15 Post – 391 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I break up letters Into words

Yes, it's a picture of the patch of milkweed that we grow for the monarch butterflies.

This makes 79 felony charges so far

Hush Money case for Stormy Daniel's, a former Playboy model, and a 3rd woman

  • 34 felony counts - Falsifying business records in the first degree

Classified Documents Case

  • 32 felony counts of willful retention of national defense information in violation of the Espionage Act
  • 6 felony counts of obstruction-related crimes
  • 2 felony counts of false statements to the FBI
  • 1 felony count attempted destruction of evidence

Attempted Coup (January 6th)

  • 1 count conspiracy to defraud the United States "by using dishonesty, fraud and deceit to obstruct the nation’s process of collecting, counting, and certifying the results of the presidential election"
  • 1 count conspiracy to impede the Jan. 6 congressional proceeding
  • 1 count conspiracy against the right to vote and to have that vote counted
  • 1 count obstruction of, and attempt to obstruct and impede, the certification of the electoral vote

Georgia Election Interference

  • Greater than 0 but TBD
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A coup. That's what was attempted. Everyone may not call it that now, but that's what history will call what Trump attempted.

Trump has to be held accountable and punished severely as a deterrent for the future.

It took 244 years for our first nearly successful coup. The next attempt may be much much sooner.

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As an unabashed liberal and Dem party voter: enough is enough. Let the future get started already.

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At a certain point, eventually, the voters in Florida have to say enough is enough, right?

Can a state be majority racist, homophobic, anti woman and pro ignorance forever? Is that what 51% of Floridians really want?

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People often say they're just waiting for him to flip on Trump. Giuliani is broke, Trump disdains him, etc...

The prosecutors aren't interested in what he has to say. There are better witnesses, more reliable witnesses who have corroborated all the facts already.

The prosecutors do not need this shell of a man to flip.

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Do you think? A whole voting block being told to not get vaccinated? To not wear masks? GOP politics MAY be to blame.

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The GOP is too extreme

  • On abortion
  • On guns
  • On tax cuts for the wealthy
  • On race
  • On LGBTQ issues
  • On climate change
  • On unions
  • On the environment
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Blatantly unconstitutional. The right to travel is a part of the 'liberty' of which the citizen can not be deprived without due process of law under the Fifth Amendment.

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So two out of ten Republicans whole heartily support the crimes they know he committed.

2 out of 10 in the GOP support Trump over National Security and Democracy.

The next time someone asks me why I can't stand to be around any MAGA person, this will be my first answer.

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My daughter had osteosarcoma at 8 years old - the same cancer as Terry, same leg.

She's 6 years cancer free now. Advances in medicine are amazing.

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Smashes a Capitol policeman with the riot shield you stole off of him. We are the good guys!

Can you imagine the timeline if she were VP?

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A bot that posts sports team scores to a sports community? Sure, I guess. A bot that reports popular reddit posts? No way.

Some content bots make sense, but in a very narrow scope.

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Since she stopped caring for patients, there has been 1 death in 7 years. There were 6 in the year while she was on duty.

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MAGA diehards only like to see others get screwed over. When they get screwed over, the tears start to flow.

Jenna Ellis is no Saint either. Here's to hoping she's disbarred right after she's ostracized by everyone in her GOP party.

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Fuck guns

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My internet where I live is through cable and it's terrible. Bad. Outtages all of the time. Down for days at times. So I switched to starlink. It's fine. Works great EXCEPT WHEN IT RAINS HEAVILY.

Heavy rain blocks the signal. Elon Musk owns it.

Now, I have a t-mobile hotspot. It's only $50 per month as opposed to the $110 for Starlink.

If you have no other decent option, Starlink is amazing. If you have other options, don't give Musk your money.

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He has long had a reputation for being tempestuous and rude to performers, according to a 2015 Spectator article by the commentator Damian Thompson, who wrote that for all the conductor’s undoubted talent, “one art eludes him: good manners”.

So he was always an a-hole, but this time, he was affected by alcohol and went too far.

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So much of our government requires people to have ethical values. People like Thomas, Alito and Trump weren't expected.

