
4 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

I worked in or around public health for a long time. You just broke off a piece of my heart, and fired my rage center. That is all too true, and all too ignored. The truth is never told and if it is it is not believed.

Thank you for saying this, I only hope it makes others just as sad and as enraged as it does me.

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Sounds to me like he has plenty of power to end the strike, he can see the concrete requirements from the workers. Grant them, in full, strike ends, company safe. Sounds simple Mr. 21 Million plus perks.

Oh I get what you mean but I think the word is culpable LOL

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I am waiting until they can't reset one of the "blue screens of death" in his operating system. Then we get a Mitch statue that holds a platter of dildos at parties.

I am not one to ask for trust from strangers on the Internet so take this as you will. I have seen true triumphs in the adoption/foster system, but much more often it goes very badly. I have seen good families destroyed, and individuals broken, I don't mean to poison that well, I want that system to work, but right now they are so underfunded and understaffed that there is no way for them to be effective, and the religious route is laughable at best, those organizations are charitably described as preditory, I have other words but they don't belong in polite conversation.

Sigh... yes.

I think Lennybird may have worded that in an unfortunate way, but there is a point, the MAGAt crap is designed to exploit mental illness and nurodivergence. The thought process it takes to believe the junk that comes from them is truly magical, and that level of mental gymnastics requires an amount of breakdown of skill or deep religious belief, and while that is not All mental illness I can see where someone on the outside could look into that camp and see only mentally ill people and just put together a very very bad and frankly hurtful phrase.

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Cyndi Lauper, no matter how bad it got for me when I was little, and it got really bad. I could count on her to be "right there waiting, time after time" and to see my "true colors" I know that sounds stupid, but I would get my tape and my walkman, go and hide in the dog house with Tramp, he would sleep next to me, and Cyndi would sing to me and I would sing with her, and it was okay for a few minutes, I was safe. Nothing existed but Cyndi's voice and the warmth of Tramp's body, it was almost like it could be okay.

So Cyndi Lauper, she was always inspiration to keep going, it could be okay if I could hear her voice.

You are my kind of people πŸ’―

You are right!

But, but, but... dehydration πŸ™„

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You can't see me, but I am swimming just under the surface in that picture, I told them to wait so I could be in it too, those rascals. LOL πŸ˜‚ 😈

Sounds like Thomas found another precedent he hasn't had a chance at destroying yet, well except Loving of course, and the "this isn't the right vehicle" bs is just sour grapes.

I know it isn't much of a response, I know we do what we can. If I could I would hug you, we could sob together, but Keep up the fight, Vote if you can, make your voice heard, don't stop being that thorn in the side that keep attention where it is needed instead of on that shiny thing over there. And I promise to do the same!

I am absolutely in love with the show about the Fascist party ripping itself apart, I am appalled by the carnage left in it's wake. The no-true-scottsmanism that is showing is just another sign that the divide is getting deeper. If you ever said anything, thought anything, voted for anything, or posted anything that doesn't toe the party line exactly you owe a debt forever. That is what it's about though, what can I hold over you to control you.

I am a relatively recent transplant from the red place, I can tell I ain't in Kansas anymore, actual good information being up voted so cool.

Aspartame is, because of all the claims against it, the single most studied food substance known, and it seems to somehow keep coming okay. There are a lot of studies with really bad methods that were a smear job attempt but science doing what it does they were labeled for what they are and disregarded. Is it possible to be allergic and a reaction to be anxiety sure, but that is not on the food.

This may be too enjoyable, so let's add...

With a running chain saw ☺️

100% agree, the hate is the point not the policy. It is a virtue signal to her deplorable people to say see I hate them just right now give me money.

This rhetoric has and will continue to get people hurt and killed.

I can't get a handle on the publication, I have never heard of it before, just looking through some headlines it seems sketchy. Also, I couldn't find a Masthead on the website, granted I didn't look long, but should you have too?

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This was a patch to the software, it is not expected to last long, they have been advised to upgrade to new hardware, but for some reason they are intent on kicking this dead horse.

Don't know if anyone cares, I am on the onion site, it is slow (and that may be at my end) but working.

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I agree, but have hope that with the olive branch education can begin, at that may bring understanding.

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I know the bad parts, but there are good things too. I am not opposed to Google, I use a lot of their services, and they are so ubiquitous that is near impossible to not use something they are connected to if you know it or not.

I find a lot of the apps and services very useful and if I find a useful alternative I will try it, but for now I am happy.


The mistake is an understandable one, this man and his minions are greatly and rightfully hated. Many of us have grown up with mental illness as a boogieman myself included and still regularly hear it bandied around as an adjictive. You heard from many, correct as you saw fit and apologized. That took courage and wisdom. Thank you.

