US sues to block merger of grocery giants Kroger and Albertsons, saying it could push prices higher to – 17 points –
US sues to block merger of grocery giants Kroger and Albertsons, saying it could push prices higher

As an Australian who has to deal with the duopoly of our grocery stores after we let them all merge years ago, it absolutely will drive higher prices and nobody who isn't a shareholder should want this.

They basically "collude" to fix and raise prices here and have whole teams of people who's job it is to monitor and extract as much money out of us as possible. They also force growers to accept shitty deals or they reject their produce due to "not meeting their quality standards" and there's basically nowhere else for them to sell it in the quantities they need to.

Nobody wins in grocery store mergers except the shareholders.

With the current extreme price gouging, seems like the perfect political cover to anti-trust the hell out of them and break them up.

You'd know the Libs would moan and get the Murdoch media to pump out the propaganda, but I think the Australian public would be on board. The tax cut reversal went over totally fine, because I guess on average people aren't as stupid as the Libs would like.

(For international readers, the Liberal Party are the leaders of the conservative coalition, confusingly.

Kroger and Albertsons are the two major chains in my city (known as Fry's and Safeway here). If they merge, their only real competition left is Walmart.

That said, I wouldn't be surprised if they haven't secretly merged decades ago already. Their products, prices, and branding are nearly identical. Even the commercials they play over the store speakers are the same.

Surely this merger is different from all the other ones where corporations lied their asses off then jacked up prices after the merger went through, right?

I’ve got three grocery stores near my house. One is owned by Kroger and two by Albertsons. I hate to think what would happen if there were zero effective competition.

Kroger: 2,750 stores in 35 states and the District of Columbia
Albertsons: 2,273 stores in 34 states
Total: 5,023 stores. Presumably some would close due to proximity after the merger.

Walmart: 5,214 stores in the 50 states, DC, and Puerto Rico

I smell a break up!!!

I'd love to see it but this isn't the best comparison. The total number of stores aren't what makes a company a monopoly, it's the ratio of one company's market share versus its competitors.

Very rare pro-consumer W

As a Canadian, what’s it like?

It’s like walking out of a doctor's office without thousands of dollars in debt… I assume.

Very rare pro-consumer W

Is it though? I fear that all this will do is allow WalMart to clobber them individually then take over their market share. A&K combined are already smaller than Wally World. (13% vs 22%). It would actually be more helpful to the grocery market if they forced Walmart to divest, what their doing with this is likely to end up with Walmart taking it all.

I actually agree. They're targeting the smaller fish in "big business " when they should be focusing on Walmart amazon google and the like

Albertsons has been buying up competitors for a while.

Kroger has a few too:

They turned Pavilions from a nice store to another dingy grocery. I can’t imagine this going through would be good for consumers. Many neighborhoods only have access to 2 stores at best, and I suspect most are already owned by the same parent. A merger would further turn this into a monopoly.

Hell I'm in Seattle and my walkable area (about 2 mile radius for me) would be reduced to this mega corp, Amazon, and a couple Asian marts. I've got two corner stores nearby but their produce is usually not great and mostly they have snacks and microwavables. I suspect smaller towns or less bustling neighborhoods could easily be reduced to just this super chain and nowhere else

My 2nd closest grocery store is a 40 minute drive, and it’s a Walmart.

Awesome. While we're at it let's sue Kroger/Smith's for the absolute eyesore that is the hideous playmobil-lookin 3D people in their ads. The design is so bad it's a public nuisance. Lol

That and their excessive use of Flo Rida'"Low" in their radio ads.

Two of the major chains in my area merged a while back and they were required to close down a few of their stores to prevent having a monopoly.

So of course they closed the stores that were under-performing, which just means they closed the ones in poor neighborhoods.

They still owned or kept the leases to the buildings and sub-leased them out with the stipulation that any business taking them over could not carry groceries.

Not only are the people in those areas having to drive a lot further (or spend more time on public transit), but a lot the surrounding businesses to the stores that closed down ended up going out of business themselves.

There's at least one nearly abandoned mini-small, shopping plaza in town due to this.

Wow never realized it but same. Clemens and Acme went under, then Superfresh. All those shopping centers are still empty or near barren and that was like well over a decade for those to go under