IBM's NorthPole chip runs AI-based image recognition 22 times faster than current chips

Lee to – 121 points –
IBM's NorthPole chip runs AI-based image recognition 22 times faster than current chips

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Can you help us better understand how you integrated Coral powerd accelerated person detection across your home camera surveillance system?

Check this page out:

I don't currently have cameras but Frigate is the NVR I will be using when I move.

As for using Coral, someone on lemmy tipped me off that Intel's gen6 (and beyond) have performance similar to Coral using OpenVino. I haven't dug into it yet but here's a doc on it, seems pretty easy to set up.

Yes this is what I'm using, frigate with home assistant. Thanks for the openvino tip, I'm looking at adding local voice assistant now so I'll see if that or the coral can be used.

I can't confirm but my understanding is that any Intel CPU newer than like 2015 has the right component to do it so yeah it's worth looking into!