I haven't been up to date since the whole Andrew thing, but scathing and GAM, I took a break then and just haven't gotten back into it yet

Holy shit, right? Wouldn't it be terrible if government started to actually "drain the swamp" and do someing to help mass amounts of people instead of just the wealthy few. What a novel concept. (Just in case /s)

Not challenging just curious, what law are you referring to?

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First thanks! That page is awesome and thanks for doing the "leg work" on that one!

Seems like my BS meter is still well calibrated.

That is a super useful site!

That is unfortunate, with a more clear picture, this looks more like someone that has chosen to allow mental health to be an excuse for poor behavior rather than a reason for it. I would argue this is equally as bad.

I do not argue mental health as an excuse, I have my struggles and set backs in that arena but it doesn't give me permission to be an awful person, I do think there is a vulnerable population that can be prayed upon due to a tendency toward credulity, or having been relentlessly bullied that now they want to find a group to belong to, and in that group they want to find some form of secret knowledge that the masses are not aware of, like a secret shadow government that is really in charge. So when they are proven right they can have a great I told you so moment they have wanted all their life.

So again I say looking in from the outside mental illness often looks the same and is poorly understood if it is understood at all even by those that live with us and care for us. From the tone that op seems to be taking they are starting to feel piled up on and is shutting down to just definsiveness. I suggest perhaps they need exposure to more people and the stigma of mental illness may be at play. I am sure many people in their life has a struggle or even a diagnosis, but it is not appropriate to talk about so they may never know.

Sorry for rambling, just really have a lot of thought on this, and rarely get to talk about it. Very much a fascinating subject.

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You were very right, if only because I needed the conversation, but honestly having such a slight difference of opinions and not letting it blow way out of proportion felt good too. I don't get to really talk often.

I gained a lot today, and out of anything I hope you got something, I take heart in knowing you were not realistically expecting a whole change from them. I hope a seed was planted and perhaps a heart was softened.

Thanks for the engagement today.

"feds are going to be forced to act" for a federal agency to act that would require the enforcement of federal law, short of that it is all down to state action. Or am I misinterpreting intent, happens a lot to me?

You have to love the troll I usually just πŸ‘‰ πŸ˜‚ and move on, but you are spot on, hypocrisy runs deep, and I get, words for the reaction and all. The unfortunate thing is there are people so misinformed they believe this stuff, do I believe OP is one, not for a minute. Will others see this and think their misguided view is valid, absolutely.

I am curious, I know this is an old post, but did you ever find anything that fit the bill? I have been looking for something similar as well and have zero programming skills to make my own (with blackjack)

Got that one, up to date on the book bannings, but it seemed that it was being suggested that by complying with that law Scholastic would be violating a federal law, this is an interesting argument, especially if is has some application to interstate commerce, or even if it would be a violation of individual state law to have an agreement predetermined with the district, before the company brought "controversial" books into the district.

Let it be known that I find book banning and "don't say gay" bills abhorrent, as I do with terminology that includes CRT including the history of slavery in the USA. I am trying only to get a better grasp of the mainstream arguments around this subject. I tend to see things in black and white (no pun intended, seriously) because I am autistic and I really do want a better understanding of this one.

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I agree again, but the attempt was good, and the recognition of wrong doing is even better. I am in a good mood today and am exhilarated to see people given the chance to grow.

I have to say on a different day I may have had a much different response to this. I guess such is mental illness and developmental disability.

I typically get so angry to see myself placed with the likes to trump and his crowd of pathetics.

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I can see your point, and for my part understand your grievance, however I think you are asking too much and expect to much. This is a stranger on the Internet talking to a stranger on the Internet exactly like you and I. You have absolutely no reason to care about my opinion about this, and likely won't.

I want you to know I understand, I really do and I would have the same type of reaction on other days. For some reason my wound isn't so raw today. I hated seeing that statement it was painful, just like when someone in my family uses the r word at me. I don't know if maybe the fight in me has just started to die on this one.

I am autistic and homosexual with a list of mental health conditions that come from a lifetime of masking both of them plus trauma and som other shit, wanting dignity is exhausting, I don't know your situation but I am guessing you fully understand the stress of looking over your should for fear of the consequences of someone noticing something you can't turn off.

I hope you don't think I have been trying to argue, I am more just wanting someone to talk to, if I added to your frustrations I am sorry! Truly!

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This made me have to post, πŸ˜‚

Again, I am sorry I am just looking for understanding, who here is they? And what are the violations they made?

Edit: I know on the Internet it is very hard to convay intent, but I really am not asking these questions out of spite or as an argument. I have some trouble understanding nuance and I have an interest in this topic and I am trying to better understand.

If it helps for me to state my stance I am unequivocally, opposed to "don't say gay" bills, the banning of so called CRT in schools, and book bannings.