers me with the number behind GTA, most other games it was GTA with the name over or next to the words. The only thing I am upset about is that it's coming in 2025, I was hoping for the back half of 2024. Of course, this is also GTA, I think the first trailer for GTA V was in 2010 and the game finally launched for the first time in 2013. So we may not be playing this until 2026.

PS2/PS4 controllers feel like they fit my hands the best, the PS5 controller seems a bit large for my liking. I really like the Xbox Series S|X controller but the plastic etching and rumble make my hands go numb after about an hour, if they could fix that I think it would beat the others.

Lines from Command & Conquer the game of course.

I thought this is what the Supreme Court decided with the cake guy, that he didn't have to make a cake specifically for them, but if he was selling generic cakes, wedding or not, they would be required to sell them. I could be wrong though, but that's what I thought they went with.

I recommend using QBittorrent and their built-in search engine that searches about a dozen sites. Just remember to make sure nothing you've downloaded is actually an executable, some shady peeps still do things like insertmarvelmovie.mkv.exe, and people fall for it.

All while riding a mountain climbing horse that moves slower than a wooly mammoth.

Assassin's Creed Origins, I picked up the 3 pack last year of Origins, Valhalla, and Odyssey on sale, and am just having the time to sit down to play Origins.

I still read "young adult" novels, they are clearly aimed at kids/teens but they are short and I can read them leisurely over a couple of days.