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This makes 79 felony charges so far

Hush Money case for Stormy Daniel's, a former Playboy model, and another woman

  • 34 felony counts - Falsifying business records in the first degree

Classified Documents Case

  • 32 felony counts of willful retention of national defense information in violation of the Espionage Act
  • 6 felony counts of obstruction-related crimes
  • 2 felony counts of false statements to the FBI
  • 1 felony count attempted destruction of evidence

Attempted Coup (January 6th)

  • 4 felony charges including conspiracy to defraud the United States and an attempt to obstruct an official proceeding
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What could they send anyone down in?

"I'm sorry customers, but our only Logitech controller is at the bottom of the ocean."

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Congratulations to India. Scientific progress of any country helps all of humanity.

It won't work for long, since they're making people so poor they can't afford to move.

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Putin: "Russia will use cluster bombs if we have to, we already have, since the beginning, but we will still use them if we have to."

"...the first rule of MAGA is to never, ever, under any circumstances, admit that liberals might be right about something."

People in cults stay in them for the same reasons. So many times, they were told they were wrong, that they couldn't take the embarrassment of making such a mistake.

Maybe MAGA people need to be coddled a bit. Tell them that Trump changed towards the end. They were right, but he betrayed them in the end. Something else should be tried. Many of these people are dangerous in the mental state their in.

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How is Dorsey's opinion supposed to matter to me?

Business leaders have nothing in common with the rest of us, so why should we trust them to have our best interests in mind? Athletes, famous musicians, business leaders, celebrities all have one thing in common - money. They have much more of it than the vast majority of people and they generally want more of it.

Jack Dorsey doesn't want Democrats in power because they might "take his money", so he's promoting a fringe candidate to be a spoiler to Biden.

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Trump Lawyer Sydney Powell directed people to sieze and then break into a voting machine for its data. Trump asked Georgia’s secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, to “find” 11,780 votes and threatened repercussions if he didn't.

That's racketeering under Georgia law.

Voting districts by Wisconsin law must be contiguous. The current maps have districts separated like two diagonal squares on a cchessboard. That's illegal and should not have been allowed by the previous conservative majority state Supreme Court.

Before I quit drinking I believe I was following Russian culture with my vodka intake.

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The problem is she might not be reelected, so the CO GOP want her to drop out so they can have someone else run.

They only care about keeping power. If her actions hadn't affected her polling, there would be crickets.

The Declaration of Independence is a document that explains the political decision to break from England. That's it.

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Replace their beer with a cigarette, go back in time, and you'll see these street theater performers putting on the same act.

These types railed against every change. Leaded gas. Seat belts. Catalytic converters. Smoking. The clean air act. Vegetables (seriously)... it's insane how half the country gets pissed at anything different.

Ronny Jackson was Trump's White House doctor who proclaimed “He has incredibly good genes, and it’s just the way God made him,”

He then ran for office.

So no, don't expect Rep. Jackson (R) to call for any type of change based on his brush with police brutality.

Wasn't only created in mid June?

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Nothing new here. We heard things like this a few months into his presidency.

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Believe it or not, but almost all people, across the entire world, are decent and nice people.

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Over the past decade, “consistently less than half of all violent crime and less than twenty-five percent of all property crime were cleared...

The response to a car break in is always, just call your insurance company. Imagine if they took it seriously and used forensic tools. Most car breakins are done by a small number of the same people.

When the FBI seized several of his cell phones in April 2021 in a now-closed investigation, much of Giuliani’s electronic records were held on a database operated by a company called Trustpoint.One. But they were archived, and running searches on files the company held for more recent litigation isn’t cheap. Even  hosting his records with the company costs $20,000 a month, according to a recent court filing.

No sympathy at all to the drunk fool, but why is it so expensive?

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For all we know Donald Trump Jr. secretly dropped it there to stir nonsense up. It's as preposterous as thinking Hunter Biden accidentally forgot it there.

How are there no fingerprints on the bag? Was it a bag? No touch DNA at all? Not video? No visitor logs? Seems strange there is zero evidence.

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I would just like to point out that I said Ukraine would do this back when the cluster munitions deal was first announced. I was somewhat downvoted and dismissed!

I would now like my useless and fake internet points to reflect the fact that I, an anonymous person with no military experience, was in fact, correct.

On a serious note, Ukrainian soldiers are brave as F.

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