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Joined 12 months ago

They appear to be moved around because the original creator [didn't] put the text boxes in intuitive places. It's instinct to read from top to bottom if both text bubbles are centered at the same spot.

EDIT: missed an important word

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It's weird for the title to just say "African country" rather than saying Guinea-Bissau

It's not. That subreddit is garbage. The mods legit ban people if the user rates people higher than the mod wants.

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"Evil" is incredibly subjective and doesn't convince people well enough. Next time you're in an argument with someone, call them evil and see how quickly you've convinced them.

I saw an interview a while back where Obama said he makes these exact types of statements because if you want other countries to do things you perceive as "good" it's more effective to convince them that it's beneficial for them.

I can't even see comments on lessons anymore. There was one Brazilian dude named Paulenrique who would answer anyone's questions about quirks of the language and now all his efforts to help people are just gone.

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The only time I enjoyed a toxic fan base was for the show Under the Dome. Everyone seemed to hate watch the show and it made the whole thing more fun. The toxicity had the benefit of not being about social issues and just about how the show wasn't high quality writing.

Off the top of my head, one thing people hated is that the main character hurt her leg and wore the bandage over her jeans.

Man, I should rewatch that show.

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If you have

  1. lots of money
  2. connections overseas
  3. and an actual home in another country

I think it's really hard to find an appropriate bail even if you aren't witness tampering.

You never mentioned you were nonbinary. Isn't it possible that people were being contrarian without being transphobic?

14 more...

I started to side with Goofy even more, because Goofy later gave Max the option of deciding all detours and Max still decided to trick his Dad instead.

He could've gone to the concert with permission..

You can't be serious.

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Siena is reputable when it comes to polling. It's not like they just choose a friar to guess what the outcome of an election will be. This kind of surface-level criticism is bad for consuming accurate information.

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I'm not sure about the top one. He could be saying everyone is living a life of sin (like 402 said).

The bottom one is definitely saying he lives an odd life because that's literally an odd function. i.e.

f(-x) = -f(x) for all x

IDF claim to be holding over 1000 bodies of Hamas terrorists who entered Israeli territory on October 7th.

This claim doesn't appear to be in your article. I've been looking for a source about the estimated number of Hamas that entered on the 7th.

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Forrest Gump is one of the many stories that could use two viewpoints from both the guy and the girl like they did in 500 Days of Summer or The Affair. It's much easier to sympathize with someone when you get to see the story the way they experience it.

I'll blame his/her mistake on the article. Most of the time I don't have to read the captions of pictures to obtain important information that would have also been in the normal text of the article.

Samuel developed measles aged two in 2014 and recovered, but was admitted to hospital in 2019 after his mother noticed he often lost his balance while walking

Why wasn't that part in the article proper?

No, I actually thought you were joking. I think people are pretty ordinary and can't telepathically tell that stuff in text. I bet you can't deduce my gender, orientation, race, hair color, and name. I assume this because I didn't tell you any of these things.

Same. I spoonerize words so often that it's broken my brain. In fairness, "car wash" is a much more common term than "war cash" is.

Good chatbots right now have great spelling and decent grammar. That already makes it not the worst insult.

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The alternative is telling people that they shouldn't donate until Wikipedia is nearly bankrupt. If you want Wikipedia to exist, that doesn't sound like a wise plan.

I might be wrong, but at a certain point, I believe (s)he might've been actually trying to harass these kids. Why else would you have a mock auction critiquing their physical characteristics and adding slurs into the books you're reading?

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True, but for the same big O they can salt the password for each user and compare it to what they have stored. My big pet peeve (that I've actually seen) is when they say your password is too similar to an old one. I have no idea how that could be reasonably done if they're storing your password correctly.

They tried to restore the Pyramid of Menkaure by adding granite stones to the exterior, but they stopped because of social media pushback.

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Medical injuries definitely seem like a good candidate and I don't know where pictures of medical injuries would be illegal.

From what I remember about this case the mother had terrible gun safety (obviously) and the child was mirroring terrible behaviors he'd seen from the father. The father has been accused of aiming a gun at an extra [ex]girlfriend and attempting to choke out another.

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"There have been occasions in the last week or so when hostages who had been declared dead by one of the armed groups in Gaza actually turned out not to have died - and have subsequently been released," said Bunkall.

It's bizarre for an article to quote her here without the article talking about any examples.

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If they're watching on a phone, 720 might be fine. My preferred resolution depends a lot on what device I'm watching on and its screen size.

Doesn't seem staged. The demo was imperfect in very normal ways. One imperfection was when it was referencing an old picture that he had earlier sent to the program.

I'd be more convinced it was staged if everything were perfect.

Your own quote: "[Netanyahu] can't get that loyalty from any other US president"

Do you actually believe that statement to be true?

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Give an LLM to a high school student and they could do something with it.

Try to explain block chain to an adult and watch them pretend to understand.

Lemmy users seem older than most social media to me. Why is Star Trek TNG so popular here if not?

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  1. If you're a couple, you can both use a toilet at the same time.

  2. If you live alone you might want a separate bathroom for guests. The second one is possibly a half bathroom.

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It's an American English thing. Sometimes to make a statement sound less intense, people start by saying "I mean." It's probably regional, but I'm not sure where people do and don't say it.

18 more...

Did Pinterest used to require logins to see their images? I remember I used to get annoyed when search results directed me to that site

It's weird how he starts talking about the Terminator movie and samurais at the end of his post. Bizarre guy.

Google Translated:

Just never again tell your soldiers before a battle, “You won’t change a thing!” tell them what John Connor asked Kyle Reese to tell his mother - “There is no destiny except the one we create for ourselves.” That being said, let's personally say thank you to Jim Cameron for this wonderful film, right here in Hollywood. If I manage to “change something,” give me an example to the soldiers.

In the samurai code “Bushido,” which was written down on paper at the moment when the samurai began to forget it, it is written, among other things:

Often revenge consists of simply breaking into the enemy’s house and dying.

I don't think this is exclusive to right wing populists.

He's simply congratulating the side he supports. Biden showed support for the Iranian protesters.

And before someone responds "um actually, Biden is as right wing as Clarence Thomas," Bernie Sanders showed support for the Iranian protesters too.

You'd be hard pressed to find someone to the left of Bernie Sanders who doesn't support Iranians protesting the right to not be killed for wearing a hijab improperly.

I'm wondering if there's going to be a real problem when content gets dominated by AI and AI starts scraping their own hallucinations.

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In what ways is YouTube shorts different from tiktok?

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