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Joined 1 years ago

Alternative headline: remote work adds billions into workers' pockets and an immeasurable amount of happiness

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In his defense he has been unlikable for the entirety of many people's lives

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My favorite, since I'm not a programmer anymore, is excel

E: Your formula has a circular reference. I ain't doing shit till you fix it

Me: where?

E: In your spreadsheet, I don't fucking know

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Can't wait for people in red states making <$50k to be really mad about this for some reason

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Sounds good, I'll keep voting for the party that hates US citizens

-Fucking dipshits who think they're doing anything other than volunteer work for billionaires

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Search engine protocol:

Ignore first few results (ads)

Ignore next few results (bullshit spam comparison farms)

Ignore really annoying site you think is ok but is a usability nightmare

Ignore subsection of reddit links

Find 0-1 useful links on first page


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Brave statement from a man who is only alive because the poors would rather not get arrested

Maybe because, like me, they don't understand the difference

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This is where politics gets so fucking disingenuine it makes me ill.

He didn't do "enough" yet we give the guy who did nothing-to-negative a pass?

Or they shit on a single democratic senator for not voting this way or that, giving a pass to the 50 shitheads who voted no because they're scared of getting murdered by either their base or the people who bribe them donate to their campaigns

I'll never understand people's obsession with things others want to do to themselves. Things that have absolutely zero impact to anyone else

I don't understand people who inject their lips or get other fucked up implants but I'm not going to violate their privacy or advocate for laws against them

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Pizza bag. A really good one

Didn't think it would be a big deal but it's a game changer for takeout pizza. Hell, it's usually warmer than deliveries since I don't make any other stops

Massive difference even for a place 8 minutes away, and gets me warm great pizza for the places 20 or so away

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Man, Joey was my favorite one for sure

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See you in court

So parents think it's a big taking advantage of you conspiracy to get you to spend $200 every 5 years but I don't remember seeing these news stories about cars lasting 5-7 years and needing to be replaced

Remember, news has always manufactured outrage for its customers (advertisers). Guess Nintendo didn't spend enough on the network

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The only reason conservatives win anything is because of lines on a fucking map. No one likes that shit

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The bots won't stop. And probably have increased. So it'll be tough to see without slices we'll never get

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So, love this stuff. It's been my career for nearly 20 years

Check out the engagement rate/bounce rate on those. I bet it's 15% engagement, tops (meaning 85% bounced). Probably as low as 5%

That's typical for ads like this. You're right that you're losing half your traffic (though I would pick sessions, not users, to see it a bit clearer. GA4 makes it more difficult but you should be able to create it).

What happens is users scroll, users accidentally click, and immediately hit back because, oh shit, they didn't want to click. Ad registers a click, browser window is closed before your gtag registers. I bet their own pixel doesn't even fire, if you have it on the site

Then the ones who don't close it in time, that's what you're seeing in reporting. When your bosses or the marketing team ask what those users did, you can confidently say, without looking, "nothing" and you will be right 99% of the time.

Now, we could argue that display ads are NOT for direct responses. They are to supplement other campaigns so your brand is freshwe when you do something better like paid search or emails. But if they want to charge by the click, it's still useless traffic.

Does Reddit offer CPA (cost per action)? Doubt it, since the sub-0.05% conversion rate means they'll get almost nothing, and they know it.

Also, look into Looker studio for these reports (free with GA), since GA4 sucks so bad right now. Hit me up with a PM if you haven't used it but want some free pointers or lesson (I have a FT job, I'm not scrounging for freelance work)

I'm glad this was in politics. Because it's certainly not news

That's fine if we have a sign when entering Texas warning us of all the dangerous things there compared to where they were coming from

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Yeah, the dumbest and worst people will be dying to get this. I don't see a problem

If AOC did this they'd burn down the Capitol

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That's the reason they wanted to make their own phone. They wanted it all

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I would love to see the sales metrics that made them backpedal

Good. Finally something those assholes didn't somehow get people to believe was democrat's fault

If China didn't make cheap shit we'd treat them with the same relevancy as any other country you can't think of

Stop giving money to oppressive and evil empires

Well, during the covid crisis he did say "I take no responsibility at all" which is the most honest and accurate thing he has ever said in his life

I wouldn't normally trust his math but he might have gotten this one right

It looks like a cool hairstyle now

I'm an artist for a living so please don't steal my work. I put a lot of time into this

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All to make the company look like it has revenue so they can scam people on their IPO

Give me a fucking break

Let's say I'm the dumbest person alive and I canceled it without wanting to. Are they saying I'm so dumb that I can't subscribe again like I once did?

I like sushi but I'd eat that

conservative sub-human

Hey man. There's no need for that

Very redundant

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My favorite is when you forget your password and try to reset it but it cries that you can't use passwords you already used

Mother fucker if I remembered what I used I wouldn't be doing this

Shitty movies with shitty marketing don't make money, sure

The fact this is supposedly decent and is doing well has made conservatives so mad, I thought Obama just won a 3rd term

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I feel like there's also the fact that everyone who has comfortably been established tells them they're lazy and aren't trying hard get past all the barriers those greedy people have set up

And that we have the resources to make sure they don't die and their teeth don't fall out...but they don't get it

And the fact that the elites have convinced them somehow that voting is pointless... They need to get shaken out of that.

If everyone who was in that 82% voted, the republican party would die overnight

That 90% of the people who don't watch sports on Cable TV subsidize it to the tune of 10% of their bill for the 10% of people who watch it

What makes this extra fun is the corps and media saying there's going to be a recession "any day now" for 11 goddamned months straight. My job is OK but my company is stable and I'm not going to leave just to get laid off the day after "any day now"

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Really the best thing we can do is give in to their fantasies and convince people like Elon Musk that he can kill a tiger with his bare hands

You don't even have to fondle if you're gay. Just being around kids is apparently bad

They're pretty much just political evangelicals

Pretend to be someone to take your money, get power, and laugh as they get to lie to you