Conservatives go to red states and liberals go to blue as the country grows more polarized to politics – 517 points –
Conservatives go to red states and liberals go to blue as the country grows more polarized

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It won't work for long, since they're making people so poor they can't afford to move.

Well their goal is to make them too poor to vote as well

And you don't even have to be poor. We live in Indiana. Our house is worth far less than any blue state houses. We couldn't afford to buy a house in a blue state. I hate it here, but I'm here to stay until the housing market collapses.

High COL also means high income. You are expressing a sunk cost fallacy.

High income if you have a job lined up already. Having been jobless in California, I don't wish to repeat that.

Agree, Definitely recommend having job lined up before any major change like that.

Or just be willing to hustle? Being young helps too.

I got the job before heading to SF. But another friend of mine in tech sold everything he owned in Ohio, and rented a room in a house for like 800/month and lived with 4 other dudes in a huge house in the inner Richmond. Got by on app hustles until he found a gig coding.

He's back in Ohio now bc he decided to breed and be closer to family because of it. But he had a solid couple of years more in SF than I did. I kind of regret not just going for it sooner like he did.

Wages haven't kept up with increases in CoL for years, and the pandemic skyrocketed the latter while barely budging the former.

For real. I live in Texas currently. If I could afford it, I would move tomorrow. This place is Hell, in every sense.

Right? I'm also in Texas because Uncle Sam sent me there. The moment my contract is up, I'm fucking OUT of here.

Wish I hadn't changed my state of record to be Texas, but that just means I'll keep voting there until I can bounce. Right now I'm mad favoring Allred to unseat Cruz in 2024.

Me too. I'm a clinical social worker here, and so many of my LGBTQ+ patients have been struggling with suicidal ideation with the politics here, especially with the most recent legislative session. I'm gonna stay here as long as possible and vote in every fucking election possible. Lately I've even been voting in the Republican primaries against the extremist candidates. It's so sad, because it wasn't this bad here when I was growing up in the 90s. We even had a Dem governor.

LGBTQ+ patients have been struggling with suicidal ideation with the politics here

This is exactly what Abbott wants. Makes me want to plant more trees.

How “Christian” of him, eh? It’s disgusting. We are human souls who deserve safety and to not live in fear. I have hope that many Gen Z Texans feel disgusted as well, won’t move, and can turn Texas blue. Once more and more are able to vote, we can transform this state. Maybe that is too idealistic, but it keeps me sane while I am unable to move.