49 Post – 243 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

billions would be alive if 2016 wasn't rigged.

lock him up! lock him up! lock him up! lock him up! lock him up! lock him up!

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Sounds like another coup attempt being foreshadowed by Trump

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You shouldn't be allowed to point your gun at kids and pregnant women.

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I'm an anarchist, we don't call anybody tankies. Tankies is a term coming from the UK i think the 80s some eastern european nation was taken over by the USSR and some Brittish came out in support of it. So they were called tankies.

These political fighting words need to be layed to rest. Communists hate me as much as anybody else but I'd rather engage on the idea level instead of ad hominem attacks and name calling.

I suspect this whole tankie thing might be a coordinated propaganda campaign geared at discrediting communists and at the same time creating tension between them and other leftits. I suspect this as this whole infighting over small differences doesn't lead to a victory for the left but effectively disables and neutralizes it.

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He is prove the system is already broken. When in a democracy, voters who can read and write, who are impoverished and on avg can't even afford a $500 emergency vote for a billionaire, I'd say that is a failure of the system.

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Hillary had 3 million more votes than delinquent Donny

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Musk needs to stop with this racism

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Lmao Elon 😂

BTW all his escapades are the biggest unpaid marketing campaign in recent history. He may not be doing it deliberately but clearly it's working, media, and people continue to talk about Musk. This free puiblicity makes his businesses more likely to succeed as people are aware of every step he takes including new businesses.

After careful consideration I revise my statement: Elon is the smartest person in the world as he has the most money. Just like McDonald's has the best food as they've got the most sales.

My best hyptothesis is that in the center of each of those disks a hole may have been or still is through which pond water is wicking upwards and melting the snow in a circular fashion before freezing and coming to a halt. Hence the almost perfect circular shape and the weird lighter color in the center ... notice the crack in the center of the disk in the foreground?

Stop pulling the ladder up behind you. Don't lock the door once you are in. Don't advocate for Anti-Immigration when you are fresh off the boat yourself. 😂

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You make a great case for getting rid of implicit rules and making them explicit at least within the current political environment (I mean the resurgence of fascism and other inhuman currents)

the quest to find the 6.5 days older/younger middle man unlocked!

Gary Middleman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For me it would be C++.

Ebook reader it's like a library card on steroids.

This is so saddening, I can't imagine what her loved ones must be going through. ☹️

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Housing is just a pump that transfers money from the bottom to the top. THE COST OF HOUSING USED TO BE 3 ANNUAL SALARIES. We could also turn air into a similar pump but air is more difficult to fence off...

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And now all reviews are worthless. Nobody is going to read them. You just lost one of the most powerful tools to gain customers.

reverse midas-touch 🤣

it shows the rest of the world literally sucking the life out of africa

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The irony of a horse complaining about having of two possible riders, the one that is weaker, is clearly lost on a lot of people. If Biden was as weak as you said, wouldn't that be a good thing for @buzz as Biden would also be less capeable of opressing @buzz? If the (according to him) more virile Trump was elected, he would have a more virile guy with his boot on his neck.

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Big, if true

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I only use apt, or compile from source but here is what some guy online wrote:

* Creates larger packages from compiling in most/all of the libraries used in development that use up more storage space because you are storing additional copies of libraries already on your system.

* Slower loading because you are loading a separate copy of libraries that may already be loaded and available for use.

* Updates to external libraries that add features, fix bugs, or change functionality are not available to the existing flatpak, which also reduces the testing use base for updates to support libraries.

* Breaks the fundamental concept of *NIX which is to separate out development of different subsystems, meaning that if an external system (library) changes how it does things, your program may no longer work or have features suddenly limited because it is using an older version of the library.

* Depends on the Application Binary Interface (ABI) remaining stable in the Linux kernel, which is preferred but not guaranteed. If an ABI is changed, the flatpak can stop working.

* Can be difficult to adapt to different distributions of Linux. Many Linux distributions have package maintainers that compile programs from source to ensure it works on and is compatible with the particular distribution they are supporting, and flatpaks can struggle to work on a different distribution.

