Latest peace talks between Ethiopia's government and Oromo militants break up without an agreement to World – 14 points –
Latest peace talks between Ethiopia's government and Oromo militants break up without an agreement
5 is still alive after all these years!?

Wait, you are not using AOL online? how do you connect to the internet? /s

I had to setup up my grandfather’s new computer with aol, even though he was connected via a cable modem that was always on anyway. That was a throwback for sure.

I always saw those compact disks they must have been handing out by the millions. What were those used for? just a software package?

Yes. It was a promotional CD with the installer for the aol program and access phone numbers for dial up.

They typically gave you a month or some amount of free hours as a promotion.

There were millions of them sent out to encourage people to get on the internet at a time when home PCs were still relatively uncommon and internet more so.

There is an ancient meme of a throne made entirely of ail CDs from the dark ages of the internet.