McConnell warns Democrat majority to back off subpoenas that attempt to prove corruption in the supreme Court. to politics – 982 points –
McConnell tells Senate Democrats to back off on Supreme Court

Palpatine thinks he is relevant to this.


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Dude, just fucking die already. I hope they double their efforts of subpoenas going forward. If a spotlight is cast on a Democrat, well call for their removal as well. Politics should not be a "get rich quick" scheme. You work for us, asshole, and it's high time we reminded you/them of that fact.

He's never been willing to work for the American people. Only the elite who can pay for his services.

You work for us, asshole, and it’s high time we reminded you/them of that fact.

Time to start flexing our muscles to remind these assholes of that fact.

What muscles? Congress was created by an oligarchy to serve oligarchs and has never been anything else.

Even the new deal was just a scheme to stop a guillotine party.

What muscles?

The sharp ones hanging off the rope with the little hole to stick your head into

They don't work for your just like Facebook or google don't work for your, you are the merchandise they are selling.

You are being pimped out. You are being sold down the river.