* Sometimes avoids the work necessary to make the source generally compile-able across distributions. It's easier to compile a flatpak on the system it was developed on because all of the testing was done on one particular distribution. However, different distributions may have differences like the files in different locations, different software or libraries installed, different versions, different compilers, and without the program being compiled from source with all these differences, the codebase may never be updated to be take into account the differences in systems. The source code can be very stale, in a sense.

* Not a long-term solution. Flatpaks generally age out over time because they can't keep pace with distribution changes over time, as the open source environment is still very dynamic. Only source code that is legal to share is really sustainable over the long-term.

* Reduce use testing and reporting of bugs. Reported bugs usually get ironed out over time, as most program and package maintainers take pride in their work. With flatpaks, users don't get to test the program against updates to support libraries, so there are less user reports of bugs, and it can mean that bugs don't get identified as quickly or ever.

* Harder to identify bugs. Because flatpaks are monilithic binaries comprising both original and external work, it can be hard to figure out if a given bug is in the original program or supporting library, leading to mis-reporting of bugs, which adds effort to figure out the real source of the bug.
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stoners, children and idiots

You lack substance, attack the idea not who voiced it. I am NO communist, but you are intellectually dishonest. If you don't like communism (the idea) critisize the idea. You don't even seem to have read "das Kaptial" so how can you even know what Communism even is to begin with?

Authoritarianism, brutalism and opression are independent of economic model. In argentinia they had the most free market capitalism ever in the 80s and they are guilty of all three: Authoritarianism, brutalism and opression.

Please do not conflate these things. The idea and a person claiming to implement that idea are not the same thing. Communism is an idea. Tell us what exactly about that idea you take issue with. Nobody is saying USSR was an El Dorado of free speech. Tbh I would probably have been murdered in the USSR but I probably would have shared the same fate in many other places like post ware spain ....

Better than being fingerbanged by your flashprint sensor

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Please, don't call people names

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I suspected being a senator or congressman would be actually quiet difficult and Trump may not be cut out for it. thanks for your insight shrewbacca

Ironically Hillary Clinton had 3 million more votes than Trump. Without electoral college it would have been a Hillary Presidency.

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The first hit is always free, then once you are hooked you have to pay. Interesting how gaming-companies have now come to resemble crack-dealers....

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edit: I am not saying billionaires are worse than anybody else, I am just saying their interests probably don't have a lot of overlap with the avg voter.

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Anyone who supports the idea of communism isn’t very intelligent

This isn't fair. Anybody who can read through "das Kapital" must not only be very persistent and have endurance, no they also have to be fairly intelligent. I am surprised by the number of people who claim to have read "das Kapital" it has 4 VOLUMES ! 4 you can die if your bookshelf doesn't hold and these 4 volumes fall on you.

Being a communist is just a function of your social class in society. If you are a laborer or poor you are naturally going to seek to pursue your interests for example you do not want to labor and have all the value you create go to the owners. You want to have a bigger share of the outcome of your labor. Communism is the consequence of this. Just like the royals and aristocrats and the captains of industry have the conservative ideology to further their interest so do the poor have communism. Neither conservatism nor communism make you smart or dumb. All it is is people pursuing their interest based on what position in society they hold. Both are ok. And none are dumb. It is inherently intelligent to pursue your own interest together with others who share that interest.

Edit: I am not getting into the support of any regimes or factions of wars as that is a can of worms i have no appetite for. 😅

He speaks to a gutfeeling and emotion. Think of him more as a religious cult leader rather than a politician.


because of all the peons flooding the gates.

All of us started out as 🕊️peons 🌊 flooding gates. 😘 😜

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Sativas are so amazing I love sour diesel, I know the flavor sounds weird (dirty diaper, chemicals/fuel, somewhat juicyfruit-gum) but it's so heady and energetic.

Have you ever tried the extrem indicas like Hashplant or Afghan #1? (I am not a big fan myself but think the flavor is phenomenal, almost like good hash).

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This case sets a dangerous precedent. If word gets around me and a lot of people will be out on the street. 😬 😭 😢

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Can you help us better understand how you integrated Coral powerd accelerated person detection across your home camera surveillance system?

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No that was coincidental :/

I go by New I like to see what's going on as it's going on 😁